How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

Bonus request mail

Content manager and career expert your letter should comprise the following structure:

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How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

How to write a bonus request letter (with samples)

  • How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

Content manager and career expert

How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

Every employee reaches the point where they want to ask their manager for a well-deserved bonus. You’ve brought in thousands this year, went above and beyond your job description and targets and spent endless hours working overtime to ensure all the extra projects you were given ran smoothly. But how do you go about asking for a bonus? Talking about money is never easy, and at times not appropriate. Yet to ensure you get what you deserve you need to muster up the courage and talk about your earnings.

What should you include in your bonus request letter? Follow this in-depth guide to find out tips and tricks and more importantly how to format your bonus request letter to ensure you get the financial appreciation that you deserve.

The structure of a bonus request letter

As with any formal letter in the workplace, you need to abide by some formatting rules, in order to to ensure that it's readable and professional.

Your letter should comprise the following structure:

  • Sender’s address: start by typing your address at the top right-hand corner of the page. In american english, the sender's address can sometimes be found in the top left corner.

  • Date: leave a few lines and then write the date below the letterhead – skip this part if your request is via email.

  • Subject: if you’re sending your letter via email you may be contemplating over the subject. There’s no need to be extravagant here - you can simply write “bonus request”.

  • On-arrival notices (optional): if you want to include a notation that the letter is personal, you can do. Ensure that it’s written in uppercase. E.G. PERSONAL or CONFIDENTIAL.

  • Inside address: your company’s address should be written a few lines below the above- again if it’s via email, skip this step.

  • Salutation: as this is a formal letter make sure you address the reader appropriately – even if you're pals with the boss. You could open with ‘dear jane’ or ‘dear ms smith’.

  • Opening paragraph: start your letter with the reason for your request and the amount of bonus you think you are entitled to.

  • Body: give solid facts and reasons as to why you deserve the bonus. This could include unpaid overtime, an impressive sales record, or a stellar yearly performance; alternatively, maybe you simply didn’t receive your annual bonus when your co-workers did.

  • Final paragraph: finish your letter by sharing your gratitude and appreciation for the company, just to ensure it ends on a positive note and does not come across as a demand, but rather a question. It doesn’t harm to ask, right?

  • Closing: avoid closing with a simple ‘thanks’ and instead choose a more professional ending such as ‘kind regards’ or ‘yours sincerely’.

  • Your name and signature: A letter isn’t complete without your name and signature. If you’re handing in a printed letter, opt for a hand-written signature. If you’re sending an email, simply type your name, followed by your contact information.

Tips to follow to ask for a bonus

When it comes to talking to your manager about a sensitive topic like pay, you should always be cautious. Follow the below tips to ensure you’re taking the correct measures when approaching this tricky subject:

  • Speak to your boss first: if you have a good relationship with your boss, approach this topic in person first (you can take your letter with you if you like). Make sure that your tone is subtle, leave the negativity at home and focus on your hard-work and achievements - ideally with a few specific examples to hand. It’s always good to ask for more responsibilities at this time, too, to show that you are dedicated to the company.

  • Play it cool: it’s important not to rely on your bonus as part of your needed income as it’s not a guarantee; avoid telling your manager how you were depending on this money. Remain cool and collected throughout the conversation. If your request is rejected – ask what you can do to get a bonus the next time around.

  • Don’t be pushy: as mentioned above, keep in mind that you are asking for a bonus; not demanding one. If you are too insisting; you may get your bosses back up when it comes to the next round of bonus payouts.

Sample templates

Whether it’s for a general sense of appreciation, or because you have a specific reason (such as spending many hours working overtime on a successful project), we’ve put together a few different templates that you can use when requesting a bonus:

Bonus request mail

If an employee has done more than what is expected, or they have went out of their way to do an exceptional job, then asking for a bonus is a reasonable request. This is not a raise, the bonus request letter is for something that is above and beyond the call of duty.

​an employee usually has a financial need to ask for a bonus, or they feel that they have a legitimate reason. Regardless of the motivation, the best way to request an increase or bonus is in a letter.

​the letter should be formal in nature, and it should be addressed to the main supervisor. Start with the date, full address of the company, and send it to the attention of whomever can approve or deny this request.

Address them directly, like “dear mr. Smith” rather than using the first name alone. A supervisor should have some respect and addressing them by their first name in a letter of this nature is not appropriate. The only exception would be if the person writing the correspondence has a close bond with the supervisor, and they were on a first name basis. ​

The first paragraph should start out with the request and the rest of the letter needs to provide concrete evidence why this should be granted. If there is a specific amount that is being requested, then there should be some sort of basis for this amount. Prove why this amount is necessary. If it is an extra pay for the period, the employee needs to show why they feel they are deserving of this increase.

Not all people who write this type of letter will get approval. There are many factors that come into play. For instance, the employees’ record, and the type of work they do is a big factor in whether or not this request will be granted. Be specific in the request and make sure it is understood why this increase should be given.​​

second paragraph

Paragraph two should be where a person goes into the details of why this increase is deserved. This is a time when a person can pat themselves on the back a bit. There are many reasons why someone would ask for a bonus, one would be working on a project and not receiving compensation for it.

​salary employees can be required to work as many hours as a company needs, whenever they need it. However, when an hourly employee takes work home or is working off the clock, they should be reimbursed for the extra time they have devoted. Here is a sample of a bonus request letter for someone who has done beyond what their normal job entails. It is just an example of one style of letter. ​ ​​

Bonus request letter sample

Carmichael company
9095 sycamore blvd.
Motor city, IN 85698
attn: jamie smith

I am writing to request a bonus for my recent work in a project for the companies HR department. The billboards designed were done on my own time and to help resolve employee shortages. By reviewing my personnel record, you will see that I am an hourly employee, not salary.

I logged over 50 hours of extra work on this project, all of which I have not been reimbursed for. While I don’t mind helping out a bit with projects and extra assignments, my hours have exceeded an acceptable amount of time to donate without payment.

Because of the shortages at the company, many people are working overtime and longer hours. I knew how import it was, to make sure that these signs were done, so HR can begin to promote our company at job fairs. I know that salary employees don’t have a say, but I am hourly and I have not been compensated for all this extra time.

​after working more than weeks’ worth of extra time to help the company out, I feel that I should be reimbursed. I have been with the company for a long time, 12 years to be exact. I have never had a write-up, an occurrence or anything. I have devoted myself to this company and always made sure that the best interests of carmichael company was protected.

My normal salary is $1,050 a week, or $26.25 an hour. I worked an additional 10 hours over a normal workweek, and at time and a half, that would be $328.12. The materials I spent on this project were $798.29. This includes signage, paints, paintbrushes and other misc. Items. I am requesting a total of $2176.41 to cover my time and expenses. I look forward to discussing this with you soon. I can be reached by phone anytime at 740-895-5987.


Sample format of application letter for bonus request. Can be used by people who want to apply for getting bonus from the company, either they have completed their probationary training period, or permanent employees who want to ask for early bonus or those employee who left the job and want to get unclaimed bonus from company can be used according to your need. Simple written applications for bonus request.

Application for eid bonus

The human resource manager,
ABC company.

Subject: application for eid bonus

respectfully, it is stated that I am sohail ali, providing my services to this organization since 3 years as an accountant. It is requested that as eid bonus is provided to every employee (excluding employees on probationary period) according to company policy. It is to inform you that I have to arrange a function of my daughter during ramadan. For the expenses, I would be obliged if you will kindly provide me eid bonus, earlier. It would be such a huge favor for me.

I shall be grateful to you.

Application for annual bonus

The finance manager,
ABC company.

Subject: application for bonus

Respected sir,
it is stated that I am sadia akhtar, working in this company as a junior accountant. It is to inform you that I was on leaves allocated to me the last month march-2014. At that time, employee bonus was provided to staff. I was unable to get that at that time. I request you to kindly provide me annual bonus now, as I am back to office. I shall be thankful to you in this regard.

Sadia akhtar,
junior accountant.

Application for bonus request

The marketing manager,
ABC company.

Subject: application for bonus request

respectfully, it is stated that I am sumbal hayat, working in this esteemed organization as a sales officer since last year. I want to say that, each employee of the organization is able to apply for getting bonus after the training period is over. I have completed my probationary period, and being a permanent employee I want to apply for the employee bonus. As, I need it for my personal home use. Kindly, permit it. I shall be grateful to you for this.

Sumbal hayat
sales officer.

Application for unclaimed bonus

The director finance.
Dunya foundation

Subject: requesting for unclaimed bonus

I am writing to request you for my unclaimed bonus from your company which I was employed in administration department from (date started to date finished). Sir. As u know I was the good employee of your company and my previous work record was excellent suddenly, I was shifted islamabad with my family. I would appreciate it if you could still grant my request . If you require any further details in this regard, please contact me back.

Asad khan
X- employee
cell no: 0300-412345

Sample application for issuing annual bonus

manager human resource dept.
(company name)

It is strongly request you to kindly allocate me annual bonus as per company policy. I am serving your esteem organization since last one & half year ( joining date) and, it is company policy to give annual bonus to every employee who has worked at least one year. My performance is going very well and, I am punctual to fulfill my all tasks.

My working period is (working period i.E months/year) kindly consider my request because, I have urgent need at my home. I shall be very grateful to you if you allot me annual bonus as per company policy.

Bonus letter

Last updated on january 13, 2020 by letter writing leave a comment

A bonus letter is a letter written by an employer to an employee to let him/her know about the good news of giving a bonus to work and the efforts taken by the employee in handling all the jobs that were entrusted to them. The bonus given by the employer will, however, depend on the position of hierarchy of the employer.

The bonus payout may also vary from company to company, in the sense that some of the companies might have a bonus payout every quarter of a month or else for every month. And for some other companies, it may be paid or yearly half-yearly. Thus it entirely depends on the company and your designation of work.

All the details about the bonus must be mentioned in the bonus letter to avoid further future confusions and misunderstandings. This letter important not only from information giving information to the employee about the bonus details but is also very much useful when the employee’s increments are worked upon later.

Bonus letter writing tips:

  • It should always be on the company’s letterhead to give it that formal official effect

  • It should have the complete name of the employee for whom it is meant. There could be two employees with the same initials

  • It should highlight the reason for which the bonus is being released

  • The bonus letter should indicate the exact amount of payout and the month in which it will be given

  • It should be a motivational letter to ensure that the employee keeps thriving to achieve more

  • A copy of that letter should be put up on the staff notice board so that other employees are aware of ‘the employee’ and they too are motivated to give similar achievements

  • A copy of the letter also needs to go into the employees’ file for all future references by existing and forthcoming superiors

Bonus letter template


Date: _____ (date on which letter is written)


Subject: bonus payout for quarter ending _________ (what is financial quarter for which bonus is offered)

It is the quarterly bonus payout time, a time that everyone eagerly looks forward to.

Congratulations! You will be pleased to know that your rating for the quarter ending was _________ (what is the specified rating as per company’s policy). Therefore, the payout for you based on the rating is rs ________ (what is the payout amount offered)

The details are attached for your reference to enable you to understand the calculations. You are most welcome to contact the HR department to seek any clarification.

We hope to see more of such ratings from you and wish you all the best for all your efforts with us.

name and signature

Bonus letter sample, email and example/format


Mathews adarsh,
DEO company,

Annie joy,
DEO company,

Subject: bonus payout for the quarter ending

It is the quarterly bonus time, a time that everyone eagerly looks forward to.

Congratulations! You will be thrilled to know that your rating for the quarter ending was 4/5. Therefore the payout due to your basis that rating is rs. 10,000.

The details are attached for your reference to enable you to understand the calculations. You are most welcome to contact the HR department if, in any case , you have clarifications regarding the same.

We hope to see more of such ratings from you and wish you all the best for all your efforts with us.

Email format

The following is an email format that must be followed while writing a bonus letter.

To: name@email.Com
from: name@email.Com
SUBJECT: bonus payout for the quarter ending

It is the quarterly bonus time, a time that everyone eagerly looks forward to.

Congratulations! You will be pleased to know that your rating for the quarter ending was 4/5. Therefore the payout due to your basis that rating is rs. 10,000.

The details are attached for your reference to enable you to understand the calculations. You are most welcome to contact the HR department if, in any case , you have clarifications regarding the same.

We hope to see more of such ratings from you and wish you all the best for all your efforts with us.

Christmas bonus letter

Christmas is one of the most celebrated and special times of the year for most people. Many companies give a bonus and holidays for a few days during christmas to enjoy with their family. How do you announce the news of a bonus to your employees? The best way is to write a christmas bonus letter to the employees that will motivate them considerably.

Begin the letter by appreciating the employees for the work they have done and the success that the company has achieved because of their hard work. After the appreciation, formally announce the bonus that they will get and greetings for the sacred festival. The bonus that the company pays differs, and it can be half-yearly or yearly.

A christmas bonus letter is the letter that is officially sent to the employees to inform them about the bonus he or she has received and essential details. Below mentioned is the sample and template to help you write the letter.


  • You should write the letter in a way that helps you make a positive connection with the employees and that it makes them feel great.

  • Write a letter in a positive tone. Make sure you do not write a lengthy letter and also do not exaggerate.

  • Do not include any unnecessary information in the letter that does not serve any purpose.

  • Make use of straightforward and easy language in the letter so that the reader can find it simple to understand your purpose of writing a letter. Using flowery language will not make you look sincere.

  • Don’t go excessively flattery.


Use our free university acceptance letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples, check out some of the sample letters below.

From (sender’s name and address)

Date: _____ (date on which letter is written)

Subject: christmas bonus letter

We are very well aware of the hard work and dedication taht you all have put in the projects. On behalf of the company, I would like to appreciate each one of you. Having successfuly completed every project before time, our clients are very ahppy with us and the company is proud is of its employees.

The ongoing project is on the verge of completion, and we are happy with the progress. The company owes this successful year to each of you, and to show our appreciation, we have decided to give you all christmas bonuses. The bonus is entitled to each one of you because you are a part of the family.

We wish all of you and your families a very merry christmas. Enjoy your time off; you deserve it!


Our company is once again celebrating the christmas season and spreading holiday cheer to all. I would like to appreciate all of you at this opportune time. Having realized our goals and aimed for the year now is the time we can all sit back and enjoy the holiday season with our families.

The company extends its heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your diligence and excellent performance. You all have made a significant contribution to the team and have helped the company exceed its goals for the year.

We hope you continue to enjoy working with us as much as we enjoy working with you. Our company continues to aim for excellence, and we know that your services will be a vital part of this effort. KBC company knows that the real value of the business lies not in its stocks but in the employees who work for it.

We hope the next year brings both good fortune and more blessings to you and your family.


The following is the email format to be followed for the christmas bonus letter.

SUBJECT: christmas bonus letter.

Christmas and new year greetings to all of you!

I am happy to announce that you all are entitled to the christmas bonus that you will receive in the second week of december. Usually, the company gives out bonuses during the third week of december. Still, this time the board of members has decided to give earlier so that everyone can start with the christmas preparations.

We are aware of the hard work and dedication that each employee has put in to make the company successful. We hope that this simple measure would make you all happy.

We wish a very merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you and your families.

Application for bonus request

Request letter to drawings & discussing officer for recovery of double bonus from salary. Bonus request letter to employer. Application for bonus after resignation. Application for bonus request. Application for bonus payment

Sample letter for bonus claim

Bonus request letter to employer

Subject: bonus encashment request and recovery from salary issue

Most respectfully it is stated that last month establishment has announced the two month salary in bonus for the employees. I have submitted my request to draw the bonus but your clerk has intimated me about the request to be processed as the advance salary encashment. I want this office to make clear the status of my double bonus and why there is a delay in credit of my bonus to the office account. Kindly verify my account number XZTRG032 and make process towards the encashment of my bonus urgently please.

Application for bonus request

general manager,
BVCPS pakistan
dear sir,
on behalf of the reporting team, I request you to award bonus for the entire time since they have worked very hard throughout the year and achieved monthly & annual targets set by the management. My team has also worked late hours, in night shifts and on sundays to meet the target without overtime or any extra money & remuneration.
Awarding bonus will be a very good appreciation for the team anf also for myself to take along all the employees for the coming year and for fulfilment of company’s targets & goals
warm regards
fahad faraz
(assist manager operation)

Application for release of bonus against sales target

Refer to our year 2017 sales target policy I am pleased to inform you that I have sold my sales targets set by the company for year 2017.

As per our company sales policy my early target achieving for current year a bonus of amount rs 5000/= is due at company’s end. So it is humble request to please release my bonus amount and provide me sales target for remaining month of year 2017.

Writing a bonus request letter [with sample]

A bonus letter is something that most people are excited to receive. With many companies tightening their belts, bonuses are becoming a rarity and not part of a standard compensation package. However, there are times in a career when it may be pertinent to ask for a bonus .

How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

If an employee has done more than what is expected, or they have went out of their way to do an exceptional job, then asking for a bonus is a reasonable request. This is not a raise, the bonus request letter is for something that is above and beyond the call of duty.

Legitimate reason

An employee usually has a financial need to ask for a bonus, or they feel that they have a legitimate reason.

Regardless of the motivation, the best way to request an increase or bonus is in a letter. The letter should be formal in nature, and it should be addressed to the main supervisor.

Start with the date, full address of the company, and send it to the attention of whomever can approve or deny this request. Address them directly, like “dear mr. Smith” rather than using the first name alone.

A supervisor should have some respect and addressing them by their first name in a letter of this nature is not appropriate.

The only exception would be if the person writing the correspondence has a close bond with the supervisor, and they were on a first name basis.

First paragraph

The first paragraph should start out with the request and the rest of the letter needs to provide concrete evidence why this should be granted.

If there is a specific amount that is being requested, then there should be some sort of basis for this amount. Prove why this amount is necessary.

If it is an extra pay for the period, the employee needs to show why they feel they are deserving of this increase. Not all people who write this type of letter will get approval. There are many factors that come into play.

For instance, the employees’ record, and the type of work they do is a big factor in whether or not this request will be granted. Be specific in the request and make sure it is understood why this increase should be given.

Second paragraph

Paragraph two should be where a person goes into the details of why this increase is deserved. This is a time when a person can pat themselves on the back a bit.

There are many reasons why someone would ask for a bonus, one would be working on a project and not receiving compensation for it.

Salary employees can be required to work as many hours as a company needs, whenever they need it. However, when an hourly employee takes work home or is working off the clock, they should be reimbursed for the extra time they have devoted.

Here are samples of a bonus request letter for someone who has done beyond what their normal job entails. It is just an example of one style of letter.

Sample 1 – bonus request letter

Carmichael company
9095 sycamore blvd.
Motor city, IN 85698
attn: jamie smith

I am writing to request a bonus for my recent work in a project for the companies HR department. The billboards designed were done on my own time and to help resolve employee shortages.

By reviewing my personnel record, you will see that I am an hourly employee, not salary. I logged over 50 hours of extra work on this project, all of which I have not been reimbursed for.

While I don’t mind helping out a bit with projects and extra assignments, my hours have exceeded an acceptable amount of time to donate without payment.

Because of the shortages at the company, many people are working overtime and longer hours. I knew how import it was, to make sure that these signs were done, so HR can begin to promote our company at job fairs.

I know that salary employees don’t have a say, but I am hourly and I have not been compensated for all this extra time.

After working more than weeks’ worth of extra time to help the company out, I feel that I should be reimbursed. I have been with the company for a long time, 12 years to be exact.

I have never had a write-up, an occurrence or anything. I have devoted myself to this company and always made sure that the best interests of carmichael company was protected.

My normal salary is $1,050 a week, or $26.25 an hour. I worked an additional 10 hours over a normal workweek, and at time and a half, that would be $328.12. The materials I spent on this project were $798.29.

This includes signage, paints, paintbrushes and other misc. Items. I am requesting a total of $2176.41 to cover my time and expenses. I look forward to discussing this with you soon. I can be reached by phone anytime at 755-895-5987.

Sample 2 – bonus request letter

I have been an employee of G.A.L. Corporation for 14 years. I have proudly served as the head accountant and made sure to meticulously watch the books. It has come to my attention that my salary is not sufficient for the amount of work that I am required to do.

I look forward to speaking with you in person regarding this matter.

Sample announcement of bonus letter

Last updated on january 6, 2020 by letter writing leave a comment

The announcement of a bonus letter is sent when a company wants to declare a bonus to the staff. The bonus is the reward that is paid to the employees for good work.

The company usually declares the bonus when it gains the right amount of profit. It is an act of approving the hard work of the employees and encouraging them. It helps in improving the morale and desire of the employees to work hard.

In this letter, the employer thanks their staff for their hard work, dedication, and the support given. This letter can be written informally. No professional language has to be used even though it is an official letter.

The appreciation bonus letter to an employee should be put into words that can inspire the employees and make them feel special. Here are some unique tips with sample letters and email formats to help you write an awesome annual performance bonus letter to the employee from the employer.

Sample announcement of bonus letter writing tips

  • Write about the profit that the company has made. Also, write that you hope to get much better in the coming year too.

  • Give thanks to the staff. Write that they all contribute to great success. Write that the hard work of the staff has worked out.

  • Write the exact percent of share. Also, write that they are going to get their share. Write that you hope that they are happy with the share.

  • Write the letter in a very simple language. Do not use a professional tone.

Sample announcement of bonus letter template

Use our free sample announcement of bonus letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples, check out some of the sample letters below.



Subject: __________(mention the purpose)

I am ____________ (name) writing this letter to you to make you aware of the bonus declared. This year the company has made a very good profit, and you all have contributed a lot. We always give the share of profit to all our customers and hence this year we announce ___ bonus(mention the amount) to you.

I hope you all are pleased to hear about this. Hope you give the same co-operation shortly. You will get this amount along with your salary this month. This was all because of you, and your contribution surely counts.

I once again congratulate all of you and hope you will work better and better every year, and we keep progressing like this every year.

Sample letter

jitendra jain,
scalium digital media,

the staff,
scalium digital media,

Subject – sample announcement of bonus letters.

We are pleased to declare that this year the company has recorded a first-time growth rate and a record-breaking net profit. This year our success graph has risen upward direction.

As we have a strategy to share our victory with all the staff members, we have declared a bonus package of 10% drawn by the concerned. The amount will be given along with the salary in his month. All this success was not possible without you, and we know that you have worked very hard to achieve this success.

We congratulate you all on this juncture and hope we will make more progress every year. I hope you are happy to receive your share.

name and designation

Email format

This is the sample format of writing a letter of an announcement of a bonus.

To: name@email.Com
from: name@email.Com
subject: the announcement of bonus

Dear group leaders, staff, and concerned members,

We are pleased to announce that the company has registered an unprecedented growth rate, and the net profit earned in this quarter was far beyond the expectation. Hence with our policy of sharing the success with every employee, we announce a bonus package of 5% on the current salary taken by the concerned. The amount will be paid the salary for this month.

The success of the company wouldn’t have been possible without the contribution of every individual. We congratulate you all on this occasion and hope that every one of you will work with the same enthusiasm in the future also.

Sample letter requesting a pay raise

How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

Nervous about asking for a pay raise? Putting your request in writing might make it easier. A written request gives you a chance to pitch the reasons why you’re worth more than what you’re currently getting paid, without stammering over your choice of words.

Is it really OK to negotiate salary by email or letter?

Some career experts will tell you that in-person is the only way to go when it comes to negotiating a pay raise. That’s not necessarily the case.

Many (if not most) people are uncomfortable talking about salary. This is true for both the people in charge of giving out raises and the people hoping to receive them. In fact, data collected for payscale’s salary negotiation guide showed that only 43 percent of respondents had ever negotiated salary in their current field. Twenty-eight percent of folks who didn’t ask for a raise listed discomfort talking about salary as their reason for holding back.

Making the request in writing helps ease any discomfort you or your boss might feel. It gives your manager a chance to consider your request before he or she responds.

Sending a written request avoids putting your supervisor on the spot, and it can pave the way for a discussion about your wages and a potential increase.

It also gives you the chance to do your homework and make your request as smoothly as possible.

No need to worry about forgetting what you want to say or stumbling over the words when you can write it all down.

In addition, your letter provides formal documentation of your request for a pay increase. It’s always best to have a paper trail for important business communications. Unlike a verbal conversation, a letter requesting a pay raise documents exactly what you’ve asked and how you’ve asked it.

What to include in your letter or email message

Before you even begin writing your letter, make sure that your salary request is reasonable. Conduct salary research to determine the appropriate range for your position, experience, and accomplishments. Remember that the goal is to show that you deserve a raise – that you’ve earned it and that it’s in line with the market for your skills, experience, and job title.

Once you’ve determined an appropriate range, it’s time to build your case.

It’s crucial to be specific when you’re asking for a salary increase. Quantify your accomplishments and achievements whenever possible.

Don’t expect your manager to know everything you’ve done on the job. (in fact, as an ongoing practice, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of writing down everything you accomplish on a daily or weekly basis, so that you can refer to your achievements at review time or when you’re asking for a raise.)

Take the time to spell it out for them so they can clearly see why you may warrant a raise. This also provides support for your request if your manager needs to get approval from their boss or from the human resources department. The more solid information you can provide, the more likely you are to get the increase you’re asking for.

Sample letter requesting a raise

This is a raise request letter example. Download the letter template for requesting a raise (compatible with google docs and word online) or see below for more examples.

How to Write a Bonus Request Letter (With Samples), bonus request mail.

Sample letter requesting a raise (text version)

I have greatly enjoyed working at XYZ sales company for the past three years. In those years, I have become an integral member of the sales team, and have developed innovative ways to contribute to the company.

For example, in the past year alone, I have achieved the following goals:

  • Highest-ranking salesperson in customer satisfaction last quarter

  • Brought two new high-profile clients to the company, increasing total company sales revenue by 10%

  • Voluntarily trained incoming sales staff, totaling 80 hours of voluntary service

I believe I have gone above and beyond the benchmarks we set for my position when I arrived at the company three years ago.

I would therefore appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss increasing my salary so that it is commensurate with my current performance. I request a pay raise of 6%, which I believe reflects both my current competencies and industry averages.

Once again, I am grateful to be a member of this organization, and I enjoy taking on assignments that allow me to contribute to the company.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Sample email letter requesting a pay raise

Subject line: george smith – meeting request

Now that the XYZ project is in the rear view and we’re all settling back into our regular routines, I wanted to drop you a line to ask if we can have a meeting to discuss my compensation.

As you know, I started at ABC corp two years ago as an intern and came on board at a salary that was slightly low in the pay band, with the understanding that we would revisit my pay at review time. Since then, of course, we’ve all been too busy to think much about anything but hitting our deadlines.

I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to start my career with mentors like you and jack, and to continue to learn in a company that’s growing so fast. Over the past two years, I’ve gladly assumed many hats, including lead on our latest project. In addition, I’ve always exceeded my own goals without missing a single deadline. I’ve also continued developing my skillset, taking classes in UX design.

My research indicates that a raise of 10% would be appropriate. I’d love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss in person.

George smith
junior graphic designer
ABC corp
47 paper street, suite 221
lansing, michigan 48864

How to send your letter via email

Most offices rely on email for written communication. If you send your request for a raise via email, the bulk of your letter will be the same as in a hard copy. There are, however, some small differences to keep in mind:

  • Omit the paragraphs with your address and your manager’s address.

  • Choose an appropriate subject line, e.G. “your name - request.”

  • Keep your note concise and to the point.

  • Proofread your letter and send yourself a test copy, to make sure that your formatting comes out the way you intended. Only when you’re sure that everything is correct should you send it to your manager.

The bottom line

IN MANY CASES, IT’S OK TO NEGOTIATE IN WRITING: research shows that many people are uncomfortable discussing money. Your boss may welcome the chance to consider your request ahead of time.

DO YOUR RESEARCH PRIOR TO NEGOTIATING SALARY: conduct salary research to set a pay range that’s based on your experience, skills, education, and location.

GIVE YOUR MANAGER REASON TO SUPPORT YOUR REQUEST: list and quantify your accomplishments, paying particular attention to goals exceeded and money saved or earned.


Sample easy format of bonus request. These templates can be used by people who want to apply for getting bonus from the company.

Application for asking diwali bonus

With due reverence, I am writing to request for diwali bonus. It is the time of the year for diwali bonus for employees. The occasion is just in couple of days and we have not received any e-mail of diwali bonus from the company yet. We all are anxiously waiting for diwali bonus.
As you are very well aware that diwali is just not the name of festival but it brings the change of environment and happiness. Therefore, it is very important for us to meet and greet all the family members which in one way or another increases the spending. Therefore, please grant us diwali bonus as soon as possible.

Sample easy format for diwali bonus

I am happy to know the huge success of company this year. Our company has made huge profit this year which has been possible due to uncountable efforts of the employees. All team leaders have worked very hard so the projects could be pitched on time with success. I am very delighted by the news because our hard work paid off. I have a request to make at this good time for company. As you are familiar that diwali festival is approaching soon, therefore, it
would be very easy for all of the employees to receive diwali bonus at the end of the year. Thank you.

Diwali bonus request from employee

As the holiday season is approaching and final projects are winding up on allocated times, it is my privilege to be working with such a potential and sharp team that we managed to finish the final project before holiday in confined time and budget. I have always demonstrated my full potential at work. Therefore, I believe that it would be right time to ask for diwali bonus. It has been a very good year for company as it had managed to take many clients. So, hereby, diwali brings more delightedness in the atmosphere. I would be very glad if you grant me diwali bonus on the basis of occasion and also considering my efforts.

So, let's see, what we have: have you been working hard and feel you are due a bonus? Read our guide and learn how to write a professional bonus request letter for your efforts. At bonus request mail

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