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Финансовый спред-беттинг доступен только клиентам OANDA europe ltd, являющимся резидентами соединенного королевства или республики ирландия.

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Forex email list, forex email list.

Forex email list, forex email list.

Контракты на разницу, функции хеджирования МТ4 и кредитное плечо свыше 50:1 недоступны для резидентов соединенных штатов америки. Информация на этом сайте не предназначена для жителей стран, в которых ее распространение или использование любым лицом противоречит местным законам и правилам. Могу ли я использовать свои учетную запись и пароль для подписки на API данных о курсах валют для входа на страницу исторических валютных курсов?


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Чем курсы OANDA отличаются от других источников данных?

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Вопросы и ответы

Могу ли я перевести средства со своего банковского счета или карты?

Из каких стран я могу переводить средства?

Сколько времени уходит на перевод средств?


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Вопросы и ответы

Чтобы получить доступ к заявке на данные об исторических валютных курсах, моей компании необходимо несколько мест. Есть ли у вас приемлемое решение для такой ситуации?

Да, есть. Напишите нам по адресу fxdata@oanda.Com и предоставьте следующую информацию:

Как вы намерены использовать данные об исторических валютных курсах;
количество счетов (мест), необходимое вашей компании.

Есть ли возможность одновременно выбрать и сравнить более 5 котируемых валют?

Почему я не могу загрузить данные об исторических валютных курсах?

Почему я не могу загрузить данные об исторических валютных курсах?

Могу ли я использовать свои учетную запись и пароль для подписки на API данных о курсах валют для входа на страницу исторических валютных курсов?

Почему я не могу загрузить данные об исторических валютных курсах?


(24 часа в сутки 7 дней в неделю)

Запросы о премиум-счете исторических валютных курсов

Запросы о нескольких счетах исторических валютных курсов



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© 1996 - 2020 OANDA corporation. Все права защищены. Товарные знаки OANDA, fxtrade и семейство товарных знаков fx принадлежат OANDA corporation. Все прочие товарные знаки, представленные на этом сайте, являются собственностью соответствующих владельцев.

Торговля контрактами на иностранную валюту или иными внебиржевыми продуктами с использованием маржи и кредитного плеча влечет высокие риски и подходит не всем инвесторам. Рекомендуем вам тщательно оценить, подходят ли вам такие торговые операции с учетом ваших личных обстоятельств. Ваши убытки могут превысить объем ваших инвестиций. Информация, приведенная на данном сайте, носит общий характер. Рекомендуем вам до начала торговли обратиться за помощью к независимым консультантам и убедиться, что вы полностью понимаете все сопутствующие риски. Торговля посредством онлайн-платформы влечет дополнительные риски. См. Раздел «правовые вопросы» здесь.

Финансовый спред-беттинг доступен только клиентам OANDA europe ltd, являющимся резидентами соединенного королевства или республики ирландия. Контракты на разницу, функции хеджирования МТ4 и кредитное плечо свыше 50:1 недоступны для резидентов соединенных штатов америки. Информация на этом сайте не предназначена для жителей стран, в которых ее распространение или использование любым лицом противоречит местным законам и правилам.

Счета в OANDA (canada) corporation ULC может открыть любое лицо с банковским счетом в канаде. Регулирование деятельности OANDA (canada) corporation ULC осуществляет организация по регулированию инвестиционной отрасли канады (IIROC), а счета клиентов страхуются в пределах указанных лимитов канадским фондом защиты инвесторов. Брошюра с описанием сущности и лимитов страхового покрытия доступна по запросу или по адресу www.Cipf.Ca.

Деятельность OANDA australia pty ltd регулируется австралийской комиссией по ценным бумагам и инвестициям (ASIC) (рег. Номер ABN 26 152 088 349, рег. Номер AFSL 412981). Компания является поставщиком и эмитентом продуктов и (или) услуг, представленных на данном сайте. Перед принятием любых решений о финансовых инвестициях настоятельно рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с текущими версиями руководства по финансовым услугам (FSG), заявления о раскрытии информации о продуктах ('PDS'), условий открытия и ведения счета и другими документами OANDA. Указанные документы можно найти здесь.

OANDA corporation — уполномоченный посредник в срочных биржевых операциях и валютный дилер, зарегистрированный комиссией по торговле товарными фьючерсами; член национальной фьючерсной ассоциации, рег. № 0325821. В необходимых случаях см. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ НФА ДЛЯ ИНВЕСТОРОВ НА РЫНКЕ ФОРЕКС.

Компания с ограниченной ответственностью OANDA europe limited зарегистрирована в англии, регистрационный номер 7110087, юридический адрес: tower 42, floor 9a, 25 old broad st, london EC2N 1HQ. Деятельность компании лицензирована и регулируется управлением финансового надзора, лицензия № 542574.

OANDA japan co., ltd. — первый директор по операциям с финансовыми инструментами типа kanto local financial bureau (kin-sho), рег. № 2137; член ассоциации финансовых фьючерсов, рег. № 1571.

OANDA asia pacific pte ltd (рег. № 200704926K) имеет лицензию на оказание услуг на рынках капиталов, выданную валютным управлением сингапура, а также лицензию комитета по развитию международной торговли сингапура (IE singapore).

OANDA europe markets limited - компания, зарегистрированная на мальте под номером C 95813, и ее зарегистрированный офис находится по адресу олд бэйкери стрит, 171, валетта. Она уполномочена и регулируется управлением по финансовым услугам мальты как держатель лицензии на инвестиционные услуги категории 3 для предоставления услуг резидентам европейского союза.

How to spot a forex scam

The spot forex market traded over $6.6 trillion a day as of april 2019, including currency options and futures contracts.   with this enormous amount of money floating around in an unregulated spot market that trades instantly, over the counter, with no accountability, forex scams offer unscrupulous operators the lure of earning fortunes in limited amounts of time. While many once-popular scams have ceased—thanks to serious enforcement actions by the commodity futures trading commission (CFTC) and the 1982 formation of the self-regulatory national futures association (NFA)—some old scams linger, and new ones keep popping up.  

Back in the day: the point-spread scam

An old point-spread forex scam was based on computer manipulation of bid-ask spreads. The point spread between the bid and ask basically reflects the commission of a back-and-forth transaction processed through a broker. These spreads typically differ between currency pairs. The scam occurs when those point spreads differ widely among brokers.

Key takeaways

  • Many scams in the forex market are no longer as pervasive due to tighter regulations, but some problems still exist.

  • One shady practice is when forex brokers offer wide bid-ask spreads on certain currency pairs, making it more difficult to earn profits on trades.

  • Be careful of any offshore, unregulated broker.

  • Individuals and companies that market systems—like signal sellers or robot trading—sometimes sell products that are not tested and do not yield profitable results.

  • If the forex broker is commingling funds or limiting customer withdrawals, it could be an indicator that something fishy is going on.

For instance, some brokers do not offer the normal two-point to three-point spread in the EUR/USD but spreads of seven pips or more. (A pip is the smallest price move that a given exchange rate makes based on market convention. Since most major currency pairs are priced to four decimal places, the smallest change is that of the last decimal point.) factor in four or more additional pips on every trade, and any potential gains resulting from a good trade can be eaten away by commissions, depending on how the forex broker structures their fees for trading.

This scam has quieted down over the last 10 years, but be careful of any offshore retail brokers that are not regulated by the CFTC, NFA, or their nation of origin. These tendencies still exist, and it’s quite easy for firms to pack up and disappear with the money when confronted with actions. Many saw a jail cell for these computer manipulations. But the majority of violators have historically been united states-based companies, not the offshore ones.

The signal-seller scam

A popular modern-day scam is the signal seller. Signal sellers are retail firms, pooled asset managers, managed account companies, or individual traders that offer a system—for a daily, weekly, or monthly fee—that claims to identify favorable times to buy or sell a currency pair based on professional recommendations that will make anyone wealthy. They tout their long experience and trading abilities, plus testimonials from people who vouch for how great a trader and friend the person is, and the vast wealth that this person has earned for them. All the unsuspecting trader has to do is hand over X amount of dollars for the privilege of trade recommendations.

Many of signal-seller scammers simply collect money from a certain number of traders and disappear. Some will recommend a good trade now and then, to allow the signal money to perpetuate. This new scam is slowly becoming a wider problem. Although there are signal sellers who are honest and perform trade functions as intended, it pays to be skeptical.

"robot" scamming in today’s market

A persistent scam, old and new, presents itself in some types of forex-developed trading systems. These scammers tout their system’s ability to generate automatic trades that, even while you sleep, earn vast wealth. Today, the new terminology is “robot” because the process is fully automated with computers. Either way, many of these systems have never been submitted for formal review or tested by an independent source.

Examination of a forex robot must include the testing of a trading system’s parameters and optimization codes. If the parameters and optimization codes are invalid, the system will generate random buy and sell signals. This will cause unsuspecting traders to do nothing more than gamble. Although tested systems exist on the market, potential forex traders should do some research before putting money into one of these approaches.

Other factors to consider

Traditionally, many trading systems have been quite costly, up to $5,000 or more. This can be viewed as a scam in itself. No trader should pay more than a few hundred dollars for a proper system today. Be especially careful of system sellers who offer programs at exorbitant prices justified by a guarantee of phenomenal results. Instead, look for legitimate sellers whose systems have been properly tested to potentially earn income.

Another persistent problem is the commingling of funds. Without a record of segregated accounts, individuals cannot track the exact performance of their investments. This makes it easier for retail firms to use an investor’s money to pay exorbitant salaries; buy houses, cars, and planes or just disappear with the funds. Section 4D of the commodity futures modernization act of 2000 addressed the issue of fund segregation; what occurs in other nations is a separate issue.  

An important factor to always consider when choosing a broker or a trading system is to be skeptical of promises or promotional material that guarantees a high level of performance.

Other scams and warning signs exist when brokers won’t allow the withdrawal of monies from investor accounts, or when problems exist within the trading platform. For example, can you enter or exit a trade during volatile market action after an economic announcement? If you can’t withdraw money, warning signs should flash. If the trading platform doesn’t operate to your liquidity expectations, warning signs should flash again.

The bottom line

Conduct due diligence on the forex broker you’re considering by going to the background affiliation status information center (BASIC), created by the NFA. Many changes have driven out the crooks and the old scams and legitimized the system for the many good firms. However, always be wary of new forex scams; the temptation and allure of huge profits will always bring new and more sophisticated scammers to this market.


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    Best forex brokers for 2021

    Brokerage companies are scattered all over the world and have many differences in trading conditions, products and services. Some companies are regulated, others are not. Some have been around for decades, others are rather young. Certain brokers work as market makers and have fixed spreads, others provide STP or ECN accounts with direct market access and offer a much larger selection of underlying assets for trading. This site was created to help you find the best forex brokers for your specific needs and requirements. There are several sections and filters in the menu on the left. These can be used to create a custom list of entities with preferable parameters and characteristics. If you find a certain broker you are currently trading with or have used before, feel free to share your experience about it in the comments section meant for forex broker reviews.

    The forex brokerage business has undergone a lot of evolution in the last decade. The global financial crisis of 2008 and the events that happened thereafter have reshaped the industry. At about the same time, new technologies came up and also contributed to the evolution of the forex market and forex brokerage business. It is important for traders to understand what forex brokerage is all about and how it will affect their trading ventures. Before we get to meet the best forex brokers for 2021, it is pertinent to identify the role that forex brokers play in a trader’s career and why it is important to go with a forex broker that can match your circumstances and aspirations.

    Role of forex brokers

    Forex brokers have several roles to play in the market. These roles have also evolved over time, as traders demand a lot more from their trading providers. Forex companies now perform the following roles:

    A) access to the market

    This is the core role of the forex broker. The forex market is a virtual market with no physical location. At the centre of forex market operations is the interbank market, where the big banks offer various currency pairs for sale. Professional and individual traders therefore do not have to proceed to a physical location to trade, but rather have to have a means of accessing the interbank market. They can only gain access to the interbank forex market using software known as platforms. These platforms are provided by the forex brokers. So without the brokers, nobody can get access to the forex interbank market to trade.

    Access can be provided directly using the ECN/STP platforms (also known as direct market access platforms), or indirectly using the market maker platforms that route orders to the broker’s dealing desk. Traders should as much as possible, try to understand the implications of getting direct access to the FX market on one hand, and getting indirect access on the other. The type of access granted will determine factors such as amount of capital to start with, as well as the trading styles and processes to be adopted.

    B) trader education

    This is gradually but surely becoming a very important element of the forex broker’s functions. Research has shown that 90% of retail traders will lose 90% of their accounts in 90 days. This is a well-established market statistic. Majority of the losing traders (if not all) are traders who are uneducated about the market and who do not understand how to trade profitably. These will end falling by the wayside. No broker wants to spend money acquiring clients, only to have them quit the market after decimating their accounts in 90 days. With brokers realizing that such an arrangement is not good for business in the long run, many of them are now investing significantly into trader education. Videos, articles and webinars are the common means by which beginner traders are given an introduction into the forex market.

    C) market research

    Once traders get established on the platforms using trader educational resources, their trading activities can be sustained via the provision of market research tools, analysis and news feeds. Many brokers have incorporated this into their offerings as well. For the trader, this is a good thing.

    Criteria to consider in choosing a forex broker

    The criteria for choosing a forex broker have evolved over the years. While there are still some elements that are critical to the choice and which have remained constant over time, there are other parameters which have emerged and which will be considered below.

    1. Spreads/commissions

    Spreads are the primary cost to the trader. Lower costs mean that the trader will have a chance to retain more profits, or at least reduce the losses that may be incurred. Competitive spreads are now a factor used in broker selection. It may not be immediately obvious how much savings on spreads can translate to, but high volume traders such as scalpers know that when up to 300 trades are placed in a month, then savings from reduced spreads can be substantial.

    2. Leverage

    Leverage in forex is now a big deal. What started off in 2010 when leverage caps were introduced in the US by the commodities and futures trading commission (CFTC), has now been extended into the united kingdom and europe. Retail traders in the UK and EU have seen leverage caps reduced from as high as 1:500, to just 1:30 for major forex pairs. Minor pairs and cfds have even tighter leverage limits. This has increased margin requirements significantly. However, some brokers outside these jurisdictions have continued to maintain the high leverages, thus attracting traders who were caught out by ESMA’s decision. Some of the UK/EU brokers have also opened international divisions, where their international client accounts are being migrated to. So traders now have a choice of operating with the low leverage brokers, or the high leverage ones.

    3. Regulation

    Regulation will continue to remain a key factor in broker selection. Regulation ensures that traders are protected and that the trading environment is transparent and secure. The brokers presented on this site are regulated in their respective areas of operation, which ensures that traders who open accounts with them are assured of safety of their funds.

    4. Broker type

    A mention has earlier been made about direct and indirect access to the interbank market. As a trader, you need to know how each type of access will affect you. Market makers provide indirect access because they buy positions from the interbank market and resell them to their clients using a dealing desk. Market makers usually require smaller amounts of starting capital, provide fixed spreads, and tend to have more slippages and requotes. They provide a low barrier for market entry.

    ECN brokers on the other hand, provide direct market access. They require large amounts as initial capital, provide variable spreads, but do not have slippages and requotes. However, they charge commissions on trades in addition to spreads. At the end of the day, the trader’s financial capacity will determine if a market maker or an ECN broker will be selected for the trading venture.

    5. Trading resources

    Trading resources are generally tools that are provided by a broker to enhance the trading experience and potentially improve a trader’s trading outcomes. More is not always better. In this case, it is about finding the broker that has the right mix of trading resources that cover analysis, news and market insight.

    6. Customer support

    Customer support can now be offered using a variety of means that were not in existence 10 years ago. Social media channels such as facebook and twitter, as well as messaging apps such as telegram can now serve as channels for receiving near-immediate responses from a broker’s customer support desk. Choose a broker with a diversified customer support structure which deploys these new means of communication.

    Our list of forex brokers

    The list below features best forex brokers selected by us for 2021 year. This list has been prepared after due consideration of all the factors mentioned above. In this list, you will find many brokers that are offshore brokerages with high leverage, or offshore divisions of EU/UK brokerages that can provide high leverage trading platforms to their clients. Feel free to read our forex broker reviews and make an informed choice based on the contents of this website.

    Forex scam brokers list

    The number of forex scams you can find with just a straightforward search on google is shocking. There are plenty of forex trading scams criminals out there who wait for novice traders so that they can defraud them. In a market where over $5 trillion moves daily, there are bound to be people who want to take advantage of honest traders.

    The forex trading scams you will find are usually simple and prey on the gullibility of people and the need we all have, to make more money. There are significant types of forex scams that exist. Knowing what they are will help you avoid them.

    Let us look at the three main types:

    1. Forex robot

    The forex robots, use an algorithm, technical signals and computer code, to enter and exit trades. Expert advisors build them within MT4 and other platforms. Some are legit. However, a lot of them are not. To be safe, always check the legitimacy.

    There are scam brokers lists online. Check them for listed forex robot scams. Signs to watch out for include:

    • Unrealistic marketing messages.

    • Unrealistically high percentage growth returns

    • Scalping strategies that lack diversity

    • Employing the services of unregulated brokers.

    Forex fraud is avoidable when you do due diligence and check out the candidates you choose to work with.

    2. Forex signals for sale scams

    In this version of forex fraud, you will be dealing with individuals who dole out trade ideas that include information like currency pairs, direction, entry price, stop loss and target levels. Always lookout for the following things;

    • Subscription fees. Always try out signals that have no paywall before you consider paying for anything else. Use them on demos to test them out.

    • Do not take broker-tied signals. Some will offer them but, you have to subscribe with a specific broker. That kind of thing is just a marketing gimmick.

    • Unverified claims of good results. If you cannot verify anything that they are telling you, they are most likely lying to you.

    As with the other kinds, there is a list of scam forex brokers that you can check out before you sign up for anything.

    3. Forex trading investment scams

    There are many adverts online that promote forex trading investment scams and funds. They are very slick marketing campaigns and salespeople who sell you phantoms and unverified results of their fund. It is the ultimate forex pyramid scheme. So you need to find an best forex broker to start your secure trading.

    They ask you to send them an investment and then sit back and enjoy returns. If you send the money, you will never see it again. If you call, they will say they have never heard of you and never got funds from you.

    Checking the fake forex brokers list for these people can save you a lot of pain and trouble. They can do this or, they can open an account for you with a shady broker who is not regulated, and after two or even one trade, they will wipe out your account.

    They will blame it on the market when in fact, it is all in their company. Without regulation, it is near-impossible to get your money back.

    Avoid dishonest brokers at all costs

    If you detect just one lie when looking through a broker’s credentials to see if they can be the one for you, just run away. There are multiple fake forex brokers lists that you can look through to make sure that if someone is a fraud, you know who they are.

    The regulatory bodies of the world are an excellent place to start. They include:

    If a broker says that they are regulated, check that out here and make sure that you do not fall into these traps from dishonest brokers.

    Don’t lose money online with scam brokers, trade with

    Trusted & regulated forex brokers. Keep your fund safe.

    Top rated online best forex brokers 2021

    Scam brokers list

    FX nextgenwww.Fxnextgen.Comoffshore license
    caliburwww.Caliburcapital.Netno license
    titan FXwww.Titanfx.Comoffshore license
    FTE FXwww.Ftefxpro.Comoffshore license
    prime XBTwww.Primexbt.Comoffshore license
    traderswaywww.Tradersway.Comoffshore license
    midasglobewww.Midasglobe.Comno license
    kronosinvestwww.Kronosinvest.Comno license
    binomowww.Binomo.Comoffshore license
    circleforexwww.Circleforex.Comno license
    first BTC FXwww.Firstbtcfx.Comno license
    essencefxwww.Essencefx.Comoffshore license
    evisionfxwww.Evisionfx.Comno license
    rickglobalwww.Rickglobal.Comoffshore license
    RCM FXwww.Rcmfx.Comoffshore license
    247smartfxwww.247smartfx.Comno license
    traderiawww.Traderia.Comoffshore license
    FX options24www.Fx-options24.Comno license
    justforexwww.Justforex.Comoffshore license
    TBFXwww.Tbfxtrades.Comno license
    MGM marketswww.Mgm-markets.Comno license
    olympusmarketswww.Olympusmarkets.Comoffshore license
    sure forex tradewww.Sureforextrade.Comno license
    cfreservewww.Cfreserve.Comno license
    fernwww.Fuerfx.Comno license
    capital tradefxwww.Capitaltradefx.Comoffshore license
    FX PREMIUMwww.Fx-premium.Comoffshore license
    pari fx tradewww.Parifxtrade.Comoffshore license
    investteckwww.Investteck.Comno license
    aduno capitalwww.Adunocapital.Comno license
    S&P brokerwww.Snpbroker.Iono license
    capital88www.Capital88.Comoffshore license
    4xincomewww.4xincome.Comoffshore license
    toptradeprowww.Toptradepro.Comoffshore license
    go capital FXwww.Gocapitalfx.Comoffshore license
    swiss investment fxwww.Swissinvestmentfx.Comoffshore license
    smartoptionfxwww.Smartoptionfx.Comno license
    globalixwww.Globalix.Comoffshore license
    libra marketswww.Libramarkets.Comno license
    monfexwww.Monfex.Comoffshore license
    ifxoptionwww.Ifxoption.Comno license
    goldfxtradingwww.Web.Goldfxtrading.Comoffshore license
    gotechfxwww.Gotechfx.Comoffshore license
    ultrontradefxultrontradefx.Comno license
    FXIG tradeswww.Fxigtrades.Comno license
    4xpremiumwww.4xpremium.Comno license
    turboforexwww.Turboforex.Comoffshore license
    swissinv24www.Swissinv24.Comoffshore license
    golden key prowww.Goldenkeypro.Comoffshore license
    uprofxwww.Uprofx.Comno license
    goldmancfdwww.Goldmancfd.Comoffshore license
    GCG asiawww.Guardiancapitalag.Asiano license
    trade global marketwww.Tradeglobalmarket.Comno license
    AZ tradeswww.Aztrades.Comoffshore license
    IC financewww.Ic-finance.Netoffshore license
    69brokerswww.69brokers.Comno license
    traderurwww.Traderur.Comoffshore license
    wandafxwww.Wandafx.Comno license
    serex investmentswww.Serexinvestments.Comno license
    tradepro capitalswww.Tradeprocapitals.Comoffshore license
    kayafxwww.Kayafx.Comno license
    ptbancwww.Ptbanc.Comoffshore license
    millennium FXwww.Mnmfx.Comoffshore license
    kapitalfxwww.Kapitalfx.Deno license
    PRIMEXQwww.Primexq.Comno license
    obsbitwww.Obsbit.Comoffshore license
    swiftcfdwww.Swiftcfd.Comoffshore license
    bluemax capitalwww.Bluemaxcapital.Comoffshore license
    itradefxoptionwww.Itradefxoption.Comno license
    70tradeswww.70trades.Comoffshore license
    capital hallwww.Capitalhall.Comoffshore license
    K2 wall streetwww.K2wallstreet.Comno license
    capitalfxclubwww.Capitalfxclub.Comno license
    worldwide capitalfxwww.Worldwidecapitalfx.Comoffshore license
    tradeinvest90www.Tradeinvest90.Comoffshore license
    ADN marketswww.Adnmarkets.Comoffshore license
    hugoswaywww.Hugosway.Comoffshore license
    brokerzwww.Brokerz.Comoffshore license
    trading epicwww.Tradingepic.Comno license
    fxnobelswww.Fxnobels.Iono license
    swiss capital investwww.Swisscapitalinvest.Co.Ukno license
    lockwood investmentswww.Lockwoodinv.Comoffshore license
    cfdpremiumwww.Cfdpremium.Comoffshore license
    megatradefxwww.Megatradefx.Comoffshore license
    profxpremiumwww.Profxpremium.Comoffshore license
    dax300www.Dax300.Comoffshore license
    fxleaderwww.Fxleader.Comoffshore license
    blue tradingwww.Bluetrading.Comno license
    olymp tradeolymptrade.Comno license
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    ace forexwww.Acefx24.Comoffshore license
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    finbitexwww.Finbitex.Comoffshore license
    golden financialwww.Gdfxuk.Comno license
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    fxlinkedwww.Fxlinked.Comoffshore license
    ideal global tradingwww.Fxideal.Comno license
    volumefxwww.Volumefx.Comoffshore license
    the55thfxwww.The55thfx.Comno license
    kapitalswisswww.Kapitalswiss.Comno license
    zonggangcaifuwww.Zgangfx.Comno license
    phy capital investments limitedwww.Phyfx.Comno license
    emarketstradewww.Emarketstrade.Comno license
    esplanadehttps://esplanade-ms.Comoffshore license
    admiral-markets.Comhttps://www.Admiral-markets.Comno license. Clone firm.
    Bex optionswww.Bexoptions.Comno license
    affliated trade groupwww.Affiliatedtradegroup.Comno license
    kingston tradinghttps://kingstontrading.Comno license
    wigmarketswww.Wigmarkets.Comoffshore license
    city global tradinghttp://www.Cityglobaltrading.Comno license
    option94www.Option94.Comno license
    thecryptolimitedhttps://www.Thecryptolimited.Comno license
    pro X financewww.Proxfinance.Comoffshore license
    circle marketshttps://circlemarkets.Comoffshore license
    pinprotradewww.Pinprotrade.Comoffshore license
    newsolidwww.Newsolid.Comno license
    cointeckwww.Cointeck.Iono license
    onelifewww.Onelife.Comoffshore license
    ukfinvesthttps://www.Ukfinvest.Comoffshore license
    emporio tradinghttps://emporiotrading.Comoffshore license
    easytradehttps://www.Easytrade.Bizno license
    chrono FMhttps://www.Chronofm.Comno license
    OMC marketswww.Omcmarkets.Comno license
    CFD trendwww.Cfdtrend.Comoffshore license
    easy FX tradewww.Easyfxtrade.Comno license
    united FCGwww.Unitedfcg.Comno license
    financial.Orghttps://financial.Orgno license. Negative reputation.
    CCM clearinghttp://ccmclearing.Comno license
    originalcryptohttp://www.Originalcrypto.Comno license
    4xcube4xcube.Comoffshore license
    bitalonghttps://www.Bitalong.Comno license
    your trade choicewww.Yourtradechoice.Comoffshore license
    finmarkfxwww.Finmarkfx.Comoffshore license
    litefintechwww.Litefintech.Iooffshore license
    tradeltdwww.Tradeltd.Comno license
    forexchiefhttps://www.Forexchief.Comoffshore license
    kryptowizehttps://www.Kryptowize.Comno license
    bigoptionhttps://www.Bigoption.Comoffshore license
    golden FXwww.Golden-fx.Comoffshore license
    solidary markets FXwww.Solidarymarkets.Comno license
    DCA-financehttps://dca-finance.Comno license
    cryptonettohttps://cryptonetto.Comno license
    daiju commodity marketshttps://www.Daiju-cm.Comno license
    GWITwww.Gwitmarkets.Comno license

    Report A scam broker

    Why you need to be educated on forex fraud

    Forex trading in itself carries many high risks and losses are almost always inevitable. Retail speculators are continually trading without enough capital by using high leverage and gambling addiction.

    Speculators who trade without skill are playing against the whole market, which has near-infinite capital, and they almost always go bankrupts because of this lousy strategy.

    To be fair, a large number of forex scam cases are a result of weak trading and not scam brokers. If you spent more time developing a proper trading methodology, you would become better and quicker in your decision making.

    When you are a trader, you cannot afford to make mistakes. Always stay ahead of the curve by getting correct and useful information.

    Forex ECN brokers list

    ECN brokers act as intermediaries in transactions between individual clients and the market/interbank system. ECN is the abbreviation for the electronic communication network. ECN brokers collect orders from their retail clients and send them to the forex market, where they enter into relevant transactions. Everything is done using IT systems, so the whole operation takes a fraction of a second. The broker’s fee is a commission on the executed transactions. An ECN broker more and more frequently wins the competition with an MM (market maker) broker owing to a greater trust he has with the traders. Below we present a ranking of ECN brokers.

    1. IC markets

    IC markets is an australian broker that is well known in europe and asia. Since its establishment in 2007, it has been offering its services in the.

    2. Purple trading

    Purple trading is a FX/CFD broker founded in 2019 roku. From the very beginning, it emphasizes transparency and honesty towards customers. It works.

    3. FP markets

    FP markets combines ECN connectivity and award-winning execution speed with institutional-grade liquidity to provide traders consistently tighter.

    one royal logo

    4. Royal

    Royal (also known as RFXT or one royal) is an australian forex/CFD broker incorporated in 2006. It works in a clean ECN model, which won the sympathy.

    5. AETOS

    AETOS UK was established in 2012 in the united kingdom. It is european subsidiary of australian AETOS group. AETOS is a well-known brand all over the.

    6. Instaforex

    Instaforex is one of the leading brokers on the asian market. It has received awards in 2009, 2010 and 2011. It is regulated by the russian federal.

    pepperstone reviews and forum

    7. Pepperstone

    Pepperstone was founded in 2010 by a team with years of experience in trading on the forex market and in technology industries. The company is based.

    Broker Hantec Markets - Reviews

    8. Hantec markets

    Hantec markets is a broker that has been operating on the market for 25 years, primarily in asia. At present, it also offers its services to european.

    9. Dukascopy bank

    Dukascopy is one of the largest retail brokers in the world and one of the oldest ecns available to retail clients. However, it is good to know that.

    10. Intertrader

    Intertrader.Com is one of the largest brokers in the UK. Intertrader is a member of the GVC PLC capital group operating in the digital entertainments.

    11. Admiral markets

    Admiral markets, founded in 2001, is a global forex broker focused on online trading not only in currencies, but also in cfds, precious metals and.

    12. Fxpro

    Founded in 2006, fxpro is a leading online forex broker. Regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec – 078/07), financial.

    13. Orbex

    Founded in 2010, orbex (formerly afbfx) is an online financial broker specialising in the provision of services for retail clients on forex, CFD and.

    14. Liteforex

    Liteforex is a broker registered in cyprus and regulates by cysec. You can start trading with a deposit of USD 10, using a maximum leverage of as.

    15. FXTM (forextime)

    Founded by andrey dashin in december 2012, forextime is considered a newcomer to the online forex trading scene. Nevertheless, within a span of three.

    16. FXCM

    FXCM is one of the largest currency brokers in the world. As such, it is well known and is a trusted brand for anyone interested in trading on the.

    17. FXDD

    FXDD is one of the largest forex brokers. It operates both through its US hub and international hub. Present since 2002, it has also become well.

    ECN brokers are currently one of the most looked-for categories of brokers. Due to their non-conflict model of operation, they are considered to be the most honest. Of course, ECN brokers are not a good solution for each and every trader. Especially if it comes to beginner traders. The common thing about ECN brokers is that they do not offer protection against the negative balance as orders are sent directly to the market. In the event of a crash, when the trader’s deposit falls below 0, the broker would have to cover it from his own funds. He cannot – as it is the case with MM brokers – simply “cancel” the debt.

    Despite all these shortcomings, ECN brokers are, in our opinion, one of the best choices.


    Forex, cfds and binary options carry a high level of risk.

    Between 78,8% and 89% of retail investors lose money with trading in cfds.

    SCAM forex brokers

    Forex daily turnover exceeds $5 trillion. The majority of brokers, operating in this market earn their money honestly, by providing financial services to the traders. However, the big money also attracts scam brokers to the industry. These companies only have one target – to quickly collect as much money as possible from the traders and disappear.

    Although scam forex brokers have become a much rarer case than a decade ago, the phenomenon hasn’t disappeared. Forex-up has been collecting information about fraudulent brokers regularly over the span of several years, putting them on the broker blacklist that you can see below.

    Also, below you will find extremely useful and practical information from our top expert nikolai peskov, who will tell you how to avoid scam brokers and keep your money safe. He prepared a test for detecting a scam and gave several important recommendations on how to search for the trustworthy brokers.

    Is an analyst, trader and investor with extensive experience of working in the financial market.

    From 2010 until 2014, nikolai used active trading strategies at the US stock market and forex market.

    What is a scam on the forex market?

    Both small-scale companies and rather large scam companies with staffed call centers resort to scams and fraud.

    They can be conditionally divided into four categories, each having specific features:

    1. Scam fly-by-night websites.

    2. Organized scammers.

    3. Financial pyramids.

    4. Scam committed by licensed brokers.

    Let’s review each of them in more detail. We have prepared a check table for each type of scam to help you systematize your knowledge, detect scam at an early stage and keep your money safe.

    Type of scam

    Scam fly-by-night websites.


    This type of scam forex brokers is the popular one as it is the easiest to organize. In reality, this website is certainly not a broker. It is only a cover for publication of information that serves as a hook for attracting customers. The task of the scam is to attract as much traffic as possible to the website within a short period and sell a flashy idea to the novice investors. Usually, there are one or several idea developers behind such projects, while their lifespan varies from several weeks to several months.

    Distinguishing features

    • Such scam brokers promise enticing profits (often hundreds percent annua) without taking any effort.

    • They hide behind the ‘forex broker’ sign.

    • They tend to actively use the latest technological terminology. They can also hide behind investments into cryptocurrencies, AI, precious metals and highly effective PAMM accounts.

    • Contact information on the website is either unavailable or false.

    • They don’t hold a license on financial activity or it is fake.

    Type of scam


    Entire criminal organizations can operate under the guise of a forex broker. They are usually based in one of the developing countries with a low legal culture. They exist much longer than your usual scammer – up to several years. Usually, the marketing department involved in collecting contacts of potential victims and a large multi-language call center to scam them form the backbone of such scam companies.

    Distinguishing features:

    • Scam companies specialize in cold calls and manipulative psychological tactics during personal communication with potential victims.

    • They collect contacts using teaser websites, which feature promises of easy gains or additional profit.

    • They don’t hold a license on financial activity.

    • They motivate people to get into debt and borrow money, without caring for the customers’ risk management.

    Type of scam


    These schemes are usually built on multi-level marketing. They are used to motivate the victims of the scam to invite their acquaintances and friends to participate in a pseudo investment project. It all ends in a crash.

    Distinguishing features:

    • These scammers motivate customers to develop their network by inviting friends and relatives.

    • They hide behind investments into effective PAMM accounts, cryptocurrencies or precious metals.

    • They promise a profit of over 100% annual.

    • They don’t hold a license on financial activity.

    Type of scam

    Scam committed by licensed brokers


    This type of scam is the hardest to determine, because, at first glance, such companies can conduct the usual business of a forex broker and even hold a license. Their task is to make the customer fully lose his deposit through the use of scamming tactics or reduction of risk of trading with leverage. Often, this type of activity borders with scam and fact manipulation that leads to losses suffered by the customers.

    Distinguishing features:

    You are offered to use an increased leverage (up to 1:2000).

    You receive quotes with delays.

    Frequent gapping and requotes happen

    Withdrawal of funds is blocked or delayed under a false reason.

    How to check whether a broker is a scam: a simple test

    Naturally, after reading such warnings, you may be concerned for the safety of your funds. There is good news, however. In 2021, scam is rather an unpleasant exception.

    To help you to practically fully rule out the option of a scam, we will provide you with a list of suspicious features of a broker and recommendations should you discover any. We have prepared the risk scale to estimate the scam. We used 1-10 scale, where 1 means low risk and 10 – highest. Forex-UP analysts use this methodology for its list of scam brokers

    feature advice risk scale
    the broker is not regulated we do not recommend using the services of companies that are not regulated, because in this case the probability of a scam sharply increases. Our broker blacklist mainly includes companies that are not regulated.
    If a broker has not provided information about regulation, stay away from it. Also, a number of brokers provide false information on the website. You can check the license on the regulator’s website, which usually takes only a couple of minutes. The license holder usually provides the names of the company and domains under which it provides services in its documents.
    the broker promises guaranteed profit (usually over 100% annual) equip yourself with knowledge and healthy skepticism. A promise of a guaranteed super-profit is one of the most evident signs of a scam broker. Be realistic and remember that nobody will be able to guarantee such profits for you on the forex market, just as on any investment.
    A broker is only a connection between the forex market and the customer. The broker can earn profit through execution of orders and accompanying service, but does not have the right to make any promises in general.
    calls from a blocked number if somebody is calling you persistently from a blocked number and introduce themselves as an employee of the broker you’ve heard nothing about, just hang up. You may be promised high profits, additional earnings and claim that you’ve provided your contacts to somebody. Those are just tricks. 10
    you are asked to provide information about your debit/credit card this is a clear sign of a scam. Never and under no circumstances should you provide your card information to strangers! 10
    you are experiencing issues with withdrawal of funds it is a sure sign of a scam, if the broker interferes with withdrawal of your funds. To check this feature, we recommend you to read the reviews of active customers on our website. 10
    MLM methods if the broker’s main activity is concentrated on exponential expansion of the network, it could be a sign of a pyramid. You need to treat the promises of high guaranteed returns for referrals with caution. 7
    SSL certificate this certificate is a mandatory condition, because it helps establish a secure connection with the server and eliminate a number of fraudulent methods of obtaining information. The majority of browsers warn about insecure connection. Chrome will show you the following message if you attempt to establish an insecure connection: “your connection is not private! You need to leave such a site immediately. 7
    domain is registered several months ago A simple check of the website using who.Is service will help you establish the domain’s registration date. If the domain was registered a few months ago or if the broker claims it has been operating for many years, but the domain has only been registered recently, it is a cause to consider whether such broker is honest. 5
    you are not warned about the risks some scam brokers intentionally provide customers with an overstated leverage in order to provoke financial losses. Remember, the higher leverage you use, the higher are your financial risks. Usually the brokers that do not bring the deals to the market (dealing desk) use such practices. For a beginner, it is extremely undesirable to use a leverage higher than 1:40 – this is the maximum limit set in the EU countries. 4
    aggressive marketing it is best to avoid companies that offer very high (over 30%) deposit bonuses and similar things. This sign is not a guarantee that it is a scam, but could be a reason to be skeptical. There is no such thing as a free lunch, after all. 4
    delayed quotes, gapping, requotes if all of these signs exist, it is likely that the broker does not bring the transactions to the currency interexchange. We recommend using the companies that offer direct access to the liquidity suppliers using NDD/ECN/STP technologies. 3
    focus on PAMM accounts and binary options we do not recommend using binary options, as they carry a high probability of losses. Binary options are prohibited in the majority of countries.Also the brokers that build their operation around PAMM accounts with promises of high profitability should not be trusted. Remember that few professional managers are capable of ensuring stability profitability at over 30% annual. 3

    In order to check a broker, simply sum up the points from the risk scale column in the table above:

    How to understand the test results.

    • If the broker has 0 points, it is reliable. The risk of spam is minimal.

    • If the broker has 0-20 points, there is a risk of spam, but it is moderate.

    • If the broker scored over 20 points, the risk of spam is high. We do not recommend using the services of such companies!

    We also strongly encourage you to check the list of scam brokers on our website, where our experts include scam companies after a serious review.

    List of scam brokers

    In order to help our readers to discover the scam companies faster, forex-up regularly updates the broker blacklist. You will find the latest list of scammers on our website.

    As soon as our experts discover a new scam forex broker, it is immediately included in the blacklist. We also attentively review the feedback of the customers, who came across a scam. If the company does not allow to withdraw funds or if it shuts down its operation completely, the readers of the website will be among the first ones to know.

    Our blacklist includes fly-by-night companies you are highly advised to stay away from. In the list, you will find the name of the scam company, its website, reviews of the customers and a short list of tricks and promises it uses to attract new victims.

    Forex-up experts recommend

    Also, let us point to the brokers the experts of our portal recommend to work with. They have passed the selection based on strict criteria and fully meet the key reliability requirements:

    1. They hold licenses for providing financial service on the international market and in the european countries.

    2. They disclose information about trading risks.

    3. They pass regular audits and provide their financial statements and reports.

    4. They do not use manipulative marketing practices.

    5. They offer a high level of client data security.

    How to find a reliable broker: 7 tips

    Another extremely useful skill for avoiding scam on forex market is concentrating on finding a tried and tested broker with a good reputation. Our experts offer the following pattern for doing that:

    1. Find a company with a long history of operation and regulation in one of the developed countries (EU, UK, USA, australia, etc.) among the leaders of the rating.

    2. Perform simple fact checking: check the license on the regulator’s website, check availability of SSL certificate and date of domain name registration using special services.

    3. Find out from the broker, whether it is a member of a deposit guarantee fund. If yes, it is considered a big advantage.

    4. Perform content analysis of the website. If there are no warnings about risks on the page, but there is an ad with PAMM accounts with high profitability and promises of easy money and 100% bonuses, it is best to look for another broker.

    5. Study the services of the broker. Availability of instruments for a small passive income, a large amount of educational and analytical information are viewed as advantages.

    6. Many brokers have several branches, including in reliable jurisdictions and offshore territories. If you have a choice, it is best to pick the legal entities from the countries with high legal culture.

    7. In addition to the above, we encourage you to read an expert review of the broker on our portal. You can learn about the pros and cons of the broker from our review, as well as clear and hidden tariffs, licenses, how to open an account and about working with the novice traders. On the same page, you will find reviews from the broker’s real customers.

    We have now mentioned the importance of reliable regulators on the forex market on more than one occasion. Below is the list of organizations that are highly trusted all across the world.

    The list of largest financial market regulators

    country regulator website
    UK financial conduct authority (FCA) fca.Org.Uk
    USA financial industry regulatory authority (FINRA) U.S. Securities and exchange commission (SEC) commodities and futures trading commission (CFTC) finra.Org sec.Gov cftc.Gov
    australia australian securities and investments commission (ASIC) https://asic.Gov.Au
    cyprus (european union) cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) cysec.Gov.Cy
    germany (EU) the bundesanstalt für finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (bafin) bafin.De
    switzerland swiss financial market supervisory authority (FINMA) finma.Ch
    russia federal financial markets service (FFMS, FSFR) bank of russia fcsm.Ru cbr.Ru
    malta (EU) malta financial services authority (MFSA) mfsa.Mt
    india securities and exchange board of india (SEBI) sebi.Gov.In
    SAR financial sector conduct authority (FSCA) fsca.Co.Za

    Reviews about scam brokers on forex-UP

    At forex-UP portal, we have a huge advantage, when we are compiling the broker blacklist, as dozens of people leave reviews about their experiences of working with brokers daily. Among them are also traders, who came across forex scam brokers and want to inform our analysts and other traders about them.

    NOTE! All registered users can leave reviews on our website, but they are additionally screened in order to avoid mistakes and slander. Our analysts perform a detailed analytical analysis of each case before a broker is placed on the list of scam brokers. If the information is confirmed, the company is placed on the list.


    Broker: BELARTA author: rionote

    I had some bad luck – I did not read the reviews and bought into the calls of BELARTA managers, who promised me good returns with no risks. They swindled $1,000 out of me, allegedly because that was the minimum amount you could work with on the forex market. The truth was they just tried to collect as much money as they could and disappear with it. I felt something wrong right away – some weird things started to happen with the platform, gapping. The manager stopped returning my calls. I tried to withdraw funds, but they were blocked without reason. Soon, the website of this scam broker was shut down altogether and my money was lost.

    Broker: 24FX.Com author: wu li

    I lost $500 with this company because of my own gullibility. I am actually happy about it, because I know people who went into debt, having believed the smooth talk of their managers about big profits on the forex market. It was all going fine, there was a small profit, but when I tried to withdraw the money, all the communication was cut off. I had nobody to complain to! As it turned out, they are not regulated at all and they don’t even have an office. I believe it is my duty to warn others about this scam.

    Broker: lucror FX author: john don

    The only goal of this broker is to scam as much money as possible from the customers. They call from a blocked number, give you nice examples of somebody who got rich on forex, but it is all just lies. I suspect there is nothing behind this broker, but the website. There was no customer support as such. It was impossible to reach anybody. I lost 870 british pounds, although I could have invested this money into some respectable broker, and there are many of those in the UK. Never answer calls from blocked numbers!

    Broker: lucror FX author: novicenovice

    My mind recoils at the memory of the day I bought into an add on some website and followed the link with a promise of additional income. They promised passive income, but simply vanished without a trace in the end, with a bag of somebody else’s money. My $1,070 was also in that bag. After a negative experience with this company, it was difficult for me to trust forex brokers again, but now, I’ve been working with swissquote for 2 years and I’m happy with the quality. There are many good brokers with reliable regulation. Just don’t be too lazy to check everything!

    Broker: BELARTA author: ROD78

    I’ve never seen such a horrible scam! They exploit the gullibility of the novice traders and boldly impose their products, promising pie in the sky. But, it turned out that it is a shell company without the license, or even an office. Fellow traders, please be very cautious and check all information about the broker several times, before deciding to entrust them your money. Nobody has a spare 1,000 that you can gift to scam brokers.

    Expert opinion:

    Yegor krasnov is a forex-UP expert, analyst of stock, forex and cryptocurrency markets.

    To avoid becoming a customer of a scam broker, the first thing you need to look at is regulation. I would even rephrase a famous quote: “show me who your regulator is and I’ll tell you who you are.” A good idea is to choose a well-known broker with regulation in your home country, or in one of the developed countries with a good legal culture. Such regulators as FCA (UK), FINRA (USA), ASIC (australia), and also regulators of switzerland and the majority of EU countries are particularly respected. Lately, the reliability level of cyprus (cysec), which was earlier considered an offshore territory, has vastly improved.

    Personally I would not risk working with a little-known company, regulated in an offshore territory. I have great doubts that somebody cares much about protection of my rights somewhere in vanuatu or the seychelles. There is factually no control over the operation of the brokers in many of such jurisdictions.

    Risk warning: trading forex (foreign exchange) or cfds (contracts for difference) on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment.

    The best forex robots in 2021

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    If you are looking to become a more profitable forex trader, or if you are a beginner in need of guidance, then our review of the best forex robots will help you find the right one for you.

    Forex robots use an algorithm to look for profitable trades. You can usually set them to trade automatically (within agreed parameters) or enter a trade manually.

    To become an effective trader, you will need to be able to keep up with movements of the currency markets, world economics and news – as well as use historical knowledge and data to predict when the best time to enter and leave a trade will be.

    Using a forex robot automates this and takes the emotional bias out of trading. Some of the best robots operate with trade settings that can be as simple or complex as required, and take total control of the trade process, creating a passive income possibility from trading 24/7.

    Forex robots do not need you to have extensive knowledge and experience of trading – most are ready to use from installation and offer everything from basic trading functionality to fully programmable settings – so even the most experienced trader can benefit from the automation involved.

    Forex email list, forex email list.

    How to avoid a scam product

    In forex trading there are no guarantees of profit – the market can be volatile and even the most sophisticated robots (or the most experienced human forex trader) can lose a lot of money.

    If you are looking for a forex robot, watch out for products that claim huge profits and cannot provide real-time examples of how they are performing. User reviews are always a good bet, as are reliable review websites.

    Aside from user reviews, look for real-time usage on brokers – third party verification sites like myfxbook.Com are a good way to see how they are performing.

    Robots should be tested; using historical data to see how they are performing (known as backtesting) will show where they struggle to predict trends and where they perform well.

    There are, of course, many scam products available online and avoiding these can seem difficult. Although every care has been taken to ensure the products we are listing are not scams, we can take no responsibility for any financial losses.

    At wikijob, we are not financial advisors and any information provided throughout this article is for educational purposes only. We would always recommend that you conduct your own thorough research and due diligence before making your own personal choice.

    Things to consider when choosing your forex robot

    There are a few things to think about when choosing a good forex robot, other than avoiding the scam products:

    • Look out for a low drawdown rate. This is a measure of decline and reduction of capital, and although high drawdowns can mean higher gains, they can also cause an account to go broke.

    • The best robots are thoroughly tested, against real tick data, variable spreads and real slippage. This backtesting should be available for you to view before you purchase, and real-time data from third party sites like myfxbook can help inform you how the robot is performing today.

    • Be wary of product reviews from unverified sources. The developers will only want to show positive reviews, and people who have lost money while using a particular robot will be likely to give it a bad review. Compare reviews from genuine users before investing.

    • Use a demo account. Before deciding to use a robot, try it in a test environment first. This will allow you to see how it performs under test conditions – although, be aware that test conditions can not fully simulate a real trade situation. If the robot you are considering does not offer a demo or test version, it might be too risky to invest capital in it. During the demo, you can see what settings and parameters are used by the robot too, and get used to how it works.

    • Make sure that you remember all robots will require some supervision. System failures, problems with internet signal and catastrophic loss can happen, so although these robots are designed to work autonomously, you will have to intervene at some point.

    The most important thing to remember when choosing a product is that there are no guarantees when it comes to gains from forex and cryptocurrency trading. Products that guarantee financial gains without any form of money-back guarantee should be avoided; many of the most popular robots offer at least 60 days trading and a full refund, which makes them seem less likely to be a scam.

    Forex email list, forex email list.

    Top forex robots

    These are some of the robots that we think are the best in the industry for 2021.

    Suitable for use by beginners and experienced traders, they are available as instant downloads and all work with most brokers.

    1. GPS forex robot 3

    This robot uses newly developed, innovative technology and algorithms. Constantly monitoring the market in the background, it has 12 selectable trading styles and strategies, so you can choose the one that suits your needs.

    Ready to go out of the box, GPS forex robot is simple to use. Set to receive automatic updates whenever the programming needs to be tweaked, it is constantly updated – allowing you to take advantage of developments straight away.

    Minimum deposit – $100

    Win/gain rate – website shows live, verified gains of 300%+

    2. Coinrule

    Fee: free with a starter account or from $29.99 per month

    With its simple, intuitive design, coinrule is a good choice for those who are new to trading as well as more advanced traders.

    Users don’t need to know any code to set their trading rules.

    Coinrule is web-based and works across several cryptocurrencies as well as supporting some of the most widely-used exchanges, such as bitmex and coinbase pro.

    3. 1000pip climber system

    This forex system is based on an algorithm that analyses the market and provides signals through visual, audio and email notifications.

    The free guide makes it simple for beginners to follow and it has clear signals giving information about entry, stop loss and take profit rules.

    It is a ‘slow and steady’ forex robot, with minimum risk – but perhaps less reward than high-risk strategies.

    It closes trades based on the algorithm, although changes can be made to the minimum and maximum limits.

    Minimum deposit – no minimum noted

    Win/gain rate – the creator claims that this system has targeted 20,000 pips over three years

    4. Forex trendy

    This expert advisor is an automated analysis system that helps users avoid trading during any uncertain trading times.

    It is capable of looking at charts on 34 forex pairs, from minutes to monthly, and is a browser-based EA which means there is nothing to download or install.

    Although it will not place the trade for you, it will advise when the best time to buy or sell would be.

    Minimum deposit – $250

    Win/gain rate – the creator claims 90% accuracy if trades are made as directed

    5. EA builder

    The EA builder allows every trader to create their own indicators and strategies without any programming knowledge.

    It has a simple interface that establishes rules and algorithms so you can trade anything with several features in just a few clicks.

    This web-based program does not need any installation and works effectively with metatrader 4 + 5, as well as tradestation.

    Minimum deposit – depends on platform

    Win/gain rate – depends on strategy used

    6. Forex diamond

    Forex diamond combines three independent trading systems to offer a self-updating algorithm that has a profitable 40+ recovery factor.

    With the option to run trend retrace, countertrend or countertrend scalping independently or in combination, this EA offers real-time calculation that helps trades be more successful.

    Minimum deposit – $1,000

    Win/gain rate – according to results, between 75% and 80% depending on currency pair

    7. FX-agency advisor

    This is a manual tool that is simple to use for beginners and comes with a comprehensive and detailed instruction manual to help newbies navigate their trades.

    FX-agency advisor uses unique technical analysis indicators suitable for both scalping and long-term trading and is suitable for use on all currency pairs.

    Minimum deposit – depends on platform

    Win/gain rate – not known

    8. Wallstreet forex robot 2.0 evolution

    The wallstreet forex robot has the longest, fully verified performance according to myfxbook, and it works on any currency market.

    The 2.0 evolution is based on the original configuration of low-risk scalping following short and medium-term trends, with the addition of the broker spy module which allows you to protect your capital from unethical brokers.

    Minimum deposit – $1,000

    Win/gain rate – demonstrated monthly gain of 2.98%

    9. FX pattern pro

    This beginner-friendly pattern indicator is an EA that alerts users to the best times to buy and sell through alerts.

    The user-friendly interface makes it simple to see when the alerts have been sent, and the buy/sell signals do not repaint thanks to the unique algorithm.

    FX pattern pro is an all-inclusive solution that sends alerts through telegram, so you can perform trades on the go.

    Minimum deposit – depends on platform

    Win/gain rate – 80% win rate claimed by creator

    10. Trademiner

    Trademiner is an indicator that scans market data to identify historical or seasonal trends.

    Creating easy to read reports based on custom search parameters, it is a great way to back up or inform trading strategies and decisions based on the cyclical nature of the trading system.

    This effective backtesting tool works on forex, futures and stocks.

    Minimum deposit – depends on platform

    Win/gain rate – historical trading is known to be 80% accurate but will depend on what actions the user takes

    11. X trend premium

    This is a forex indicator that, according to the creator, uses algorithms that adjust to real-time market fluctuations.

    Indicators can be sent to you via email or even as push notifications on your phone, but as this is just an indicator, you need to be in a position to physically make the trades yourself, unlike some of the automated robots.

    Minimum deposit – $100

    Win/gain rate – according to reviewers, the risk/reward ratio is 1:3

    12. Forex gump

    This forex robot runs on nine currency pairs and monitors trends, prices and news.

    You can set your trading preference to high, medium or low risk – and this will affect the outcome of your trades.

    It comes with full instructions and support, and even offers a money-back guarantee.

    Minimum deposit – $4,000 regular account, $400 on a nano account

    Win/gain rate – some report gains of over 1,000%

    13. Auto ARB

    Created by leap-FX, this is an arbitrage-based robot that takes advantage of slow connections against faster markets, reacting to make a profit in the time lag.

    It works on all currency pairs, cryptocurrency, stocks and indexes, as it uses the speed of the broker connection to the market.

    With the automatic trading, it makes it simple for anyone to use, and the creators say that it is almost risk-free.

    Minimum deposit – depends on your broker and platform, works on demo accounts

    Win/gain rate – although the creators claim it is almost risk-free, reviewers seem to think it doesn’t work well on live accounts, and no information about the win rate is available.

    14. Centobot

    This is a robot that deals with forex and cryptocurrency; you can use it to trade across both.

    The software is easy to use, and if you have the knowledge, you can use it as a platform to create your own robot with your preferred settings.

    Minimum deposit – $250

    Win/gain rate – reported profit of 297%

    Final thoughts

    There are hundreds of forex robots available today. They were developed using the latest technology to ensure that they can look for the most profitable trades, and are created to help both complete novices and experienced traders.

    You don’t need to have prior knowledge of forex trading to use these robots – with predefined settings, most can be operated with a simple start/stop button press. For the experienced trader, the robots with adjustable settings allow you to adopt a riskier strategy by adjusting the stop loss to take profit points.

    When you are looking for a forex robot to automate your trades, it is worth deciding on a strategy that you prefer before selecting your forex robot. Different robots have different trading styles – and finding the one that will gain you the most while protecting your bottom line is sometimes difficult.

    Whether you prefer the security of hedge trading – buying and selling during the same trade to protect your bottom line – or you are interested in a news-based strategy, there is a robot to suit you.

    Forex robots can make it simple to trade when you lack experience or time, if you invest in the right product.

    Wikijob does not provide tax, investment or financial services and advice. The information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of principal.

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