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Trading money online

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Trade with the No, trading money online.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

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Earn with online trading

How to earn with online trading?

Successful dealers know the ins and outs of a market and double the amount of the money they earn with online trading.

With the easy accessibility of the internet, online stock markets are one of the means that can help you earn money. Keep reading to know how to be successful in online stock markets.

Let us go first over some terms that will help you understand how online stock markets work. Next, we will discuss the tools that you need to start trading in the online stock market.

Let us start with the terms’ definitions.

What is stock?

A stock, also called a share, represents a claim on a company’s assets and earnings. A company divides its assets into a certain number of shares. These shares are then made available for the public to buy and sell.

The company’s capital, revenues and other factors determine the price per stock. As the company becomes more successful, its stock’s price increases.

Since the stock’s price increased, the generated revenues increase and shareholders gain money according to EPS, earnings per share.

What is stock market?

A stock market is a network of buyers and sellers of companies’ shares. Companies gain capital when investors buy a part of the ownership of the company, a stock.

Who is broker?

A broker is the communication link between companies and investors. A broker is the person that buys and sells assets for others.

They help people to exchange stocks in the stock market in return for a commission rate or fee. Usually, brokerage firms provide their customers with a trading software.

What is trading software?

A trading software portrays the stock market online. Regularly, the software updates the investors with the latest changes and prices. It demonstrates a live action of the market on the internet.

Some well-known trading software are metastock and esignal.

So, how do you start investing in a stock market? You need to have these six things.

Strong trading & stock market background

“knowledge is power” – francis bacon

Expand your knowledge in this field. Learn the ropes of the market and use them to your advantage. Investopedia is a good website that will help you sharpen your skills in the market.

Risk capital

You need to have a sum of money that you can risk. If you end up losing it, it won’t lessen your financial status tremendously.

Computer & high-speed internet connection

These two are necessary. They are the building blocks of your way to success in the stock market. They are the means that help you stay connected to the stock market.

Online broker

A smart online broker is your ticket to success in the stock market. You need to check the broker’s commission rate or fee, services, and network. Pick one that suits your interests and goals.

Trading software

Trading software is the interface that you will use to make your deals. You need to be comfortable using it. You will spend most of your time checking it for latest stocks’ prices and news.

Detective skills

You need to conduct a thorough research about a company before investing in it. Check the company’s earnings reports, future plans and exit strategy.

Connect with traders

Stockwits is a social network that connects traders with each other. Check it out from time to time and make new friends. Increase your social network to increase your resources for latest news, updates, and advice.

Overall, you need to know that investing in the stock market isn’t always a win situation.

You might lose some money and you might gain some money. You need to be well prepared and patient.

How online trading works

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Legend has it that joseph kennedy sold all the stock he owned the day before "black thursday," the start of the catastrophic 1929 stock market crash. Many investors suffered enormous losses in the crash, which became one of the hallmarks of the great depression.

What made kennedy sell? According to the story, he got a stock tip from a shoeshine boy. In the 1920s, the stock market was the realm of the rich and powerful. Kennedy thought that if a shoeshine boy could own stock, something must have gone terribly wrong.

Now, plenty of "common" people own stock. Online trading has given anyone who has a computer, enough money to open an account and a reasonably good financial history the ability to invest in the market. You don't have to have a personal broker or a disposable fortune to do it, and most analysts agree that average people trading stock is no longer a sign of impending doom.

­the market has become more accessible, but that doesn't mean you should take online trading lightly. In this article, we'll look at the different types of online trading accounts, as well as how to choose an online brokerage, make trades and protect yourself from fraud.

Review of stocks & markets

Review of stocks & markets

Before we look at the world of online trading, let's take a quick look at the basics of the stock market. If you've already read how stocks and the stock market work, you can go on to the next section.

A share of stock is basically a tiny piece of a corporation. Shareholders -- people who buy stock -- are investing in the future of a company for as long as they own their shares. The price of a share varies according to economic conditions, the performance of the company and investors' attitudes. The first time a company offers its stock for public sale is called an initial public offering (IPO), also known as "going public."

When a business makes a profit, it can share that money with its stockholders by issuing a dividend. A business can also save its profit or re-invest it by making improvements to the business or hiring new people. Stocks that issue frequent dividends are income stocks. Stocks in companies that re-invest their profits are growth stocks.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Brokers buy and sell stocks through an exchange, charging a commission to do so. A broker is simply a person who is licensed to trade stocks through the exchange. A broker can be on the trading floor or can make trades by phone or electronically.

An exchange is like a warehouse in which people buy and sell stocks. A person or computer must match each buy order to a sell order, and vice versa. Some exchanges work like auctions on an actual trading floor, and others match buyers to sellers electronically. Some examples of major stock exchanges are:

  • The new york stock exchange, which trades stocks auction-style on a trading floor

  • The NASDAQ, an electronic stock exchange

  • The tokyo stock exchange, a japanese stock exchange

Worldwide stock exchanges has a list of major exchanges. Over-the-counter (OTC) stocks are not listed on a major exchange, and you can look up information on them at the OTC bulletin board or pinksheets.

When you buy and sell stocks online, you're using an online broker that largely takes the place of a human broker. You still use real money, but instead of talking to someone about investments, you decide which stocks to buy and sell, and you request your trades yourself. Some online brokerages offer advice from live brokers and broker-assisted trades as part of their service.

If you need a broker to help you with your trades, you'll need to choose a firm that offers that service. We'll look at other qualities to look for in an online brokerage next.

How do you make money trading currencies?

Investors can trade almost any currency in the world through foreign exchange (forex). In order to make money in forex, you should be aware that you are taking on a speculative risk. In essence, you are betting that the value of one currency will increase relative to another. The expected return of currency trading is similar to the money market and lower than stocks or bonds. However, it is possible to increase both returns and risk by using leverage. Currency trading is generally more profitable for active traders than passive investors.

Key takeaways

  • It is possible to make money trading money when the prices of foreign currencies rise and fall.

  • Currencies are traded in pairs.

  • Buying and selling currency can be very profitable for active traders because of low trading costs, diverse markets, and the availability of high leverage.

  • Exchanging currency is not a good way for passive investors to make money.

  • It is easy to get started trading money at many large brokerages and specialized forex brokers.

Buying and selling currency explained

It is important to note that currencies are traded and priced in pairs. For example, you may have seen a currency quote for a EUR/USD pair of 1.1256. In this example, the base currency is the euro. The U.S. Dollar is the quote currency.

In all currency quote cases, the base currency is worth one unit. The quoted currency is the amount of currency that one unit of the base currency can buy. Based on our previous example, all that means is that one euro can buy 1.1256 U.S. Dollars. An investor can make money in forex by appreciation in the value of the quoted currency or by a decrease in value of the base currency.

How do you make money trading money?

Another perspective on currency trading comes from considering the position an investor is taking on each currency pair. The base currency can be thought of as a short position because you are "selling" the base currency to purchase the quoted currency. In turn, the quoted currency can be seen as a long position on the currency pair.

In our example above, we see that one euro can purchase $1.1256 and vice versa. To buy the euros, the investor must first go short on the U.S. Dollar to go long on the euro. To make money on this investment, the investor will have to sell back the euros when their value appreciates relative to the U.S. Dollar.

For instance, let's assume the value of the euro appreciates to $1.1266. On a lot of 100,000 euros, the investor would gain $100 ($112,660 - $112,560) if they sold the euros at this exchange rate. Conversely, if the EUR/USD exchange rate fell from $1.1256 to $1.1246, then the investor would lose $100 ($112,460 - $112,560).

Advantages for active traders

The currency market is a paradise for active traders. The forex market is the most liquid market in the world. Commissions are often zero, and bid-ask spreads are near zero. Spreads near one pip are common for some currency pairs. It is possible to frequently trade forex without high transaction costs.

With forex, there is always a bull market somewhere. The long-short nature of forex, the diversity of global currencies, and the low or even negative correlation of many currencies with stock markets ensures constant opportunities to trade. There is no need to sit on the sidelines for years during bear markets.

Although forex has a reputation as risky, it is actually an ideal place to get started with active trading. Currencies are generally less volatile than stocks, as long as you don't use leverage. The low returns for passive investment in the forex market also make it much harder to confuse a bull market with being a financial genius. If you can make money in the forex market, you can make it anywhere.

Finally, the forex market offers access to much higher levels of leverage for experienced traders. Regulation T sharply limits the maximum leverage available to stock investors in the united states.   it is usually possible to get 50 to 1 leverage in the forex market, and it is sometimes possible to get 400 to 1 leverage. This high leverage is one of the reasons for the risky reputation of currency trading.

New forex traders should not use high leverage. It is best to start using little or no leverage and gradually increase it as profits and experience grow.

Disadvantages for passive investors

Passive investors seldom make money in the forex market. The first reason is that returns to passively holding foreign currencies are low, similar to the money market. If you think about it, that makes sense. When U.S. Investors buy euros in the forex market, they are really investing in the EU's money market. Money markets around the world generally have low expected returns, and so does forex.

The benefits of the forex market for active traders are usually useless or even harmful for passive investors. Low trading costs mean very little if you do not trade very much. Using high leverage without a stop-loss order can lead to large losses. On the other hand, using stop-loss orders essentially turns an investor into an active trader.

Getting started with forex

The forex market was once much less accessible to average investors, but getting started is easy now. Many large brokerages, such as fidelity, offer forex trading to their customers. Specialized forex brokers, such as OANDA, make sophisticated tools available to traders with balances as low as one dollar.

The ultimate beginner’s guide to trading online

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Online trading gives you an opportunity be your own boss, set your work hours, work from home (or the beach), and make as much money as you want without the artificial cap placed on salaries.

However, beginner traders often have a hard time understanding how the market works – the information overload from wall street is more than enough to keep a beginner in a state of constant learning. As a result, they never ever feel ready to take the plunge.

Technological advancements in the finance industry have lowered the entry barrier to trading. Now, anybody can start making money from the markets with a basic understanding of how the market works, decent trading capital, and the right trading tools. In fact, financial trading tools such as bots, trading algorithms, AI, and social trading makes it easier to become successful at trading without having advanced degrees or any specialized training.

Different kinds of trading

Before getting into basics, let’s go over the different kinds of trading first:

Stock trading: stock trading is the art of buying, holding, selling stocks (also called shares) of securities listed on public stock exchanges such as NASDAQ, NYSE, and AMEX.

Forex trading: forex trading (also known as FX trading or currency trading) is the art of buying and selling currencies in the hopes of making profits on the difference in the value of such currencies in the global economic landscape.

Options trading: options trading is a form of derivative trading in which people trade contracts that give them the rights (but not obligation) to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price.

Binary options trading: binary options trading is a form of trading in which traders expect to earn a predetermined payout or nothing at all (t hey are also called all-or-nothing options) based on the success of their ‘prediction’ of the outcome of a specific market event.

Making your first trade

Now that you have a basic understanding of how the market works, you’ll need to decide on the kind of assets or securities you want to trade. The next decision you’ll need to make is choosing the right broker or brokerage firm through which you’ll access the markets. The broker you choose will have a direct influence on the kind of securities you’ll be able to trade, the kind of trading tools you’ll have at your disposal, how much money you’ll pay in fees, and the kind of final returns you can expect on your trades.

Some unscrupulous brokers tend to make their trading process opaque, confusing, and complex as part of efforts to fleece out more fees, transaction costs, and commissions out of beginner traders. You need to find a broker that would charge relatively low fees while still providing you with a full suite of resources to make your trading experience easier.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

The screenshot above shows an example of a trade to buy 100 shares of tesla motors inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) shares at $354.25 per share. You’ll observe that the trade has an estimated commission of $1 and the total cost of the trade will be $35,456.

Developing a trading strategy

The main differentiating factor between trading and investments is that a trader actively seeks out market movements for profit while an investor typically waits to profit from long-term price movements in the assets in their portfolio. A trader will typically make tens or hundreds of trades within a week while an investor is content to buy and hold an asset for months or years.

No trader can afford to underestimate the importance of a trading strategy – the first step in creating your trading strategy is to have a trading plan. A trading plan is akin to writing a business plan for an entrepreneurial pursuit. A trading plan helps you make logical tradition decision is periods of rapid market movement when you emotions might lead you to make rash decisions.

Your trading strategy should include a market ideology – a specific goal (getting out of debt, retiring early, making your first million) acting as your motivating factor to seek your fortune in the market. Your trading strategy should include your asset allocation and diversification moves – as a beginner, you should not have more than 5% of your trading capital on any single trade.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

The trading chart above shows that tesla has been in a consistent uptrend marked by rising support and resistant trend lines – for example, the stock is trending because of a catalyst such as a product launch or changes in management – in the last three weeks. The information that the stock chart provides can encourage you to hold/buy more shares of tesla if you think that the uptrend will continue. Of course, you won’t hesitate to sell your tesla shares to lock in your gains if you have reasons to believe that tesla is at the peak of the uptrend.

Your trading strategy should include risk limits such as how much money you can afford to lose in a trading session (ideally not more than 5% of your capital) and how much loss you can afford to book in each trade (ideally, not more than 1% of your trading capital).

Also, make sure your trading strategy contains a mix of fundamental analysis (for example, global events, such as wars that impact oil prices) and technical analysis (trading rules based on price and volume transformations). You should use this information to determine your entry into trades, your exit when the trade goes your way, and your escape when the trade goes against your plans. It is your best interest to develop the disciple to incorporate stop/limit loss orders into every trade you place.

Using technology to beat the learning curve

Technology can help new traders lower the entry barriers to trading by automating many of the activities that could require a great deal of mental effort to track. Below are some pointers for using technology to become a better trader in the shortest possible time.

Stock screeners

If you are trading stocks, finding the right ones can be difficult because there are simply too many to pick from. Many newbie traders tend to follow the herd mentality, meaning they only trade the ‘big name’ stocks that make headlines, whereas hundreds of ‘quiet’ stocks are providing seasoned traders with consistent gains. If you trade stocks based on news alone, you’ll most likely miss the big gains; the pros often get in or out of such trades before it hits the headlines.

A stock screener can help you sieve through the thousands of stocks in the market to narrow down potential winners before their big breaks. It will help you identify top gainers and losers, stocks on turbo momentum, and stocks that are about to break out above resistance or break down below support lines, as explained above.

Marketwatch , google , finviz , zacks among others offer free stocks screening software – your broker may also have specialized screening software on their trading platform. The image below is a screenshot of a stock screen done on finviz screener .

The screener is set to show stocks trading on technology stocks with a share price of at least $30 per share, with a market cap of at least $10B, sporting an average trading volume of more than 500K trades on the NASDAQ exchange. The stocks also need to be optionable (you can buy or sell its options) and they must have an analyst rating of “buy or better.”

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Trading bots

You can also automate your trades online by using a trading bot. These bots are simply computer programs with instructions to execute a trade on your behalf based on a predetermined set of market indicators and parameters. Automated trading systems can be used to trade stocks, options, futures and foreign exchange products based on a predefined set of rules, which determine when to enter an order, when to exit a position and how much money to invest in each trading product.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Trading bots can increase the odds of success for newbie traders by bridging the gap between their inexperience and events in the market to make sound trading decisions. These automated systems can also reduce your direct involvement in the markets so that you have ‘someone’ watching over your portfolio in your absence. While you are at work, traveling, or sleeping, your bot will be looking for new opportunities to book gains in the market.

Trading bots are especially helpful to beginner traders because they have logic on their side; they make trading decisions based on facts, whereas emotions and sentiments are likely to cloud the reasoning of inexperienced traders. In addition, it’s important to understand that trading bots are not created solely to help you book profits – sometimes; a bot can be an important market ally for reducing your losses.

Trading algorithms

Many new traders tend to confuse trading bots with algorithm trading – yet they are fundamentally different. Algorithmic trading is simply a tool designed to help traders execute orders automatically based on pre-programmed trading instructions such as price, volume, and timing. You can also use algorithmic trading to break down large orders that your trading platform can’t execute in a single trade.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

The primary function of algorithmic trading is to help you manage costs and minimize risks. Using algorithmic trading for large orders can also help institutional investors or individual investors with deep pockets to avoid spooking the markets.

Social trading

A third option beginners should consider if they want to reduce the trading learning curve, is social trading. Social trading is simply a type of trading in which traders rely on user-generated financial content, collated from a variety of networks, to make trading decisions. Social trading provides you the platform to be part of a community of successful traders so that you can distill the wisdom of the crowd to make trading decisions.

You can utilize social trading to engage in the trading of different types of securities such as stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Social trading is also closely associated with copy trading – with copy trading you have an opportunity to copy the trades of other traders to make your trading decisions.

Trade with the No, trading money online.

3 common mistakes beginners should avoid

Not using a trading plan
many new traders are eager to enter the market to start placing trades and start making money. However, entering the market without a well-thought-out trading plan often results in massive losses. Without a trading plan, you’ll mostly be reacting to events in the market instead of acting logically.

Underestimating the importance of a trading journal
A trading journal is a useful trading tool that can fast track your mastery of the markets. Recording all your trades, the investment thesis behind the trades and noting how the trades turn out can help you improve your trading acumen. A trading journal also makes it easy for you to do the post-trading analysis to crunch data and prepare for the next trade.

Changing trading strategy after every trade
some traders experience beginner’s luck when they start trading; however, most new traders tend to lose some money because of their propensity to making trading mistakes. However, changing your trading strategy after every loss will only set you back on the learning curve because you’ll never really master any of the trading strategies.

Now that you’ve gotten actionable information to begin your trading journey, it’s time to get started on the right foot. Etoro helps traders improve the odds of their trading success by providing a platform where you can automatically copy the trades of other successful and experienced traders.

This post is brought to you by etoro. All trading involves risk. Only risk capital you are prepared to lose. This content is intended for educational purposes only, and shouldn’t be considered investment advice.

5 free simulated stock trading tools for paper trading

Modified date: january 10, 2021

L ast week I was talking to a group of college students and recent college graduates. The topic was investing. “has anyone here every invested in the stock market,” I asked. Nope. “can anybody name a single mutual fund company?” nope.

But it was the answer to the last question I asked that made me laugh. “if you wanted to invest now, how would you get started?” one future nurse responded, “I’d google it.” actually, that’s not a bad answer. We turn to search engines for answers to all kinds of questions.

So today I thought I’d share some resources for those looking to start investing in the stock market. There are a number of brokerages that offer free simulated stock trading tools. These tools are a great way to get your feet wet, so to speak, without risking any money.

But first a word of caution. These tools are ideal if you are interested in investing in individual stocks or etfs. If what you want instead is to invest in diversified mutual funds, go to vanguard, fidelity or a company like betterment .

What is paper trading, simulated or virtual stock trading?

Simulated stock trading allows you to trade stocks and options without risking your money. The brokerage firms listed below that offer this feature will create an account for you with essentially fake money. You’ll see a balance (typically $10,000 or more) that you can invest, but it’s not real money.

A virtual trading account is just like a regular trading account with an online broker. These virtual accounts can be helpful in several respects. First, if you’ve never bought stocks before, placing a simulated order first will enable you to see how the process works. This can be really helpful, as I recall being very intimidated when I placed my first order. Second, if you plan to trade options, a virtual account allows you to explore various options strategies in a test environment before risking your own money. Finally, a simulated account can be a great way to teach your children about investing.

Below are five popular online brokers that offer a free stock trading simulator.

5 free simulated stock trading options (for paper trading)

TD ameritrade

Trade with the No, trading money online.
TD ameritrade papermoney is a paper trading application available as a downloadable trading platform. With papermoney, every user has access to a virtual margin account and a virtual IRA each funded with $100,000 of “play money.”

TD ameritrade offers additional benefits such as advanced order types and the ability to backest and idea to see if it would have worked in the past.



Trade with the No, trading money online.
is a trading app where you can invest in stocks, ETF’s, and options commission-free, but one that also specializes in more generous leverage with margin accounts. The app comes complete with a paper trading to help you perfect your trading skills before you commit to investing with real money.

The app has a dedicated screen for paper trading and provides you with an initial balance of $1 million. However, that’s just the suggested initial balance. You can adjust that amount higher or lower depending on your own preferences. Of course, this is not real money, but only virtual money you can use to trade stocks and other securities and build a portfolio until you become sufficiently comfortable to begin investing with your own real money.

You’ll need to open a webull account to take advantage of the paper trading tool. It’s available on both the mobile app and desktop versions and is completely free to use. The tool will accurately follow the live trading model for webull, so you’ll be completely prepared when you begin trading for real.


Optionsxpress probably offers the most tools of any online broker. You get a free $25,000 virtual trading account and the ability to use optionsxpress account screens, trading tools and resources to trade stocks, options and futures.

  • Free real-time quotes and charts

  • 40+ innovative trading tools

  • Online or desktop virtual trading

  • Advanced orders such as trailing stops, one-cancels-other, triggered orders, and future spreads

  • Download positions to track and analyze virtual performance

  • Glossary and education center

Zacks trade

Zacks trade

Trade with the No, trading money online.
is an online broker designed primarily for active day traders and multi-security investors. You can trade stocks, bonds, funds, and options, using three different trading platforms. And even though the platform is designed primarily for advanced traders, rather than beginners, they do offer a free paper trading tool.

By completing a brief questionnaire on the website, you’ll receive a demo account preloaded with $1 million in paper trading funds. The demo account will be emailed to you within one or two business days, giving you access to paper trading for 90 days.


E*TRADE is one of the smaller diversified investment brokers, but it offers all the investment capabilities, trading tools and resources of the biggest brokers in the industry. You can trade stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s, options and futures on the platform, which also comes with round-the-clock telephone support. It’s also been integrated with the former optionshouse, making it one of the top options trading platforms in the industry.

E*TRADE offers a paper trading platform that allows you to practice trading stocks, options, and other securities without using your own money. That will help you to learn how the E*TRADE platform works, as well as to practice and develop your trading skills. This can be especially important when it comes to options, which is an E*TRADE specialty.

Interactive brokers

Interactive brokers

Trade with the No, trading money online.
is one of the best brokers for the more advanced trader who doesn’t require a lot (if any) hand-holding. Their virtual trading platform is identical to their real platform (trader workstation) and just as complex. However, when you use a paper trading account, you’ll have limited access to the client portal/account management functions. But you’ll still have the full range of trading facilities using real market conditions, but in a simulated environment.

They offer access to more markets and instruments than almost any other broker and at the lowest cost. If you are just starting out, stick to one of the brokers mentioned above. However, this is one of the benefits of virtual trading – you can learn the platform without fear of losing money.

Resources available include:

  • Stock, ETF and fund screeners

  • Education center

  • Automated trading

  • Financial calculators

How to trade online

Trade with the No, trading money online.

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How to trade forex online?

On the simple side, a currency exchange rate is the rate at which the basic currency can be exchanged for the quote currency. These currencies are quoted in pairs, such as the widely traded pair EUR/USD that is the euro and the US dollar. Economic factors such as industrial production, inflation, political events, etc. Influence these exchange rates. These factors are the main market influencers for whether you buy or sell a currency pair.

A more practical example of a forex trade is illustrated as follows:

In this example of the EUR/USD the EURO is represented as the base currency and the USD as the quote currency, and it represents the number of US dollars that one euro can purchase. The quotation of EUR/USD 1.2000 in numbers means: that one euro is exchanged for 1.2000 US dollars.

If you believe that the euro will increase in value against the US dollar over the next 48 hours, you will BUY the euro. Should the exchange rate rise in your favor you would sell the euros back at a profit. Basically, this is how profits are made when you trade online.

How to perform a trade online

Choosing the right broker to trade with is the most essential of all your choices when it comes to online trading. We offer you starter bonus of up to 100%, a free demo account and many forms of educational information alongside direct interaction from any of our customer support agents should you require further services.

  • Open your online real account, provide your banking and personal information that is totally secure, and without any commissions and fees. Now that that is covered let’s execute your first trade.

  • After you have conducted your research and, in case of need, consulted with our team, head over to the trading platform where you can open a position on the chosen instrument. You will also be able to see the spread, and how many units you wish to buy on an implemented leverage (of your choice). Remember to start small and build up when you get the hang of trading. It is important to use stop loss orders each time you open a trade.

  • Once your trade is opened you will need to monitor your investment and keep abreast of their performances. Should you see a decrease in the activity and the markets are trading against you, you should consider a sell, or wait for the stop loss to kick in to limit the damage on your account.

  • Making changes to your portfolio from time to time is advised, you are constantly exposed to emerging markets and you can decide to diversify your trades. Whatever the case, follow your strategy, and do not over trade.

  • Should your trade make a profit covering your goal, close it and take the profit. Executing a withdrawal request is simple and easy and can be done via the platform.

Learn how to trade online with avatrade south africa

Want to learn how to trade forex? Potentially increase your gains on the financial markets? Avatrade ZA will teach you how to master forex trading online. Start now! With all the tools of the trade at your fingertips there is no reason for a delay.

How to trade online main faqs

In this day and age doing trading online is a simple proposition as long as you have stable internet access and a bank account or other way to fund your trading account. You’ll find that there are many online brokers offering access to trade on stocks, commodities, forex, indices, bonds, and even cryptocurrencies. And they make it quite easy to open and fund a trading account. Of course, you’re already here on the south african avatrade website, so why not simply get started trading with us. Just click the button above on the right to register now.

You might be surprised to learn that you really don’t need any skills to get started online. Instead what you need is the desire to trade and the drive to learn how to trade better. As you begin trading, you’ll need to read a lot, but that’s ok because there are loads of great books available that can teach you about trading the markets. As you become more experienced, you’ll want to focus more on the various types of market analysis, like technical chart reading, and fundamental economic analysis. Finally, you’ll add risk management and money management techniques to your arsenal of trading skills.

In general online trading is quite safe. Online brokers spend plenty of time, money, and other resources to ensure that their trading platforms remain safe and secure. In addition to the steps being taken by the brokers you should also do your own part to keep your online trading account secure. As long as you’re using common sense and avoiding potentially sketchy websites and brokers, you’re almost certain to be safe when trading online. And when you think about the profit potential any threats are more than offset by the potential benefits to be gained from online trading.

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18 ways to earn money online from home without investment

Are you looking for the ways to earn money online?

Did you try to make money online before but did not get success? Then no need to worry anymore!

Because we have already trained more than 7,00,000 people across the world & they are successfully making $300 to $2000 (INR 20,000+) per month.

We are showing you below some of the best ways to earn money online. You can also download our training package which will help you to grow your income very fast.

And yes, everything in this website is absolutely free & without investment.

18 ways to earn money online

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Check some of the best ways below & start immediately-

1. Make money with online surveys

Here you can make money by completing small surveys which takes 5 minutes to 20 minutes depending on the requirement of a particular company.

You need to write your feedback & opinion in a survey. You just have to select your choice from the question & there is no need to write anything.

You can make $1 to $20 depending on the length of the survey, your profile & the country you are living in. You can find more about paid surveys and join 20 best survey sites.

2. Earn money with blogging

I have been making money with blogging from the last 7-8 years. I have made more than 1 million dollar (almost rs. 7 crore+) with blogging. I was so confused when I started blogging.

I had absolutely no idea about blogging when I started in 2010. I worked very hard but made no money with blogging for almost 1 year.

But I never gave up! I was doing my research on topics like, ‘how to create a blog', ‘how to write on your blog' and ‘how to promote your blog'.

And things started in my favor after 1 year. I made my first $100 from blogging in 2011. Then there was no looking back. Today I am earning $25,000 (rs 15 lacs+) per month from blogging.

You can know more about my blogging journey, my income proofs and a complete guide on how to start a blog for FREE.

3. Become a captcha solver

If you have more free time (2 hours a day) then you can add further income in your pocket by working as a captcha solver.

This is one of the easiest way to earn money online. As a captcha solver, you need to read the captcha images & type the exact characters.

You need to be very fast in order to earn better income. You can get paid up to $2 for every 1000 captchas you solve.

If you are interested in this then you can check this list of 10 best captcha work sites.

4. Earn with affiliate marketing

If you are serious about earning money online & you are a hard working guy who wants to make big income then affiliate marketing is for you.

There is more scope for affiliate marketing than before because of the high growth of online shopping.

There are hundreds of online merchants like amazon, flipkart, ebay, clickbank, CJ etc. Where you can signup & promote their products.

In affiliate marketing, you are simply helping customers to buy the right product by creating a simple website & in return you can earn 4% to 20% commission.

You can signup for free training so that we can send you one of the best guide on affiliate marketing that can help you to earn great income.

5. Become a freelancer

Freelancing is another popular way to make money after blogging & affiliate marketing. As a freelancer, you can work with small or big companies on a temporary basis & provide them your services.

Freelancers can make $500 to $2000+ per month depending on the type of freelance jobs you will do for your client.

You can work as a content writer, web designer, graphics designer or provide services like SEO, data entry, video testimonials, digital marketing etc.

There are dozens of popular websites like upwork, freelancer.In , worknhire , and many more freelance sites that can give you the ready platform with ready clients.

6. Virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is like a personal assistant who can earn money by working online for someone without being physically present.

He can do variety of tasks like taking care of websites, counseling, writing & proofreading, publishing content, marketing, coding, website & app development, research etc.

There are dozens of companies like hiremymom , mytasker , zirtual , uassistme , 123employee where you can signup for virtual assistant work.

7. Writing job

Writing is another better way to earn money on internet through writing different types of content.

You can write for blogs, companies, institutions, individual people etc. Different types of writers get paid differently.

Normally people get paid $5 to $20+ for writing 500 words content.

If you don’t have writing skills then you can read this post and become a freelance writer.

You can go to the sites like upwork, iwriter, writerbay, freelancewriting, textbroker, expresswriters.Com, freelancewritinggigs.Com to find the content writing jobs.

8. Micro-working

There are more ways that can help you to make extra income by working in part time. You can easily make $200-$300 per month by doing simple tasks on different sites.

Here you can work on variety of different tasks like identifying an object, rating & commenting on different sites, visiting some websites, finding contact details, doing small research, writing small articles etc.

There are many websites like mturk, microworker, seoclerk, clickworker, gigwalk where you can work as a micro worker & earn extra income. After signup, we will show you how to work as micro-worker and make money.

9. Become a youtuber

Youtube is one of the hottest trend in earning money online. You can start your youtube channel, upload some quality videos and then become a youtube partner to make money online on youtube.

You can create different kind of videos like prank videos, comedy videos, kitchen recipes, how-to-do videos, travel tips, or anything you think, is useful for people.

Once you get the videos views and subscribers for your channel then you can apply for youtube partner program.

Once you get the approval, people will see the ads along with ads in your videos. You will make money for each views your video receive.

You can shoot videos from your smartphone or any DSLR camera.

10. Become an online seller

Online selling is not like traditional selling. You don’t have much scope of selling your items outside your local market but in online selling, you can sell your product all over the country.

There are 2 ways to sell anything online.

Either, you can create your own website and sell your products from your website OR become a seller on any famous shopping portal like amazon, flipkart, ebay, snapdeal etc.

Second option is much better you will get existing customers of these popular portals.

Now you must be thinking that what can I sell when I don’t have any product?

I have seen many amazon and flipkart sellers who don’t have any product but still they are selling number of products on these sites.

What you can do is, roam around your city & check for the best products you can sell on these sites. You can find the wholesalers and distributors who can sell you these products at a highly discounted rates.

You can list these products on amazon, ebay etc. And make money by selling at a higher price.

You need to try the best products that you can sell at lower than market price. Trust me, its easier than your thought. Only thing you need to do is take action.

11. Domain trader

Domain trading is another high profit business you can do online. But here you need some investment for buying the domain.’

You must be an expert OR you should get detailed knowledge before you start this business.

You can buy domains from godaddy or other domain registrar for less than $10 & sell in future to the needy person for hundreds of dollars. Your skill here is to identify great domains that are not booked yet & companies in future can try to buy that domain.

When companies don’t find the domain of their choice, they contact the domain owner for the deal & it’s in your control to fix the price. You can even put your domains on auction so that people can buy directly at your desired price.

12. Website flipping

Like domain trading, website flipping is also a hot business to earn money online. Here you don’t deal with domains but websites.

You have to create a website, work on it for 3-6 months or more so that you can start making money from the websites.

After earning for 2-3 months, you can put that site on auction on flippa , empireflippers etc. You can easily get 15-20 times price of your monthly earning from that website.

It’s much easier to grow an old sites than creating a new site and the grow this new site.

Many experienced people buy websites from flippa, work for 3-4 months on these sites and make double or triple income.

13. Provide training & consultancy

There is a big scope of earning money online if you have some good skills that people need. Like you can provide training on spoken english, computer courses, any technical course, feng shui, medical treatment and any other things.

You can promote your business through a website or a facebook business page.

You need to promote your website or facebook page in order to get the potential leads.

You can get many customers through a good follow ups.

14. Stock & forex trading

Stock trading & forex trading is a very lucrative way to make money for those who has good idea of the market.

There are number of free or paid courses available on internet that can train you for online trading.

You can even read newspaper like economic times or watch TV channels like CNBC to become more expert in the field. Its risky to enter into this market without sufficient knowledge.

15. Earn money from your smartphone

There are various smartphone apps that can pay you some extra income by completing some simple tasks on your smartphone.

There are at least 20 money making apps that if you install in your smartphone, can give an extra income of $200-$300.

You have to take simple surveys, complete offers by signup on other websites, play games, watch videos etc.

You don’t need to take any extra time to earn from this as you can make money on the go.

16. Sell photos online

This is another use of your smartphone. You can take high quality images of nature, places, people, things, dishes, homes etc. & sell them online.

There are number of big sites like shutterstock, fotolia, , istockphoto, photobucket where you can submit your photos. Whenever some customer wants to purchase your photos, you will get paid as per the price you fix.

You can get paid multiple time for the same photos. Read this moneyconnexion post for more details.

17. Sell old stuff on OLX or quikr

I am sure there may be number of things in your home that are lying unused for months & if you take little efforts, you can earn some good money.

You just need to do 2 things, i.E. Find out all the items that you are no longer using, take high quality photos of these items from different angles & list these items on OLX & quikr for sale.

Not only this, you can also ask your friends & relatives for selling their old stuff. You can help them selling these items & make some commission.

So these 18 ways can provide a perfect answer for your query ‘how to earn money online” & yes, you can shoot an email to us in case of assistance.

Online stock trading 101: A beginner's guide

Learn the ropes if you're a newbie to online trading

Trade with the No, trading money online.

Image by hilary allison © the balance 2020

It's important to educate yourself before you consider any type of investment or investment strategy. This beginner's guide to online stock trading will give you a starting point and walk you through the basics so you can feel confident in assessing your options, picking a brokerage, and placing a trade.

Choose an online broker

If you haven't already opened a brokerage account with a respected online stock brokerage, do it now. Take your time researching so you can feel confident you are choosing the best online stock broker for your situation. As you research, consider factors like whether there are trading commission fees (many brokerages offer free trading), how intuitive the app or website is, and any research or educational tools available for customers.

Choosing the best brokerage ultimately comes down to personal preference, and traders have a lot of options. Established giants like fidelity and charles schwab have channeled their decades of expertise into both online and app-based trading tools. There are also newcomers that specialize in perfecting the user experience of their apps, such as robinhood, webull, and sofi.

Research stocks to trade

Once you have a brokerage, you can buy stocks, but what stocks should you buy? If you're brand new to trading, the best place to start may not be with stocks, but with exchange-traded funds (etfs). Etfs allow investors to buy a bundle of stocks at once—which can help if you don't feel confident choosing one company over another. Etfs built to replicate major indices like the dow, nasdaq, and S&P 500 are good places to start to give your portfolio broad exposure to the U.S. Stock market. Many traders also diversify their holdings with assets other than stocks, such as bonds, as a way of hedging their risk during stock market downturns.

If you decide to invest in individual stocks, make sure to use some financial analysis ratios to compare a company's performance to its competitors. Successfully choosing individual stocks is difficult, but extensive comparative analysis can help ensure you're adding the best stocks to your portfolio.

Decide what kind of trade is right for you

When you want to buy (or sell) a stock, ETF, or any other traded asset, you have options for the type of trade order you want to place. The two most basic types are market orders and limit orders. Market orders execute immediately for the best price available at that moment. Limit orders won't necessarily execute right away, but they give you greater control over the price you pay (or receive, when selling). Once you own a stock, you might consider placing a trailing stop loss sell order, which allows you to continue riding positive momentum and automatically sell when the trade starts to turn on you.

No order type is necessarily better than another. They all have their place, and by learning as many of them as possible, you ensure you're using the right tool for your scenario.

Know what it'll cost you to trade stocks

One of the biggest enemies of successful stock trading is expenses. They represent money you pay just to own or trade securities. One type of expense is a commission fee, which you should consider while shopping around for brokerages.

If you're buying individual stocks through a brokerage that doesn't charge commission fees, you might not incur any expenses. However, when you start trading etfs, mutual funds, and other types of investments, then you need to understand expense ratios. These funds are managed by a person who is paid a percentage of the fund's assets every year. So, if an ETF has an expense ratio of 0.1%, that means that you will pay $0.10 per year in expenses for every $100 you invest in the ETF.

Aside from expenses, you also need to consider your risk tolerance. A common risk assessment method involves considering a hypothetical scenario in which your investments suddenly lose 50% of their value. Would you buy more after the crash, do nothing, or sell? If you would buy more, you have an aggressive risk tolerance, and you can afford to take more risks. If you would sell, you have a conservative risk tolerance, and you should seek out relatively safe investments.

Understanding how you would emotionally react to losses is one thing, and understanding how much you can lose without sacrificing financial stability is another. You may have an aggressive risk tolerance, but if you don't have an emergency fund to fall back on in case of sudden job loss, then you shouldn't use your limited funds to invest in risky stocks.

Understand how trading stocks affects your tax bill

Along with expenses, it's important to understand the tax rules for each of your positions, especially if you're going to actively trade stocks. The taxes you pay on stock profits are known as capital gains taxes. In general, you pay more capital gains taxes when you hold a stock for less than a year, and you pay less when you hold a stock for more than a year. This tax structure is designed to encourage long-term investing.

While selling stocks for a profit will increase your tax bill, selling stocks for a loss will decrease your tax bill. To prevent people from taking advantage of these tax benefits, there's something known as the "wash sale rule." essentially, this rule delays the tax implications of any profits or losses if you re-enter the same position within 30 days.   in other words, if you sell a stock for a loss, and then buy the same stock a week later, your loss will no longer give you tax benefits—it's carried over into your new position. The loss will be accounted for once you sell the stock again.

If minimizing your tax bill is a primary concern, consider investing in a retirement account like a roth IRA or 401(k) plan instead of using a standard brokerage account.

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