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Metatrader 4

The best forex trading platform

Metatrader 4 offers the leading trading and analytical technologies, as well as additional services. It has everything you need for forex trading.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Analyze quotes of financial instruments using interactive charts and technical indicators

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Flexible trading system and support for all order types allow you to implement any strategy

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Examine currency quotes from various perspectives with more than 65 built-in technical indicators and analytical objects

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Copy deals of successful traders directly in the platform using the trading signals service (social trading)

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Trading alerts will notify you of favorable market conditions

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Visit the market — the biggest online store of trading robots and technical indicators

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Test any trading robot in the market before purchasing it

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Purchase or rent a market product the way you like

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Read the product description in the market before purchasing it

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Thousands of free robots and indicators are published in the code base and ready to be downloaded

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Trading robots and indicators are developed using the specialized metaeditor tool

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Order the virtual hosting at a reasonable price directly from the platform

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Test robots in visual mode to better understand their trading algorithms

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A trading robot test report will show you how good it is

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Browse through the quotes of any currency pair from one minute to one month in the history center

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Your metatrader 4 desktop platform is integrated with the metatrader 4 mobile application for android and ios. Specify your metaquotes ID to receive push notifications from launched trading robots and scripts directly to your smartphone

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Join the largest community of traders directly via your platform!

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Receive useful information and hints from the metatrader 4 developers in mailbox section

The metatrader 4 trading system

The powerful metatrader 4 trading system allows you to implement strategies of any complexity.

The market and pending orders, instant execution and trading from a chart, stop orders and trailing stop, a tick chart and trading history — all these tools are at your disposal.

With metatrader 4, trading becomes flexible and convenient.

  • 3 execution modes

  • 2 market orders

  • 4 pending orders

  • 2 stop orders and a trailing stop

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

The metatrader 4 analytics

Analytical functions are one of the metatrader 4 platform's strongest points.

Online quotes and interactive charts with 9 periods allow you to examine quotes in all the details quickly responding to any price changes.

23 analytical objects and 30 built-in technical indicators greatly simplify this task. However, they are only the tip of the iceberg.

The free code base and built-in market provide thousands of additional indicators rising the amount of analytical options up to the sky. If there is a movement in the market, you have the analytical tools to detect it and react in a timely manner.

  • Interactive charts

  • 9 timeframes

  • 23 analytical objects

  • 30 technical indicators

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Trading signals and copy trading

No time for trading? That is not a problem, since metatrader 4 can automatically copy deals of other traders. Select your provider, subscribe to a signal and let your terminal copy the provider's trades.

Thousands of free and paid signals with various profitability and risk levels working on demo and real accounts are at your fingertips.

Make your choice, and metatrader 4 will trade for you.

  • Thousands of providers

  • Thousands of trading strategies

  • Any trading conditions

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

The metatrader market

The built-in market is the best place to find an expert advisor or a newest technical indicator.

Buy any of the hundreds of trading robots or indicators and launch them without leaving the platform. The purchase is simple, transparent and secure.

  • The widest selection of trading applications in the world

  • 1 700+ trading robots and 2 100+ technical indicators

  • Free and commercial products

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Algorithmic trading

Almost any trading strategy can be formalized and implemented as an expert advisor, so that it automatically does all the work for you. A trading robot can control both trading and analytics freeing you from the routine market analysis.

Metatrader 4 provides the full-fledged environment for the development, testing and optimizing algorithmic/automated trading programs.

You can use your own application in trading, post it in the free code library or sell in the market.

  • The MQL4 language of trading strategies

  • Metaeditor

  • Strategy tester

  • Library of free trading robots

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Mobile trading

Smartphones and tablets are indispensable in trading when you are away from your computer.

Use the mobile versions of metatrader 4 on your iphone/ipad and android devices to trade in the financial markets.

You will certainly appreciate the functionality of the mobile trading platforms that include the full support for the trading functions, broad analytical capabilities with technical indicators and other graphical objects. Of course, all these features are available from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day.

  • Support for ios and android OS

  • Full set of trading orders

  • Analytics and technical indicators

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Alerts and financial news

The latest financial news allows you to prepare for unexpected price movements and make the right trading decisions.

Alerts inform you about certain events, so that you can take appropriate measures.

  • Current financial information

  • Timely notification

  • Different market conditions

Instaforex MT4 download

Mobile trading platform: (more info)

  • Android (smart phone/tablet) – download

  • Ios (iphone/ipad) – download

Klik sini untuk platform lain: multiterminal, forex rates viewer, IFX option trade

Alat terbaik untuk perdagangan profesional

Platform dagangan metatrader membolehkan anda untuk membuat pelbagai penempatan, membeli dan menjual aset atau mata wang dalam talian. Dengan MT5 atau MT4, anda akan sentiasa dapat memantau baki akaun anda dan menerima pemberitahuan mengenai tawaran anda, membuka kedudukan, jumlah keuntungan dan kerugian.

  • Perkhidmatan 24/7

  • Kelaksanaan pesanan berkelajuan tinggi

  • Keperluan rendah untuk kelajuan sambungan dan sumber sistem

  • Aplikasi mudah alih untuk telefon pintar

  • Pelbagai instrumen perdagangan

  • Expert advisor (EA), indicator dan skrip yang boleh didapati dari dalam talian dan juga yang terbina dalam

  • Menyimpan rekod sejarah akaun

Fungsi MT4

Walaupun pelbagai peluang perniagaan yang lebih luas boleh didapati atas MT5, kebanyakan peniaga masih memilih untuk bekerja di MT4 yang mempunyai kapasiti mencukupi untuk dagangan sepenuhnya.

  • 8 jangka masa

  • Pelbagai alat untuk analisis teknikal

  • Talian berita pasaran kewangan

  • Perdagangan automatik

  • Kedudukan dikunci

  • Pelbagai pilihan penunjuk percuma dan penasihat

  • Mewujudkan petunjuk anda sendiri dan penasihat (MQL4)

  • Keselamatan yang tinggi 128 bit pengekodan

  • Perdagangan satu klik

  • Trailing stop

Fungsi MT5

Metatrader 5 adalah yang paling popular program dagangan dalam talian boleh didapati secara percuma. MT5 adalah platform dagangan up-to-tarikh yang termasuk semua fungsi versi MT4 sebelum ini, ditambah dengan pelbagai kemas kini teknologi berguna.

  • 21 jangka masa (MT4 hanya mempunyai 8)

  • Kedalaman pasaran (harga tahap II) dan spesifikasi kontrak

  • MQL5 – bahasa pengaturcaraan generasi baru untuk mereka bentuk EA dan indicator

  • Arkib sebut harga automatik

  • Set advanced alat teknikal

  • Isikan dasar – satu arahan baru dalam tetingkap perintah

  • Pesanan buy stop limit dan sell stop limit kini boleh diletakkan tanpa bantuan EA

  • Tarikh luput untuk pesanan yang belum selesai

  • EA tersedia, indicator dan skrip yang boleh didapati dari kedai dalam talian yang terbina dalam

Fungsi multiterminal

Multiterminal membolehkan bekerja dengan beberapa akaun dagangan instaforex sekaligus. Multiterminal adalah alat yang ideal untuk peniaga-peniaga yang menguruskan akaun pelanggan mereka. (pengurusan akaun)

Platform dagangan berjalan pada MS windows OS.

Metatrader 4 trading platform

The metatrader 4 trading platform is designed for forex and futures trading. With metatrader 4, traders can analyze financial markets, perform advanced trading operations, run trading robots (expert advisors) and copy deals of other traders.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Trading system

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

The platform supports three trade execution modes, including instant execution, as well as 2 market, 4 pending and 2 stop orders and a trailing stop function. Quick trading functions allow sending trading orders straight from the chart with one click. The built-in tick chart feature provides an accurate method for determining entry and exit points. With the rich functionality of metatrader 4 you can implement various trading strategies in the forex market.

Technical analysis

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

The metatrader 4 platform provides wide analytical opportunities. Each symbol can be displayed in 9 time-frames, allowing traders to see the price dynamics in detail. 30 built-in technical indicators and 24 graphic objects are available for the most comprehensive analysis of price dynamics. Combine these tools, identify trends, determine entry and exit points and with wide analytical capabilities of metatrader 4 you can thoroughly analyze market movements to catch the best time to trade.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Security and convenience

The metatrader 4 platform meets the highest security standards. Data exchange between the client terminal and the platform servers is encrypted. The platform additionally supports the use of RSA digital signatures. You can rest assured that your trading accounts are securely protected!

Metatrader 4 is equipped with an impressive set of advanced trading and analytical features. The platform provides a user-friendly interface to help you easily understand all functions and operation principles. You will only need a few minutes to get started with the platform. In addition, we have prepared a detailed user guide that contains answers to any questions you may have.

We have made metatrader 4 easy and convenient, so that you could stay focused on successful trading!

Instaforex MT4 download

Mobile trading platform: (more info)

  • Android (smart phone/tablet) – download

  • Ios (iphone/ipad) – download

Klik sini untuk platform lain: multiterminal, forex rates viewer, IFX option trade

Alat terbaik untuk perdagangan profesional

Platform dagangan metatrader membolehkan anda untuk membuat pelbagai penempatan, membeli dan menjual aset atau mata wang dalam talian. Dengan MT5 atau MT4, anda akan sentiasa dapat memantau baki akaun anda dan menerima pemberitahuan mengenai tawaran anda, membuka kedudukan, jumlah keuntungan dan kerugian.

  • Perkhidmatan 24/7

  • Kelaksanaan pesanan berkelajuan tinggi

  • Keperluan rendah untuk kelajuan sambungan dan sumber sistem

  • Aplikasi mudah alih untuk telefon pintar

  • Pelbagai instrumen perdagangan

  • Expert advisor (EA), indicator dan skrip yang boleh didapati dari dalam talian dan juga yang terbina dalam

  • Menyimpan rekod sejarah akaun

Fungsi MT4

Walaupun pelbagai peluang perniagaan yang lebih luas boleh didapati atas MT5, kebanyakan peniaga masih memilih untuk bekerja di MT4 yang mempunyai kapasiti mencukupi untuk dagangan sepenuhnya.

  • 8 jangka masa

  • Pelbagai alat untuk analisis teknikal

  • Talian berita pasaran kewangan

  • Perdagangan automatik

  • Kedudukan dikunci

  • Pelbagai pilihan penunjuk percuma dan penasihat

  • Mewujudkan petunjuk anda sendiri dan penasihat (MQL4)

  • Keselamatan yang tinggi 128 bit pengekodan

  • Perdagangan satu klik

  • Trailing stop

Fungsi MT5

Metatrader 5 adalah yang paling popular program dagangan dalam talian boleh didapati secara percuma. MT5 adalah platform dagangan up-to-tarikh yang termasuk semua fungsi versi MT4 sebelum ini, ditambah dengan pelbagai kemas kini teknologi berguna.

  • 21 jangka masa (MT4 hanya mempunyai 8)

  • Kedalaman pasaran (harga tahap II) dan spesifikasi kontrak

  • MQL5 – bahasa pengaturcaraan generasi baru untuk mereka bentuk EA dan indicator

  • Arkib sebut harga automatik

  • Set advanced alat teknikal

  • Isikan dasar – satu arahan baru dalam tetingkap perintah

  • Pesanan buy stop limit dan sell stop limit kini boleh diletakkan tanpa bantuan EA

  • Tarikh luput untuk pesanan yang belum selesai

  • EA tersedia, indicator dan skrip yang boleh didapati dari kedai dalam talian yang terbina dalam

Fungsi multiterminal

Multiterminal membolehkan bekerja dengan beberapa akaun dagangan instaforex sekaligus. Multiterminal adalah alat yang ideal untuk peniaga-peniaga yang menguruskan akaun pelanggan mereka. (pengurusan akaun)

Platform dagangan berjalan pada MS windows OS.

MT4 download

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Downloading MT4 is simple and easy, follow these steps:

Create an account (live or demo)

Download and install MT4

Login with your account details

Download to your mobile or tablet?

Visit either the app store or google play.

Search for metatrader 4

Login with your account details

Metatrader 4 for windows, android & ios

Download MT4 for windows, android and ios and access on any mobile device. Gain access to global financial markets, advanced features and trading support.

If you don't fancy downloading it yet, try the metatrader 4 webtrader. It's just as easy to use.

MT4 features

You might be wondering how MT4 became one of the world’s most recognised and prestigious forex and CFD trading platforms.

The answer is simply because of its ever-growing list of features, benefits and tools. See below for some its key features:

Practical and efficient tools

Multiple timeframes – from one minute (M1) up to one month (MN)

Numerous currency pairs, commodities and other financial instruments to trade

A safe and secure environment including 1280-bit data encryption

User-friendly charts provide real-time market rates

30-built in technical indicators , more than 2,000 free custom indicators and 700 paid ones

Automatic alerts, daily market reports and data analysis

Create your own automated strategies with inbuilt MQL coding language

Fully customisable for a unique trading experience

Register for an account

Open your account

Complete the live trading account application form. Once we have verified identity, we will set up your account.

Fund your account

Deposit funds from a credit card, E-wallet or bank transfer to start trading.

Start trading

Trade on every device, including PC, android, ipad and iphone or via web browser.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

MT4 download faqs

Below you will find some of the most frequently asked questions about downloading and updating metatrader 4 .

MT4 for windows download

With its endless educational resources, technical analysis tools, user-friendly interface and much more, MT4 is an attractive option for novice and veteran traders alike.

Download MT4 for windows to trade with complete confidence today.

MT4 for iphone download

Do you need to trade on the go? The MT4 ios app works on all ios devices, including your iphone and ipad. This means you can trade anywhere you like. Take new trades, manage existing positions, analyse your history, all on the move.

MT4 for android download

Do you need to trade on the go? MT4 is available to download on your android device, meaning you can trade wherever you are. Buy, sell, adjust your stops and limits, all as though you were sitting in front of your computer.

How to update MT4

MT4 updates automatically since the system is permanently enabled, meaning you don’t have to do anything. Yet you’ll always have the latest version of MT4.

You'll be regularly notified of any improvements when you log in.

MT4 web-based version

The MT4 web platform allows you to trade from any browser and operating system; windows, mac, linux with no additional software required.

Begin trading as soon as you login through your web browser. Enjoy the same features as you would on the desktop platform. Security, stability and compatibility all at your disposal.

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AT global markets (UK) ltd is authorized and regulated by the financial conduct authority (FCA) in the united kingdom with registration number 760555. The registered office: 1st floor, 32 cornhill, london EC3V 3SG, united kingdom.

AT global markets LLC is a limited liability company in saint vincent and the grenadines with company number 333 LLC 2020. The registered office: 1st floor, first st. Vincent bank bldg, james street, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines.

ATFX global markets (CY) ltd is authorized and regulated by the cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) under the license no. 285/15. The registered office: 159 leontiou A' street, maryvonne building office 204, 3022, limassol, cyprus.

AT global markets intl ltd is authorized and regulated by the financial services commission with license number C118023331. The registered office: suite 207, 2nd floor, the catalyst, silicon avenue, 40 cybercity, 72201 ebène, republic of mauritius.

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Instaforex is an international brokerage brand, and the companies united under this brand offer forex and CFD trading, providing great all-round service to customers the number of which amount to an impressive seven million. Being one of the best-known and fast-growing international brands, instaforex has built up a fine reputation with several high-profile sponsorships.

The companies operating under instaforex trade name are fully regulated and licensed to provide online trading services worldwide and in the european union in particular. Instaforex would be an excellent fit for traders of all shapes and sizes.

Read our expert review to find out more about this international trading platform – and discover whether instaforex would be the right fit for you.

Company details

Instaforex first appeared on the financial services scene in 2007. Over the years, the brand has only grown and expanded to have over 260 different representative offices and locations worldwide.

Where the brand made a real push to get their name out there with high-profile sponsorships through a range of different sports teams and athletic personalities such as borussia dortmund, ole einar bjørndalen, daria kasatkina, ales loprais, vladimír moravčík, HKM zvolen, and others.

One of the instaforex brand members is instant trading EU LTD. This company caters individually for the EU market with its headquarters in cyprus.

Instaforex EU is regulated by the cysec and fully compliant with the european legislation.

Over 30 industry awards, plus the use of multiple data centres, prove that instaforex is a serious contender for the trading industry, with no plans of loosening their grip anytime soon.

Trading platform

While many online brokers and services offer their own proprietary version of trading platforms, instaforex has gone the old school route by only offering metatrader 4 as their platform of choice.

The metatrader 4 download is quick and simple however. Besides, instaforex provides its self-developed plugins such as one click trading and superior forex desk.

For traders who enjoy the style, infrastructure and familiarity of MT4, the fact that instaforex uses this platform could be a significant bonus. There is also the client cabinet that adds some flexibility.

As a well-invested, carefully designed and robust trading system, MT4 does practically everything a trader could want.


As the name of the brand suggests, instaforex primarily acts as a forex broker, with a wide selection of different assets on offer to compliment the forex products.

Currently, the platform has over 100 different currency pairs available to traders, allowing for full and comprehensive diversion of portfolios for traders.

What is more, the broker treats its customers to an even wider range of instruments, giving access to trading stocks, commodities, indices and cryptocurrencies in a form of contracts for difference (cfds).

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Spreads & commission

As with the vast majority of online broker services, instaforex utilises spreads and commissions for their platform, which vary according to the specific account you hold.

To find out more about the account structure of instaforex in detail, read the account types section below for a full overview.

In basic terms, the platform offers two distinct account types: standard and eurica. The main difference between these accounts is the method: standard accounts use fixed spreads starting from 2 pips, while eurica accounts use fixed commissions starting from 0.02%.

Other account types like ECN, ECN pro and scalping accounts are offered to EU customers, which keep a floating spread of 0.8 or 1.2 pips.

Realistically, for the majority of traders starting out it makes more sense to go on commission as opposed to spread, to ensure the best possible outcome and fewer fees.

But with so much choice and so many options, it’s easy to find a solution that works for you.


One of the benefits of choosing instaforex for online trading is the sensible leverage availability.

The maximum available leverage is 1:30 which reflects EU regulation on forex trading for retail clients.

Mobile apps

As instaforex only supports trading through the well-established MT4 system, traders gain all the benefits of such a mature and well-developed platform – including the ability to access their trades from a mobile device.

Instaforex customers can trade on their mobile devices on the mobiletrader app, available on google play and ios app store.

This app has been very well received and highly rated by traders.

Additionally, instaforex offers forex portal app providing live quotes, analysis, trading signals and other useful information, as well as the forex courses app that can come handy for beginners.

Compared to some desktop-only platforms, instaforex is relatively well established with the list of different tools and functionalities it offers to mobile users.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Payment methods

Instaforex offers a great variety of methods for deposits and withdrawals, designed to provide their traders with something that works for just about anyone, anywhere in the world.

All the deposits are commission-free while fees for withdrawals can be charged by the payment processing system. The available payment methods include:

  • Bank cards

  • Bank wire transfers

  • Moneybookers/skrill

  • Neteller

  • Sofort

  • Bitcoin via skrill

  • B2binpay.

All payments are processed within the nearest working day.

With such a wide selection of payment methods on offer, there’s something to suit traders from all over the world.

Demo account

Instaforex gives free access to demo accounts to allow new or rusty traders to hone their skills and get to grips with the MT4 system in general.

The demo account comes stocked with virtual money, allowing you to get a good idea of what real-life trading through this system might look and feel like.

For newcomers to trading or those that have been out of the game for a while, giving the demo account a try is a great way to get back into the groove of things and understand the different functionalities of instaforex’s system.

Deals and promotions

Because of the regulatory requirements for brokers operating in the EU, there are no deals and promotions readily available for european-based traders. Welcome bonuses are no longer permitted by ESMA.

However, international traders who register at instaforex.Com can access a range of different monthly promotions as well as club and deposit bonuses upon signing up.
Terms and conditions will apply, and should be read thoroughly to ensure they do not impact your trading style or choices.

Regulation and licensing

Instaforex is an international brand, and EU clients are serviced by the brand’s member instant trading EU ltd. This company is incorporated in cyprus and regulated by the cysec, licence number 266/15.

So when opening an account with this broker, you can count on the best execution policy and negative balance protection.

Also note that this broker is a participant of the investor compensation fund, so eligible clients can get a compensation of up to 20,000 EUR in case of insolvency. From a regulatory point of view, instaforex ticks all the boxes.

Additional features

As a platform that utilises existing industry technology, named MT4, there aren’t that many additional features to talk about for instaforex.

Copy trading

One feature that is becoming commonplace in the industry is the use of social trading. Instaforex provides its version of a social trading platform which is called forexcopy.

This system allows traders the chance to offer strategies, as well as allowing others to profit off commission within the platform.

For experts at trading, this is a big bonus, and one that shouldn’t be understated when it comes to professionals looking to try out a different broker.

For beginners, copy trading through the forexcopy system can be a good start of their trading career, as they can see the deals copied to their accounts, thus watching how more experienced traders work.

Account types

Instaforex offers as many as five different account types, promoting diversity and offering a tailored experience to traders.

These accounts are as follows:


The typical account for the vast majority of traders, standard accounts provide all the base features the average user could want or need, with the added benefit of being able to change their leverage and deposit size.

Currencies for this account are in EUR, USD and GBP, and there are no limits attached to what you can deposit.


With no spreads required, the eurica account is also a good alternative for traders just starting out. The fixed fees apply on all trades.

The currency is again in EUR, USD and GBP, and there’s no limit for deposit at all.

With access to all trading functionalities and no commission required, ECN accounts are designed for the next level of trader, with a higher degree of flexibility in market execution.

Currencies remain the same minus GBP, but the minimum deposit for this kind of account is 100 EUR.

ECN pro

ECN pro boasts almost the same features as an ECN account. The minimum deposit of 1,000 EUR makes this account type not for the fair-weather trader.

In terms of execution type, this account utilises market execution instead of instant performance, the same as the ECN account.

The difference here is a reduced floating spread starting from 0.8 pips, to encourage higher-investment traders to give the platform a go.


Floating spreads, no commission trading and more makes the scalping account attractive to old-school traders that aren’t so keen on the newer methods.

Utilising short-term deals and quick strategy, this account is one for a specific subset of traders, but it is nonetheless valuable.

***terms and conditions apply

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.


As a well-established forex trading platform, the benefits of trying instaforex are numerous.

Different account types are offered to suit all kinds of traders, and the platform also offers a free demo to ensure you can get to grips with the system and try before you buy.

As instaforex utilises MT4, the transition into this brand will be smooth for many – it all works exactly the same, so there’s no steep learning curve involved.

Not to mention that, for newbies, there’s plenty of tutorials in this system available online.

The wide selection of trades on offer also adds to the appeal of this system, as well as the full regulation worldwide – providing a more versatile range of options for traders that aren’t always in one place.

If you’re looking for a well-built platform that has plenty of choice, then instaforex might just be the ideal fit for you.


While there are many good factors to consider for instaforex, it’s also worth noting the drawbacks that come with this platform.

Because instaforex hasn’t chosen to create their own proprietary system, the end result is less on-brand and polished – something many traders look for in platforms today.

Not to mention, the lack of adequate and powerful plugins for MT4 means you’re getting the basic experience, with none of the exceptional functionality of more tooled-up models.

Trading hours

Instaforex offers trading round the clock with the exception of weekends and rare general public holidays.

Contact details / customer support

Instaforex offers an online form to get in contact with their team for support reasons.

In addition, details are provided for a wealth of technical support options which can be selected on their website for anything from whatsapp to telegram, viber to skype.

The contact us section at instaforex.Eu covers it all, with comprehensive options for getting in touch with technical support, client relations, their finance department and partner relations.

Safety and security

Instaforex provides adequate financial and technical security for its customers, using a level of protection equivalent to banking processes.

This includes the use of two-factor authentication, anti-phishing technologies plus segregated accounts for high-value deposits.

Overall verdict

As an online trading platform, instaforex is a solid choice. It utilises well-known technology such as MT4 to provide an excellent experience to traders and ensures the safety of their customers through proper regulation and effective security solutions.

If you’re looking for a trading platform that offers a comprehensive variety of different trading options, then instaforex might be worth checking out.

While it certainly isn’t an exceptional standout, it does have a good reputation and all the functionality in place to make it viable for many different types of traders – from old hands to beginners.

Accepted countries

Instaforex only accepts traders from united kingdom, ireland, switzerland, france, italy, germany, denmark, norway, sweden, poland, spain, portugal, greece, cyprus, austria.

Metatrader 4 trading platform

The metatrader 4 trading platform is designed for forex and futures trading. With metatrader 4, traders can analyze financial markets, perform advanced trading operations, run trading robots (expert advisors) and copy deals of other traders.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Trading system

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

The platform supports three trade execution modes, including instant execution, as well as 2 market, 4 pending and 2 stop orders and a trailing stop function. Quick trading functions allow sending trading orders straight from the chart with one click. The built-in tick chart feature provides an accurate method for determining entry and exit points. With the rich functionality of metatrader 4 you can implement various trading strategies in the forex market.

Technical analysis

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

The metatrader 4 platform provides wide analytical opportunities. Each symbol can be displayed in 9 time-frames, allowing traders to see the price dynamics in detail. 30 built-in technical indicators and 24 graphic objects are available for the most comprehensive analysis of price dynamics. Combine these tools, identify trends, determine entry and exit points and with wide analytical capabilities of metatrader 4 you can thoroughly analyze market movements to catch the best time to trade.

Download Mt4 Instaforex: Cara Paling Baru dan Aman, download instaforex mt4.

Security and convenience

The metatrader 4 platform meets the highest security standards. Data exchange between the client terminal and the platform servers is encrypted. The platform additionally supports the use of RSA digital signatures. You can rest assured that your trading accounts are securely protected!

Metatrader 4 is equipped with an impressive set of advanced trading and analytical features. The platform provides a user-friendly interface to help you easily understand all functions and operation principles. You will only need a few minutes to get started with the platform. In addition, we have prepared a detailed user guide that contains answers to any questions you may have.

We have made metatrader 4 easy and convenient, so that you could stay focused on successful trading!

Metatrader 4

MT4 is the most popular software for professional trading that is used by traders worldwide.

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Advantages of metatrader 4

  • More than 330 instruments for efficient trading: 54 currency pairs, spot-metals, gold and silver, cfds, stocks, indices and futures (raw materials and energy resources)

  • Compatible with ios- and android-based mobile devices

  • The platform is compatible with the vast online library of user indicators and expert counselors

  • Trailing stop, the possibility to lock positions and independently manage several accounts at the same time

MT4 platform videoguide

    • Promotions

    • Terminals

    • Deposit/withdrawal

    • News

    • Agreements

    • About company

    • Partnership

    • FAQ

    • Specifications

Risk disclosure: before starting to trade on currency exchange markets, please make sure that you understand the risks connected with trading using leverage and that you have sufficient level of training.

Privacy policy describes in which way the company collects, keeps and protects clients' personal data

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