10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

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Plus, you know, it’s unethical to lie to get money. Bloomberg philanthropies, his philanthropic organization, distributed $3.3 billion in 2019.

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10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

10 millionaires & billionaires giving away money in 2021 (& how to contact them!)

By lauren todd - last updated december 31, 2020 (this post may contain affiliate links.)

List of Millionaires & Billionaires who give away money (and how to contact & ask them for money).

Millionaires giving away money isn’t some pipe dream. In fact, it happens all the time. You can in fact get money from strangers.

Millionaires and billionaires give away money to individuals, poor people in need of financial help and charities all the time.

The other day, my husband and I were having a conversation about amazon founder and CEO, jeff bezos after reading that during the lockdown, bezos added an impressive $34.6 billion to his wealth.

Fortunately, many of the world’s richest people give their money away.

There are lots of millionaires out there who’ll give money to those who need it.

Maybe you lost your job and trying to figure out how to make money without a job so you can pay your bills?

Maybe you’re looking to get free money to help you avoid foreclosure?

Or maybe you’d love to start your own business but just don’t have the startup capital to do it?

There are many reasons you might want to contact a millionaire giving away money.

Or perhaps you’re just interested in knowing who of the world’s richest people has a generous side?

Whatever the reason, let’s take a look at why rich people give away money and my top 10 list of rich people who give their money way.

After that, I’ll cover two websites where you can actually contact millionaires and billionaires to ask for money (and I’ll even give you some tips on how to write a great letter!)

Why do rich people give money away?

There are many reasons why the world’s millionaires and billionaires give their money way.

When it comes down to it, the main reason is simple: they want to help people who’re less fortunate than they are.

I’ve given away money to charities over the years. You may have too, and millionaires and billionaires are no different.

They want to give cash to causes they care about, but they just do it on a much larger scale, because they have the means to.

A lot of rich people give away their money through charitable organizations. Some rich people have their own charities that they fund and some rich people donate to a range of charities that are close to their hearts.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why rich people give away money

To prevent homelessness

Millionaires can donate money to prevent families from falling into homelessness.

To assist people with their career goals

Someone might want to start their own business, but not have the funds to do so.

Or someone might be a talented artist, but not have the funds for a studio space or the time because of work commitments to pursue a career.

A wealthy person may help to fund startups or an artist’s work in order to get them started in their career.

To help fight hunger

Sadly, hunger is a problem across the globe, including in our own country. Many wealthy people donate to programs that help to fight hunger.

To fund research, education, conservation, and public services.

Lots of wealthy people donate to help fund universities, wildlife conversation, scientific studies, public health services and more.

To help people at times of crisis

Many millionaires donate money to people in times of crisis, like after a natural disaster like hurricane katrina. Others might help women and children in crisis, like JK rowling, for example.

There are lots of other reasons why people might give away some of their fortune of course, as you’ll see below!

Top 10 millionaires & billionaires who’ve given away money

Right, in this section, I’ll cover some examples of rich people who have given away money.

These range from businessmen like warren buffet to authors, like J.K. Rowling.

1. Warrant buffet

Warren buffet has made billions through investments and he’s giving away much of his wealth.

He’s the world’s fourth richest man having a net worth of about $78 billion, thanks to his investment conglomerate berkshire hathaway.

Berkshire hathaway owns stakes in household names including dairy queen, american airlines, and kraft heinz.

He’s said that he wants to donate 99% of his fortune.

Much of his giving has been towards the bill and melina gates foundation. The foundation is known for its anti-poverty and health initiatives, like malaria prevention and polio vaccination. It also helps a range of other causes, such as fighting hunger and extreme poverty and enhancing education.

2. Chuck feeney

The story of irish-american businessman chuck feeney is a pretty fascinating one.

“giving while living” is his motto.

He earned his fortune as a co-founder of the duty free shoppers group, which pioneered the model of duty-free shopping.

For years he’d been giving away his money in secret.

Yes, that’s right. It was only discovered in 1997, after a business dispute, that feeney had given away $600 million without anyone knowing.

Since then, he’s continued to give away most of his wealth.

  • Flew coach until he was 75 years old

  • Rents the apartment he lives in

  • Skipped luxury lunches in new york city in favor of burgers at one of the upper east side pubs

In 2017, it was reported that feeney had left himself with just $2 million worth of his wealth to live on. This worked out at less than 0.001% of the $8 billion he’d given away.

Chuck feeney gives his wealth through his foundation the atlantic philanthropies.

And those are just a few examples of his generosity.

3. J.K. Rowling

Had it not been for her philanthropy, J.K. Rowling would be on forbes’ list of billionaires.

The harry potter author has made many donations to a variety of causes over the years.

The harry potter author donated £1 million to charities to support vulnerable people during the lockdown, with half going to help homeless people and the other half going to support victims of domestic abuse.

The clinic, which was named in memory of rowling’s mother who died at aged 45 due to multiple sclerosis, was founded by the author in 2010. It conducts research into various neurological conditions, like MS and parkinson’s disease.

4. Ted turner

CNN founder, ted turner has been giving away his money for decades.

In 1997, turner pledged $1 billion to UN programs, which established the united nations foundation, a public charity to broaden U.S. Support for the UN.

Along with warren buffet and chuck feeney, turner is part of the giving pledge. It’s an organization that encourages the world’s wealthiest people to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

5. Tim cook

Apple CEO, tim cook, is another businessman who’s known to donate his wealth.

Cook owns 847,969 shares in apple, which is about 0.02% of the company’s shares, that have a total value of about $375 million.

His share sales, dividends, and other compensation amounts to about $650 million.

Despite his wealth, he’s another billionaire who doesn’t live a lavish lifestyle, reportedly living in a palo alto home that’s worth less than 75% of the town’s median home value.

In the 2012 book by adam lashinsky, “inside apple: how america’s most admired–and secretive–company really works,” tim cook said, “money is not a motivator for me.”

So it’s no surprise that in 2019 he donated more than $5 million worth of apple shares to an unspecified charity.

He’s also pledged to donate his fortune to charity before he dies.

6. George soros

George soros is a hungarian-american billionaire investor and he also has a philanthropic organization called the open society foundations. It supports democracy and human rights in more than 100 countries.

Soros is also the founder and primary funder of the central european university in budapest, which is a leading regional center for the study of the social sciences.

7. Hansjörg wyss

Hansjörg wyss is a swiss entrepreneur who donates his money.

He is the founder and was president, then chairman, of synthes USA, until its sale in 2012.

In 2012, he sold the company to johnson & johnson for $20.2 billion. Currently he holds stakes in publicly traded biotech companies, novocure and molecular partners.

The money will be donated to the wyss institute for biologically inspired engineering at harvard, which was established following a $125 million donation wyss made to harvard in 2009.

His donations over the years and across the university amount to more than $400 million.

Also, he founded the wyss foundation which, according to the website is “dedicated to supporting innovative, lasting solutions that improve lives, empower communities, and strengthen connections to the land.”

It has a focus on conservation, but it’s also supported education initiatives, environmental journalism, social justice, and other causes.

8. Jim walton (and the walton family as a whole)

Jim walton is the son of walmart founder sam walton. In 2019, he donated $1.2 billion of the retailer’s stock.

The walton family as a whole has been known to help out various charitable causes through its organization, the walton family foundation.

It focuses on improving K-12 education, protecting rivers and oceans and the communities they support, and investing in its home region of northwest arkansas and the arkansas-mississippi delta.

9. Pierre omidyar

Ebay founder pierre omidyar became a millionaire at just 31 years old. Since then, he’s given away his wealth to support a wide variety of causes.

He is also the founder of the omidyar network which supports non-profit and for-profit organizations.

Omidyar’s philanthropic activities have contributed more than $1 billion to programs in a range of causes from disaster relief to human rights.

10. Michael bloomberg

Former new york mayor and businessman michael bloomberg has given away a ton of money over the years.

He is one of america’s most generous philanthropists, giving away $9.5 billion to a wide variety of causes, including a $1.8 billion donation to john hopkins university.

This donation allowed john hopkins to permanently accept and enroll students without regard to their ability to pay. It’s the largest gift in the history of american higher education.

Bloomberg philanthropies, his philanthropic organization, distributed $3.3 billion in 2019.

He joined the giving pledge alongside other billionaires like warren buffet.

Can you contact rich people asking for money?

I know that most of the people on that list have given their fortunes away to charities or to organizations that they’re passionate about – however, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t millionaires giving away money to individuals.

In fact, there are plenty of millionaires and billionaires out there who are known to have donated some of their money to individuals who’ve contacted them.

But just how do you go about getting in touch with rich people who give away money? It’s not like you could just find J.K. Rowling’s phone number or home address to write her a letter, right?

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way for you to reach out to a wealthy person for money though.

In fact, there’s a website called billionairemailinglist.Com that offers the contact addresses of all united states billionaires. This includes all forbes 400 billionaires and bloomberg billionaires for 2019.

It says that its lists are “100% guaranteed accurate or your money back”

It’s important to note that these lists aren’t free.

There are three types available, ranging in price from $19.95 to $29.95, or you can get all three lists for $39.95.

The website says that people can get in touch for multiple reasons, such as:

  • To save yourself from homelessness, car repos, foreclosure, and utility shut off.

  • To ask for help to start a new business.

  • To ask for a grant for college.

  • And many more.

You can also check out anonymousmillionare.Org. This website is run by a millionaire who wants to help people. So you can request money on the site here.

How to ask millionaires for money

If you do want to get in touch with a rich person to ask for money, just how do you go about doing it?

In this section, I’ll give you some tips on asking rich people for cash.

Here are some tips for writing to rich people to ask for money…

Don’t lie

Being honest and sincere is the best way to go when asking for money. If a billionaire or millionaire who helped you out were to find out that you lied, then you could get in trouble, even legal trouble.

Plus, you know, it’s unethical to lie to get money.

Be realistic

Asking for $1,000,000 for your dream home is probably not the best way to go. Asking for $1,000 to pay your rent this month is!

It’s not that you can’t ask for large sums of money, but it’s best if you’re going to use that cash for something like paying for college or starting your own business.

Write the letter in first person

It’s best to write your letter in first person, so “I’m looking for financial support for my startup,” rather than “john doe is looking for financial support for his startup.”

It just makes the letter more personal and more likely to connect with the person reading it.

Be polite and don’t beg or be too demanding

Being polite is so important. It’s their money, and they do not have to give it away if they don’t want to. So don’t be demanding and don’t beg either.

Avoid saying things like “I need cash right now,” “please send me money” or “you are my last hope for money.”

If you’re polite, they’ll be more inclined to help you out. And if you can show that their donation to you will make a difference, like it will prevent you from becoming homeless or help you to get a college degree, then they’ll be more likely to oblige than if you just said something like,I just want money for a fancy car.

Say “thank you” in advance

This one is kind of related to that whole notion of being polite that I mentioned above.

Make sure you thank the person for reading your letter or email.

You could say something like, “thank you for taking the time to read my message. I appreciate that you must get a lot of requests like this.”

Let them know that even if they don’t help you out, you appreciate them taking the time to read your letter or email.

Make sure you’re concise

People are busy and millionaires are no different. So don’t waffle on too much in your letter or email.

Explain your situation concisely. Let them know why you need the money and explain what you plan to do with any money you receive.

In the initial request, don’t go on too much. Instead, say that if they’re interested, they can contact you for further details.

Proofread your letter or email

Take the time to check your letter or email for any typos, grammatical errors, or spelling mistakes. You want to make it look like you’ve put effort into crafting your letter.

Closing thoughts

Obviously, you can’t expect this to work as a scheme to become a millionaire overnight. It’s just a way to get help when you needed the most.

It’s good to know that there are people out there who’re willing to share their wealth.

And it’s really interesting to see which causes wealthy people like warren buffet and chuck feeney like to give to.

Even if you can’t contact the people on the list above directly, and most of them are donating to charitable and non-profit organizations, you can instead use those sites I mentioned above to connect with rich people.

Those sites are good because they give you a way to contact wealthy people to ask for money.

There are lots of reasons that you may want to contact wealthy people who’re giving away money.

Perhaps you need help with paying your mortgage?

Or maybe you just have a career goal that you really need some cash to pursue.

Whatever it is, consider contacting billionaires and millionaires who’re giving away money.


I would simply like to say thank you for taking the time to attempt to help a person such as myself.I am a 62 year old husband and father. In april of 1981, I was involved in a near fatal automobile accident. This incident left me with serious closed head injuries, and as it turns out, my short term memory has been greatly hindered.I was forced to undergo surgery to implant a piece of titanium to replace the portion of my skull which was crushed due to my cranium impacting the windshield. I had also been prescribed dilantin, a seizure inhibitor. I was finally able to suspend taking that medication.I have had and lost no less than five different jobs during the last 20+ years. I finally retired at the age of 62. I have no pension or finances with which to support myself and family. We are surviving from my wife’s
pension and social security benefits. Again, thank you so much for reading this.

I am a 62 year old man, no pension, retirement or anything. I have managed to acquire woodworking tools for my shop and I have been a woodworker for 52 years. I have a tool I want and need, I also know how to use it. I need the money for a laser engraver/cutter. I have a small diode laser now but I cant make any money from it, it is to slow. I’m asking for the money to get a CO2 laser for $1700.00. It’s not the best but it will give me a chance to get started. I have a guitar stand that I make and the laser will make it perfect.
I have lost my job and what money we do have is for surviving. I’m not asking for the $10,000.00 for an epilog laser…I just need one that will work for me. If I can get my laser, I can put together a business that will help us to stay in our home. I’m very good at the laser as I love working with it. So I hope someone will help, can help me to get my laser…I’ve been trying to get one since 2009…not giving up. I will pay it forward by giving to people that need things built or engraved. I sure hope someone will read this and help me to get my miracle. Thank you for reading this far.
Keith proctor

Hi keith, in order to ask for a grant, you’d need to contact one of the people or organizations in the list directly. Thanks for reading!

I know there are probably thousands of people like me. Who never planned the right way for the future. I have always tried to do the right thing and fell short so many times. It’s hard to ask for anything or admit my short comings. I have always managed to get by with what we have. I know I need prayers because life is hard and having a hard head doesn’t make it any easier. One thing for sure never put off tomorrow what you can do today! God bless!

This is bull** ! No one gives a sh** about anyone but them selves stop thinking someone is gonna help.. Work lay off work lay off and make someone else rich

Hi dee, actually the article is true! There are plenty of good people in the world that pay it forward every day by donating money to the less fortunate.

What an exceptional article. I had no idea that I could be giving a chance to start a business to get off SSD. Its not enough to support myself, im grateful to those who help with a roof and food. I still have the determination to seek relief in long run, because there’s no one to care for me. Middle age is here and short future ahead. Thank you supplying this simple information, at least I can give it a chance. God bless you and be happy always. Lisa keene

Hello my name is brandon smith and I am a single father here in wichita kansas and I have been taking care of my children on my own for the past 14 years… we live in a mobile home that leaks, needing new windows and really a bigger home being that it’s a three-bedroom… my mother suffers from sickle cell anemia and is often not able to do things if you know anything about sickle cell anemia… so I’m asking and praying for blessing for my children and myself if possible… thank you and god bless…

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18 ways to get free money from the government

Modified date: november 24, 2020

Nothing in life is free, or so they say. But what if I told you that we know of 18 government programs where you really, truly can get free money (or services)? If you’re anything like me, I’ve probably piqued your interest.

Below are some of the ways you can get your hands on money that’s rightfully yours. We’ve also included was to find assistance and funds when you need it most.

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1. Find unclaimed money

Ok, full disclosure: this isn’t really a way to find “free” money. However, it can help you collect on funds you didn’t even know you were missing.

Simply visit unclaimed.Org and enter your information to search whether you have money waiting to be returned to you. The national association of state treasurers created the site to connect consumers with forgotten funds. These can include insurance reimbursements, apartment deposits, forgotten savings bonds, old utility payment overages or deposits, or paychecks you never cashed.

You can search by specifics like your full name and address. Or you can even just browse the results from your last name alone. (I found a few unclaimed health insurance reimbursements for my mom this way, to the total of $400!)

2. Find unclaimed pension funds

Okay, one more not-really-free-but-yours-already resource. If you’ve left a company due to acquisition, merger, or layoffs, you may have been too preoccupied with your next career move to remember pension funds. Luckily, the pension benefit guaranty corporation (PBGC) can help you reconnect with this forgotten money.

Visit pbgc.Gov to check your name and information against their database. There are currently almost 73,000 names on their unclaimed pensions list. So you may very well find some money you had forgotten all about!

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

3. Get help with a down payment

One of the biggest hurdles in buying a new home is likely the down payment required. Luckily, the government is willing to provide help if needed.

Each state has its own funded down payment programs with unique requirements and benefits. To see the state-sponsored programs in your area, visit the FHA’s down payment grant page and search your state.

For example, texas offers a statewide program that can cover down payments and closing costs up to 5% of the total mortgage price. They also offer a hill country-specific program for travis county, if you’re looking to live “deep in the heart of texas.”

4. Apply for educational grants

College is expensive. We all know that. In fact, the 2017-18 school year saw tuition averages of almost $35,000 for private colleges and just under $10,000 for state colleges. Ouch.

If you want to further your education but can’t afford the high costs of tuition, room, board, books, and more, an education grant might be a great option. The best and most broadly-offered funding source is the government’s federal pell grant. This awards as much as $5,920 (2017-18 school year) to students each year that they qualify for need. And it doesn’t need to be repaid (unlike student loans).

In order to qualify, you’ll need to complete a FAFSA. You can view all of the details for the pell grant at ed.Gov .

Beyond that, though, there are hundreds of excellent grants available to students based on interests, major or career sought, and even local areas. I was surprised to find that some organizations even offer grants to students who are left-handed!

You should, of course, shoot for the government’s pell grant first. But then fill out as many grant applications as you can find from other organizations and companies. A great place to find them is the college grants database .

5. Get assistance with childcare expenses

Paying for childcare is expensive. For families in the D.C. Area, where I live, the average annual cost is $22,658. That’s absurd and, frankly, impossible to cover for many families.

If you are employed and looking for assistance with childcare expenses, the government has a program to help. The U.S. Department of health and human services offers assistance in the form of the child care and development fund, which has state- and territory-specific allocations to assist with care expenses (typically for children 13 or under).

To find funding options for your area, visit the CCDF’s web page here .

6. Accept healthcare credits

Along with all of the confusion and frustration involved with healthcare in this country, we also get to deal with skyrocketing costs. This can make it difficult or even impossible for some folks to pay for much-needed premiums, especially as monthly prices continue to climb.

If you purchase coverage through the healthcare marketplace and meet certain income eligibility requirements, you can receive government assistance in the form of a tax credit. You also have options for this credit. You can either take it in equal allocations, allowing you to reduce (or eliminate) monthly premium payments, or you can “save” it for the end of the year. If you choose the latter, you’ll receive the credit in the form of a tax return when you file with the IRS.

Visit healthcare.Gov to learn more, qualify for your tax credit, and enroll in a health plan.

7. Get free or reduced healthcare for your kids

If you are having trouble paying for health care for your children and meet low-income requirements, you may be eligible for free or reduced coverage through insurekidsnow.Gov.

Here, you can learn more about services like CHIP (children’s health insurance program) and local medicaid programs. You can also find health care providers in your area–even dentists!–and apply for your state’s specific programs.

8. Get assistance with utilities

The average american spends over $300 a month for basic utilities. It’s easy to see how these bills can be difficult to manage for some–especially in the summer or winter months. The government’s LIHEAP (low income home energy assistance program) provides funds to those in need across the nation.

These grants are available to assist residents with their heating and cooling expenses. They are managed through state programs (funded by the U.S. Department of health and human services). To search for your state’s available programs and aid, visit the LIHEAP website here .

9. Winterize your home

Do you need assistance with updating and improving your home to winterize it? You may be able to get government it as a grant through the U.S. Department of energy.

The weatherization assistance program technical assistance center (WAPTAC) can connect you with state-specific grant programs for home improvements to reduce energy expenses. If you have children, a family member in the home with a disability, or are over age 60, you’ll get preference for approval. In fact, the DOE estimates that as many as 20-30 million homes are eligible for weatherization grants.

10. Low-cost or free phone service

If you meet income requirements for eligibility, you may be able to take advantage of the lifeline program. This is the FCC’s free and reduced-cost cell phone grant. This allows access to cell phones and service for safety, well-being, and job-related needs.

The amount you’ll get per month varies by need. But you can choose from a number of cell service providers if you qualify. Eligibility requirements are as follows:

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

To learn more and see if you’re eligible, visit the FCC’s lifeline website here .

11. Avoid foreclosure

Since the housing crash of 2008, it seems that we all know someone who has been affected by a foreclosure. If you are at risk of foreclosure yourself, there is a program to help.

Called HOPE (run by the home ownership preservation foundation), this program offers assistance in setting up plans that allow you to stay in your home. They also offer advice if you’ve been the victim of a mortgage scam or if you are interested in a mortgage modification.

You can call their hotline at 888-995-HOPE or visit 995hope.Org to learn more to see how this foundation can help you for free.

12. Get free tax preparation

Tax filing time is just around the corner, but some of us may need a little help with preparing our taxes. Unfortunately, tax pros can be quite pricey.

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If you meet low-income requirements, you may qualify for free tax preparation help through the IRS’s VITA (volunteer income tax assistance) initiative.

Assistance is generally limited to those who make less than $54,000 a year, persons with disabilities, or those with limited english-speaking abilities. However, the program is available and free to all, so it can’t hurt to apply for help.

If you are age 60 or older, you can also take advantage of the TCE (tax counseling for the elderly) program, another IRS initiative. This program offers free assistance for those nearing retirement who have questions about their pensions, retirement, income, and taxes.

To learn more and apply for assistance, visit the IRS’s website here .

13. Replace damaged currency

If your dog destroyed your wallet or your toddler took a pair of scissors to your bank withdrawal, you aren’t necessarily out of luck. Don’t throw those shredded bills in the trash just yet!

You can sometimes replace currency too damaged to be spent it at your local bank branch. If it’s so mutilated even they won’t take it, though, you can also send it to the bureau of engraving and printing for replacement.

You’ll need to submit a claim online . The process can take between three and 36 months (depending on how bad of shape the money is in). So don’t expect a quick fix. However, this is a great solution for currency you may have thought was just a loss.

14. Apply for unemployment

If you’ve been laid off or otherwise lost your job, you may be eligible for unemployment assistance while you’re looking for a new position. The department of labor offers temporary benefits to workers who find themselves unemployed through no fault of their own, until they are able to find suitable, replacement employment.

To see if you are eligible for one of these federal-state programs and apply for benefits, visit the DOL’s website here .

15. Pay for necessary home repairs in urban areas

If you are 62 years of age or older, live in an urban area, and meet income requirements, you may be eligible for a government grant to complete improvements on your home.

The rural housing repair loans and grants program offers both loans (repaid over 20 years at 1% interest) and grants (free money that doesn’t need to be repaid) to homeowners in rural areas. The grants are for up to $7,500/ you can use them to remove or repair health or safety hazards (such as lead paint, collapsing structures, etc.).

To learn more or apply for a grant and/or loan, visit the rural housing info page here .

16. Refunds for past FHA mortgages

If you had an FHA-insured mortgage in the past, the U.S. Housing and urban development department (HUD) may owe you a refund. You can search the HUD database to see if you’re eligible for a refund through their website. You’ll need at least your last name or your FHA case number to search.

17. Food assistance

The government offers a number of programs that give low-income families nutrition assistance and education on healthy eating.

These programs include WIC (for women, infants, and children), SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program), programs for seniors, and various food distribution options. If you are interested in learning more, visit the nutrition.Gov page here .

18. SSI for elderly or disabled individuals

If you are temporarily or permanently disabled, have a child who is disabled, or are over age 65 (with or without a disability), you may be eligible for supplemental security income (SSI) benefits.

These benefits are limited to those that meet certain income requirements. If you have worked long enough to qualify for social security benefits, you may be able to collect both social security retirement benefits and SSI benefits.

To learn more, visit the social security administration’s page here .

Things to remember

It’s important to keep a few things in mind when seeking out free money from the government (or anywhere, really).

First off, a google search for “free money” is almost sure to net you some scam results. You need to ensure that any website you are visiting–especially if you give them your personal information–is a trusted entity. This means searching for .Org, .Gov, and similar web addresses. You should also make sure that the program is indeed government-sponsored.

If a website is offering you free money, make sure it explains how you’ll get said money. What is the application process? What are the eligibility requirements? Is the site transparent in explaining the process and what’s offered?

Also, make sure it doesn’t ask you for any sort of up-front money or fees in order to apply for free funds. No legitimate government program will ask you for money to receive assistance.

Free money is out there in various forms. Just be careful where you look and who you trust–if it sounds too good to be true, it just might be.

Author bio

Stephanie colestock

Article comments

Actually if her home is paid for, her property taxes & insurance could cost less than she can rent an apartment for. Also she might be getting other assistance with energy costs, food, medical. She could lose benefits if she sells her home for a profit. She’s in a very difficult spot that many who become disabled after purchasing a home find themself in.

I’m currently living in a rental property. I haven’t paid 2 months rent because I have asked to fix a problem: I have raccoons living in the roof. They have been living there since I moved in. The landlord has done nothing and the raccoons are tearing up my ceiling trying to get into the house. He wants the rent but won’t fix the problem, what should I do? I can’t afford to move. I’m on SSDI and have no savings.

I am on section 8 and have found a nice little house for myself but I don’t have $1200.00 for the security deposit, I was not hip to the fact they would want the last months rent for the deposit,I guess this comes from years living in apartments, my question is….Is there a fund that would help me pay the security deposit ? I live off my disability and that does’nt even add up to $800.00 a month so getting a loan is out the question, so I was thinking maybe a government loan or a grant

looking forward to a reply

I made comment on sept 7th asking for advice to no avail it seems I pressed on the reply and it sent me here really would like some advice if you can thankyou

My daughter’s husband left her and left her owing over $7000 in back mortgage payments. Where can she get help she needs to catch them up and get going in the right direction? Her credit is in the toilet as you can well imagine.

Maybe it’s just best to go bankrupt in that case. Start over.

How can i get a free grant for my home repairs,,house dropping,floors weak,front porch rails are not safe, need some siding,need gulters rain water sailing under house,I’m 53 on disability and i can’t afford these repairs

Actually if her home is paid for, her property taxes & insurance could cost less than she can rent an apartment for. Also she might be getting other assistance with energy costs, food, medical. She could lose benefits if she sells her home for a profit. She’s in a very difficult spot that many who become disabled after purchasing a home find themself in.

Where to begin I was marred 17 yrs thats alot of work by it’s self I was in a bad car accident and shattered my leg I was in a wheelchair for a couple years I got addicted to drugs and he was addicted to cheating to make a long story I went to prison for a couple years I know that saved my life however I had worked from the time I was 14 I got taxes that year I drawed taxes for alot of years when I was locked up he claimed me on taxes and forged my name when I came home I had worked and told him i was filing our kids we uses the same tax place he beat me to it and claimed our son that I had custody of she said i could claim anyway i let it go I never recieved my taxes that year not even state and never got a letter I filed self employed anyway I thought he had something to do with that then I was out of work for awhile when I was in rehab I was tought when you do good good thi

Things happen well thats not tŕue because I hitchhiked to work every day for 8 months never missed aday I even broke my foot and wore a boot for 6 weeks never called in ll

I bought a car got a better job working hour so away anyway tax time came i worked all year finally could get on my feet I had w2s well I got my state back but was audited can you believe it said I have to go to a government office just to show my face cant just send them copies of my stuff thats 2years now I cant win for losing I cant get ahead I have no way to get to one when I called for an appointment I was told rhey didn’t have any now it’s tax time again and I dont want to get them done because I know it’s a waste of time I need this money so bad its not funny im homeless cant find a job I have no car and there’s no way I’m getting custody of my grandson my disabled son is with my mom whose no better off I need to catch a break for once I’ve worked so hard for it to be taken sincerely willing to listen to some advice tonya helton

Have you heard of free legal services?

My husband recently passed away we didn’t have any life insurance policies I’ve lost the house and had to sell almost all of our belongings just to survive I’m disabled but wasn’t on disability because when my husband is alive he took care of all of our bills I am on the verge of being homeless I’ve been staying with friends but I have no money no job no vehicle if anyone knows of any kind of government assistance that can help me get on my feet before I’m completely homeless I’m 50 years old and opportunities for me or what they used to be any help would be appreciated thank you

Hello, was your husband ever in the military? If so,maybe check there. What about any social security for your husband? Or check. Unclaimed property hey you never know. Good luck to you.

You may be entitled to survivors benefits from the social security office. Also, try catholic charities or salvation army for any other grants or benefits you may be eligible for. Also, the dta office could help with food. Good luck and I hope this helps.

How to get free money fast: need money now?
How to Get Free Money Fast: Need Money Now? <2021></div>

Get free money

Wondering how to get free money mailed to me?

If you are looking for ways to earn FREE MONEY you will love how easy it is to accumulate $500 in cash right now.

These are money-making opportunities that work and will help you make money fast, whether you are looking to pay off debt or just in urgent need of it.

These are not one-time cash making opportunities, but you can use these ideas to earn and save money EACH month – like how to get free starbucks!

Most of the options listed send you money into your paypal account, so make sure you have it set up. It’s easy and free to open one, and can be used for both personal and business purposes.

If you are thinking I need money now for free and fast – listed below are over 20 websites that pay you for doing the smallest things.

Some examples are scanning barcodes, installing apps on your phone and a research site that pays you up to $140/hr for helping with online research work. All these ideas and more are listed below.

Ready to learn ways to get free cash now?

This is your chance to get free money on paypal.

*this post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you make a purchase using our links below at no extra cost to you. Disclosure .


1. Play and earn with pinterest

This is on top of my list as its the best way to get money in your bank account for free!

You can now make money on pinterest by sharing affiliate pins. And if someone clicks on your affiliate pin image to make a purchase you earn a commission.

How do I know for sure this works?

Because I put it to test and earned over $120 sharing a pin image of a recipe ebook in just one month.

get free money

If this is how much I made with ONE affiliate pin, can you imagine how much more one can make by share a few more affiliate pins.

Note: I wouldn’t recommend you pinning a huge range of affiliate pins. Try not to do over 3 – 4 affiliate pins a day.

I would also recommend not repeating the same pin image for your affiliate links. Creating new pin images for the same affiliate link will gain more traction on pinterest – as the platform prefers new images.

Here is a step by step post that explains it better, using this technique.

2. Survey junkie – free money on paypal

This is one of the most reputed and reliable survey sites in the market that is well paying.

Survey junkie is 100% legit when compared to the rest of the survey sites in the market. They have gained a good reputation from survey takers with over 6 million members that have joined them. While you can usually average $15 a survey, some surveys can go up to $50 a survey.

Completing surveys earn you points redeemable for paypal cash, or gift cards. You can cash out with as little as $10.

This one is for those that live in the UK.

You can earn a £20 amazon gift card just for spotting an empty or derelict property, through the youspotproperty website. That’s not all, you also get 1% of the purchase price if they bring the house back into use. Not bad at all right?

Swagbucks is one of the easiest ways to get free money. This is your answer if you are looking to get free money on paypal instantly, because with swagbucks you get to earn daily.

We all use the internet to search for topics, whether its recipes, news, travel destinations, jobs and a ton of other things.

Get paid to search the internet with swagbucks.

So next time instead of searching the web with yahoo or google – sign up to swagbucks and use them for your internet search to earn points. Redeem the points for paypal cash or gift cards at amazon, walmart, target and thousand other retailers.

3 other ways to earn with swagbucks:

– daily surveys up to $35 each

– watch cooking shows and videos

– earn cashback while shopping at target, walmart and hundreds of retailers.

==> here is a list of ways you can receive free amazon gift cards for your shopping!

5. Free money for scanning your grocery receipts

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

Fetch reward is an app that pays you to scan your shopping receipts.

No couponing, no scanning barcodes, no surveys and no ads. Once you finish shopping, just scan your receipt to earn rewards in the form of e-gift cards from target, amazon, kohl’s, sephora and hundreds more.

You are allowed to scan up to 14 receipts in a 7 day period. Just keep in mind that the receipts should not be more than 14 days old.

Withdraw your rewards with as little as $3 in your account. Download fetch rewards for free on your phone to start getting free rewards.

6. Pinecone research – $3 flat rate/survey

This is one of the best research sites that pay free money for your opinion.

You get points for answering questions that are redeemable for cash via paypal or gift cards.

These questionnaires usually take under 10 minutes to complete and have a minimum earning potential of $3 and can go up to $10 for some surveys. This is good because you know you will be paid at least $3 for your effort, unlike some survey companies that pay less than a dollar.

You can sign up with pinecone research through invite-only. You can use the relevant links below to sign up based on your location.

7. Cut monthly bills – trim app

Trim is a free to use app that cuts the cost of your monthly bills.

Featured in major publications like fortune and the new york times, this app uses bank-level security when you connect your accounts to check for recurring subscriptions that can be eliminated to save you money.

The trim app will either cancel unwanted subscriptions or negotiate your bill down for you. Their website shows trim users are saving up to $400 on bills and subscriptions every year.

8. Download neilson digital – get $50 free money

Download the neiison digital app and get rewarded for having it installed.

Neilsen digital is a highly reputable company that allows you to download their app, so they can understand internet usage and behaviour to improve their products and services.

Their app is non-invasive, safe and secure and won’t impact the performance of your device.

They give away up to $10,000 in rewards each month and $50 every year, but you need to have the app installed to be eligible to earn.

9. Shoptracker – $39

Shoptacker is an app you download on your windows PC and share your amazon purchase history. Remember they do not have access to your bank details, but only to your purchase history. And in return, you earn $39 each year you have the app installed.

Just like paribus, once you download the app, you will need to connect your email account to view your amazon purchase history. This helps them with E-commerce research.

You earn $3 each month for participating and can cancel at any time.

Join shoptracker $3/month

10. Ready to invest spare change? $5 bonus

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

Acorns is an investment app that saves you money for your retirement.

When you sign up with acorns, every time you do your shopping, acorn will take the spare change and invest it for you. So say you buy a burger for $4.50, acorns will round it up to the closest dollar and take the $0.50 and invest it.

I have a lot of loose change lying around in my bag and the car. But investing them and keeping them untouched is such a neat idea to save in the long run. Its never too early to start investing and not a bad idea to start with small money- they all add up!

Sign up for a $5 bonus and set up a free account.

11. Rakuten (previously ebates) – $25 per referral

Ebates is not only one of the biggest cashback apps that will give you free money for your shopping, but it also boasts one of the highest referral pay.

By referring your family and friends to rakuten (ebates), you earn $25 per referral. Once your friend joins and spends at least $25 when shopping with their favourite brands on rakuten you earn $25.

You need to be 18 years and above to be eligible and get paid via paypal or check.

Here is a coupon link for a $10 walmart gift card, when you sign up here.

If you enjoy using cashback sites, another generous american cashback site is topcashback.

Topcashback, gives you money back from your online purchases at amazon, walmart, macy’s, GNC live well and 3,500+ brands. And the best part, there is no minimum payout threshold.

12. Vindale research ( earn $5-$50)

You can earn $50 for surveying and reviewing each product, which can be a nice side hustle to do in your spare time or over the weekends.

Once you sign up (free) and confirm your email, you receive information via email regarding products and surveys that are available. On completion of your task, you get rewarded cash that is paid through paypal.

13. Respondent app – $300

This is one of the most rewarding ways to make money fast – perfect for those saying I need money desperately. Respondent is a free platform for researchers looking to find people to help with their study. You can earn $150-$300 an hour for helping with research work, which can be done as a one-on-one call or through an online questionnaire.

You can be a professional, a stay-at-home parent or a student to apply.

Here is a full review of respondent if you are looking for a high paying side job.

14. Coupon code finder – free extension

coupon code finder

Honey is a free browser extension that automatically finds and adds coupons to your online checkout. So whether you shop at amazon or 28,000 other participating merchants you can save money on your online shopping.

Use our exclusive honey sign up link to begin.

Add their extension and get discount coupons automatically added the next time you shop online.

15. Global test market – $5 for surveys

Another well-paying survey site that averages $5 per surveys related to questions on food and consumer products.

You get rewarded points for each survey you complete and you can redeem these points for rewards from amazon, paypal, macy’s, kohls and even an option to donate to charity.

==> if you are looking for more survey sites that will make you an extra $400 a month you must read this.

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

This is a popular website where you get paid to lose weight. Their site shows hundreds of success stories of both men and women that have lost weight and made money.

You join either a personal or a group challenge on the app and earn money when you lose weight. You can make small bets too.

Danielle was a healthywager that got paid $1,323 for her weight loss success, and there are many more that have earned thousands from healthy wage-read success stores here.

They have a prize calculator that will help you determine how much you can earn on reaching your weight loss goal. But this is not entirely a free way to earn, as you pay your bet each month, but once you succeed you can earn up to $10,000.

For example:

Say I bet $10 a month for 8 months to lose say 10 pounds that means I spend a total of $80 for the challenge. But if lose that 10 pounds within the 8 month period I could earn anything up to $10,000 in prize money. Not bad at all right?

Check out their weight loss calculator here to see how much money you can earn for your weight loss.

What a motivating idea to lose weight and make money right?

17. Gogokid- free $300 bonus

If you enjoy spending around 30 minutes to an hour a day tutoring kids online, there are many companies here that will pay you from $18 an hour to do this.

Here are a few companies that are currently hiring.

Gogokids is one such company that not only pays you to teach but also gives you an extra $300 bonus for new teachers. This is a limited time opportunity so don’t miss out.

18. Pay your selfie

This is an app that is available on google play and the appstore.

You will be given a list of surveys and asked to take a selfie of travel, workout, group selfie or even shopping. Most selfies are worth $1. Once you reach $20 you can cash out for a check.

They have been listed by big-name companies and is a reliable app. Sign up for free and click away!

19. Sell or rent

If you are looking to make some extra money selling things you don’t need anymore, you will love this post. It also shows you ways in which you can make money fast doing short tasks.

These are just a few ways to make money quick. Doing a little of everything can easily make you at least $1,000 a month.

If there are some personal favourites that have not been listed, please leave them in the comments below so I can add it to the list.

20. Improve credit score:

Nothing beats paying a lower interest rate when buying a house, and the best way to do this is by improving your credit score. Having a good credit score can help you save money on the interest you pay for mortgage and loans.

One of the best online tools to check your credit score for free is credit sesame.

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

21. Increase the interest on your savings

Using a high yielding savings account will help increase the amount of interest you earn. CIT is an online bank that allows you to earn up to 1.85% APY with their savings builder account. You will need to deposit at least $100 each month to be eligible for high-interest rates.

10 Millionaires; Billionaires Giving Away Money in 2021 (; How to Contact Them! ), free money 2021.

Final thoughts on free money:

There are many ways to get free money, like saving $500 a month following a not-so-strict frugal lifestyle. Or earn yourself free money on paypal instantly by using swagbucks for your internet searches.

And finally, make sure to use cashback sites like rakuten to get up to 40% money back when you shop online at big-brand retailers. Install rakuten’s chrome extension, so you remember to avail the cashback offers when you shop online.

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How to get free money: 25 legit ways

By michael leonard updated january 12, 2021

Some of the links included in this article are from our advertisers. Read our advertiser disclosure.

Are you ready to make some free money? If you’re in need of money today this post is for you.

Thanks to the internet and smartphones, there are plenty of legitimate ways to get some extra money.

What is free money?

Free money is money that you get for little to no effort.

For instance, there are if you shop at a store and they give you cash back just for shopping, that is an example of free money.

Top ways to get free money

Learn about these methods that will hook you up with cash or gift cards.

There is no shortage of people who want to hear from you online. And let’s face it, some people love sharing their opinion, probably way too much (thanks, twitter). Might as well get paid for it, right?

One company to consider is survey junkie a top survey company with a high trustpilot score of 4.5 out of 5.

2. Use rakuten for easy money

Rakuten is one of the most popular ways to get free money. It is an awesome site for earning cash back on shopping you do. Plus, when you sign up, you receive a $10 welcome bonus on the first $25 you spend.

And spending $25 through rakuten is easy. All you need to do is go to the rakuten website and click through to the online retailer where you want to shop.

There are hundreds of retailers in the program, including kohls, macy’s, groupon, walmart and other stores where you’re probably already shopping regularly. Once you spend the $25, they’ll send you your $10.

If you shop online regularly, then you can continue to make money with rakuten. Make sure you keep clicking through the rakuten website when visiting your online retailers. You’ll earn up to 14% cash back on your purchases.

You can earn cash back for shopping in-store at a select group of stores, too. Nothing like getting rewarded to shop at places you spend money at anyway, right?

3. Use trim to save on each month

Does it feel like you’re wasting money on subscriptions each month? Canceling subscriptions is an easy way to shrink your budget and get extra cash in your hand. But so few people actually do it. Why is that?

Let’s face it, calling your cable provider is a pain. You have to sit on hold and talk to several people, maybe even speak with a manager. If you’re busy, you may simply not have the time to do it. Or, you may just think it’s not worth the time and effort.

It doesn’t have to be that way, thanks to trim. Trim can make that cancellation call for you, and so much more.

While trim doesn’t give you free money, it does help you effortlessly cut back and save money. Trim is a free tool that looks through your spending habits and finds ways to trim them.

It can help reduce your cable bills, find useless subscriptions, and even find cheaper car insurance options.

4. Sell data from your smartphone

Thanks to apps, you can get paid for the smallest things in today’s world. Smart app will pay you just to install its app.

Verto analytics, the company that owns smart panel, is a market research firm that gathers insights from people about smartphone usage. It sells this data to companies who use it to improve their websites, apps, and other technology.

All you need to do is go to the website and see if you qualify as a participant. As soon as you download the smart panel app you’ll get the easiest $5 ever!

Each month you decide to keep the app installed you’ll make another $5.

Start by filling out a questionnaire to make sure you are eligible to use this method to get some free cash.

5. Sign up as a new lyft driver

If you haven’t noticed from the insane amount of ads online, ridesharing is uber competitive (get it, because of uber?). Seriously though, lyft is making a huge push to get more drivers.

There is a big bonus to sign up with lyft over uber if you want to start driving as a side hustle.

At the time of this post, lyft is guaranteeing $1,000 of earnings for all new drivers in the first month!

Driving with lyft and uber are great side hustles, as you get paid weekly, make your own schedule, and can work as little or as much as you want. Plus, you might meet some cool people along the way.

You may want to stick to earlier hours for safety and to encounter fewer intoxicated customers.

6. Rent A room or home

Airbnb is a great way to get free money from your house. If you are okay with people sleeping over, you can rent out a spare room for a steady revenue stream.

You can rent out the entire house as well if you’re going on an extended vacation or have a rental property.

Just be sure to check your local city ordinances. Some cities have begun putting restrictions on short-term rentals.

7. Get a rewards credit card

I’ve used this idea several times and it works great. If you open up a new cash-back credit card, often the card company will give you an incentive to spend a certain amount of money in a specific window of time.

If you hit that target, you’ll get a certain amount of money back.

The “free cash” is rewarded as a signup bonus. You can usually choose to receive your payout as a statement credit or a check.

But beware. You should only try this if you’re religious about paying off your credit card balance in full every month. Otherwise, you could easily end up spending more in interest than you’ll earn in cashback.

To truly make this free money, you’ve got to sign up for a card that has no annual fee. I’ve gotten this with my chase freedom card as well as others.

The freedom card has no annual fee the first year and then costs $95 a year after that.

8. Rent out your car

If you have a car that isn’t getting much use, consider using a peer-to-peer car sharing service to rent it out.

Services like getaround pay you to rent your car out to other people.

Getaround will come up with a rate for the rental based on your car’s market value, location, time of year and other data. Rates for renters are $5 an hour and up. You keep 60% of that.

That’s at least $3 an hour — enough to put a dent in your car payment every month if you’re able to rent it out often.

After signing up with the company, someone can rent your car for an hour or more with hardly any effort on your end. Everything is done straight from the app.

Getaround vets the drivers to make sure they’ve got a safe driving record. It also offers insurance, including $1 million of liability coverage.

But be sure to check with your own insurance company before renting your car out to strangers. Some insurance companies will drop your policy if you do so.

9. Refinance student loans

Tired of paying your high student loan rate? I completely understand.

Have you thought about refinancing your student loans? If your credit situation allows it, you can save big by doing it.

If you’ve never refinanced a car, house or student loan, know that it’s not that hard.

When you refinance, you’re replacing your high interest rate for a lower interest rate. All the lender requires is a credit check and other financial documents.

Unlike refinancing a house, which is a very extensive process, this is easier to get taken care of and start saving money.

Just keep a couple of things in mind. If you refinance for a longer loan term, you’ll end up paying interest for longer, which could mean you may more in the long run.

There are lots of student loan refinance calculators online that you can use to figure out whether you’ll save money.

Also, loan companies usually charge origination fees, so make sure you include those when you calculate whether it makes sense to refinance your student loan.

While technically not a way to get free money, refinancing can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars each year in interest payments.

There are plenty of places to choose from, but make sure to check out best student loan companies here.

10. Open a new bank account

This is another free money hack I’ve recently used and it worked great! A lot of banks will offer you a bonus for depositing a certain amount of money when you open a new checking account.

Usually, you have to keep the money in the account for a specific time period as well.

For example, I signed up for a chase business account recently. For signing up and keeping $1,500 in the account for 90 days, I was rewarded $300. I literally did nothing else other than not let the balance dip below $1,500.

The only thing I did have to do is follow up with chase, as they had “forgotten” to add my bonus. Otherwise, it was legit free money!

It’s not just chase, either. There are other banks that offer bonuses for opening new accounts with a certain amount of cash. Sometimes you have to hold the money in the account for a specific time period or set up a direct deposit into the account. But otherwise, it’s free.

Note that the money you earn for opening a bank account is subject to taxes, so watch out for a tax form from the bank when tax season starts.

Also, remember to read the fine print and look for any part of the terms you don’t understand. Most big companies like capital one, chase, or bank of america make it pretty clear, but do your research before you take action.

11. Open an internet savings account

If you’re not a fan of dropping by the old brick and mortar bank, I recommend opening an online savings account. This is another easy way to make free money, as they typically offer much higher interest rates than chase and other big banks.

Most online savings accounts earn 1% or more, while the savings rates at big banks are more like 0.1%!

If your money is sitting in low-yield accounts, you’re literally losing money with inflation.

I’d recommend opening an online high-yield savings account so your money is working for you. It’s quick and easy to sign up and get the 1% – 2% APY.

CIT bank tends to offer a higher yield APY than your traditional local bank. To open an account you only need to meet their $100 minimum.

This method isn’t for everyone, but it’s a good way to get free money and help other people. In college and shortly after, I donated my plasma.

You can make $200 to $300 per month by donating your plasma. I will say that for me it ended when there was an issue with the needle and it got a little sketchy. But it is considered safe to donate plasma every few weeks.

Again, this method isn’t for everyone, as there are needles, blood, and pre-screening involved. Plus, it does take some time when you visit. But if you meet the requirements and don’t mind waiting while you donate, it can be a legit way to earn money.

13. Sell old clothes

Got a closet full of clothes that you never wear? Don’t let them clutter up your house. Start selling them for money! A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn the item in a year, sell it.

There are plenty of places to sell your clothes, including:

This is easy money for items that are sitting in your house collecting dust. Not only will you get free money, but you’ll have less clutter.

Each time I buy a new piece of clothing I make sure to donate or sell one or two pieces of old clothing. Give it a shot!

14. Sell old textbooks

Let’s get real, those college textbooks that helped put you in student loan debt aren’t going to get opened ever again after graduation.

Don’t let those textbooks just sit in your house taking up space. Sell your books to get money and start paying off that debt!

15. Download the nielsen app

You may have heard of nielsen. It’s the company behind TV ratings. Now it’s collecting data on the popularity of websites and online videos.

One of the ways it does so is by getting users like you to download the nielsen app. The company will give you $50 a year to keep the app on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. The app collects data on your internet usage to learn about trends.

While this sounds kind of big-brother-ish, nielsen says that it’s done with 100% anonymity. Plus, the app takes up barely any space and won’t slow down your devices.

16. Swagbucks

Swagbucks is one of the best-known GPT sites. It will pay you to watch videos, shop online, surf the internet and take surveys. It literally pays you to hang out and browse the internet.

You earn points that you can later cash in for a huge selection of gift cards. Or, if you don’t find any you like, you can always cash in your points for a paypal deposit.

Signing up is 100% free, and there are no membership fees or hidden terms. Plus they offer a great incentive for referrals of new customers. Use your android or apple device to get started.

17. Inboxdollars

Inboxdollars is similar to swagbucks. It will pay you for surfing the internet, taking surveys, completing questionnaires and watching videos.

It’s super easy to use inboxdollars. And you can make $20 or more each month without much effort. Once you sign up, you also get a $5 bonus, so it’s pretty much a no-brainer to get extra cash.

18. Mypoints

Mypoints is another website that will pay you points for performing online tasks. They include everything from shopping online, to taking surveys, to watching videos.

The main task they highlight, however, is shopping. In that way, the site operates a lot like rakuten.

Mypoints will give you points for these tasks, which you can later use to buy gift cards. For shopping, you can earn up to 25 points per dollar you spend. There’s a cash option as well.

Some of the gift card providers include best buy, amazon, CVS, starbucks and other specialty stores. There are restaurants, too, so this a great way to save money the next time you eat out. For example, chili’s gift cards start at just 1,650 points.

If you want to get cash via paypal, you’ll need to meet a higher threshold — roughly 4,500 points total. Signing up with mypoints is free and it’s another easy way to make money on the internet.

19. Find lost money

Your previous bank, landlord or a government agency may owe you money. You may be due a security deposit or refund, for example.

The business doesn’t get to keep your unclaimed property after an extended period. Instead, they report the money owed to the state government.

It’s free and only takes a few minutes to see if someone owes you money. You can search at unclaimed.Org. Your state may have an unclaimed property website too.

20. Child care assistance

Not every parent has the luxury of being able to work from home and relies on child care to work. Child care is expensive for most families but those with small incomes suffer more.

It’s possible to qualify for child care assistance. You will need to apply for aid from the state government. Aid programs vary by state.

21. Down payment assistance

States and select cities provide down payment assistance grants for qualifying first-time homebuyers. The grant money can also cover closing costs in many instances.

The program may cap the benefit at a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the home purchase price.

22. Food assistance programs

Food is another essential items. Getting food can skip the step of first receiving free money and buying groceries.

Going to a local food bank is one way to get free food when you’re family is hungry and cannot buy groceries. Another option is with the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP).

The elderly and households with a disabled person can qualify for additional benefits.

Another program benefit is SNAP education (SNAP-ed) that teaches healthy eating habits and cheap meal planning. Being able to save money is an indirect way to get free money.

23. Get free stock

Some free investing apps offer free stock shares to new members. These apps may require a minimum $100 initial deposit to get the free shares.

Each share can be be worth few dollars or, in some cases, over $100. Referring friends to invest can give you more free shares.

Webull has exciting promotions and gives aways stock shares worth between $2.50 and up to $1,600. This investing app has free stock and ETF trades. Its stock research tools are good too.

Another free investing app to consider is robinhood. New members can get one free share worth between $2.50 and $200. This app offers fractional investing at $5 for stocks and etfs which makes it easy to earn passive income with small amounts of money.

With either investing app, the free stock shares you get are random. You won’t know the worth until you open an account and choose to receive your free shares.

24. 401k matching contributions

If your employer has a 401k retirement plan, see if they offer matching contributions. When the answer is yes, consider investing enough each paycheck to earn the full match.

Your employer may match up to 6% of your annual salary, for instance. Earning the full match is like an instant pay raise.

You also have more incentive to save for retirement. The employer match can also mean you have to invest less of your income to meet your savings goals. You have more money to spend on upfront expenses, as a result.

Matching contributions are tax-deferred and do not count toward your annual contribution limit. In 2021, the annual contribution limits are $58,000 for those under age 50 and $64,500 if age 50 or older.

25. Sell old tech

You may have several old electronics at home that you will no longer use. These items can get a second life by selling them.

Some of the old electronics that sell for cash include:

  • Phones

  • Laptops

  • Tablets

  • Smartwatches

  • Video game systems

Decluttr provides an instant price quote for many small electronics. You get a free prepaid shipping label to mail your items. Your payment options include paypal and paper check.

If you want to avoid shipping your items and need money sooner, you can sell them locally. Ecoatm has instant buyback kiosks in many cities.

You can also try selling on facebook marketplace to get more money but must find a buyer,


As you can tell, there is no shortage of legit ways to get free money. Start using some of these methods today to earn more money to help with your personal finance goals such as paying off debt or enjoying some extra cash.

Start with the simple, mindless ones and work your way up to ones that require a little more time (which still isn’t much). Doing these little tasks might just change your finances or help you enjoy life a little more.

Which of these ways to get free money are you already using? Let us know on our social media accounts.

£10 free no deposit bonus – UK

These bonuses are only valid for new players, minimum 18+ of age, terms and conditions apply

Get £10 no deposit bonus as you sign up and register to any of the online casinos below. A £10 free bonus is an excellent way to try out a new casino or slot. Since the bonus are tied to a wagering requirement, it’s difficult to convert the bonus to withdrawable cash without a great portion of luck. Make sure you read the terms and conditions of the bonus at the casino.

For the time being there are no £10 bonuses, but instead, we show the best free spins bonuses and £5 bonuses.

List of no deposit casinos – january 2021

Bonuslands updated top list of casinos in the UK with no deposit bonuses. Get the chance to test a new casino or a new slot game without put your money at risk. Terms & conditions apply to every bonus offer, see the link by every offer. The offers are eligible for new players only with 18+ years of age.

Fun casino

  • 10% cashback always

  • New players only - 100% up to £123 bonus - max bet with bonus is £5 - no max cash out - wagering is 50x - skrill & neteller excluded - eligibility is restricted for suspected abuse - cashback is cash, so no wagering - cashback applies to deposit where no bonus is included.


  • £100 + 180 spins at 1st deposit

  • New customers only, spins and bonus wagering on age of the gods slot games only, wager 20x before withdrawing

888 casino

  • £88 no deposit!

  • 100% up to £100 deposit bonus

  • New players only, wagering requirements apply, gamble responsible

777 casino

  • Up to £200 free play at 1st deposit

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  • New players only, predefined bet amount of £0.25 per spin, free spins (FS) must be claimed within 48h of receiving the email and expires after 14 days, FS wins are capped at £20 bonus, exc. JP win

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Dunder casino

  • 100% up to £100 + 100 spins in bonus

  • Valid on first deposit only. Wagering on reload bonus: 60x. Wagering on bonus spins: 30x. Wagering must be completed within 30 days. Max bonus bet £5. Bonus is valid for a total of 21 days. Game weighting and standard bonus terms apply.

Trada casino

  • Deposit £10 get up to £50 match bonus

  • Wide variety of deposit options and fast cashouts

List of no deposit slots in UK

Bonuslands updated list of slots with no deposit bonus. Try a new slot game from any of the big casino software and use these free spins and free credits to evaluate the game. The bonus ranges from £5 no deposit to £88 no deposit.

£5 free no deposit bonus

Don’t miss the chance to try any of our free £5 slots bonuses. Sign-up and register to any of the below casinos and the £5 are yours to play with. The £5 is without any deposit required but wagering requirements apply and terms and conditions.

Monster casino

Theonline casino

  • £500+ 50 spins in welcome bonus

  • New customers only, +18, verification needed for UK players. No deposit, max bonus £5. Valid on: shamrock N roll, mayan marvels and candy swap. Wagering x100, max winnings capped at £20 T&C's apply.

Jackpot mobile casino


  • New players only, max. Conversions €/$/£20, only on shamrock 'n' roll, mayan marvels and candy swap, 100x wagering, age and address verified players only, T's & C's apply.

£10 no deposit slot bonus UK

Enjoy the freedom of a £10 free slot bonus and try your way around the casino. Test new games or have a couple of rounds on your favourite game. Right now there are no casinos offering $10 no deposit exclusively, but with 888 casino above and rizk casino below you can spin their bonus wheels and likely win more than that. No deposit required.

£20 free no deposit bonus

£20 no deposit is a rare bonus to get your hands on. But better up, we can present an extreemly generous bonus of £88 no deposit for all new players that join 888 casino.

888 casino – up to £88 no deposit

Try your luck at 888 casino and make a spin at the no deposit bonus wheel with bonuses ranging from £15 to £88. 888 is one of the oldest online casinos and can pride themselves to been online almost 20 years. Full stack of live casino and a wide selection of slots.

Go get the £88
the bonus is only valid for new players, minimum 18+ of age, terms and conditions apply!

Get the best no deposit slot bonus in the UK

We all like different kind of no deposit bonuses. Some of us appreciate free spins and others free money. Regardless of the bonus you will meet terms and conditions that might spoil the expectations. Therefore we we want to give you some directions on the road on how to secure the best no deposit bonus!

  1. Decide what kind of bonus your want!

  2. Visit us at bonusland or any other site having a collection of casino bonuses.

  3. Click on a couple of bonuses that seem to meet your demands.

  4. Open them up in different tabs in your browser so you can switch between them easy.

  5. Locate the bonus terms at each casino

  6. Begin with checking what games the bonus is valid at.

  7. Look at what betting limits are set for the bonus rounds.

  8. Notice if there are any winning cap set!

  9. What are the wagering requirements!

  10. Register for the one or the ones that meets your criterias!

New no deposit bonuses

The benefit of new no deposit bonuses are of the same kind as new casinos have its benefits. New casinos always have new technology and new selections of games from the most popular casino softwares. New casinos also have new ideas and more creativity in their product which gives you a more entertaining experience.

Free money no deposit

Could someone not say they enjoy some free money without deposit? The free money bonuses are the perfect way to try out a new casino or slot. The free money bonuses are better than free spins since there are no limitations of what slot games to play. Grab a free money bonus and enjoy!

Free chips no deposit

The free chips with no deposit is perfect to use for table games and live casino game play. Since usual free money bonuses not always apply to live casino games, the free chips are a welcome gift when you want to try a new live casino platform or live game. The free chips are exclusively for the dealer games and can not be used at online slot machines.

Free cash no deposit

The free cash bonus no deposit has the same character as the free money bonus. You use it to play slots preferably and have less limitations of what slot games to chose. The free cash bonuses can also be used on table games and therefore have their obvious advantage to free spins.

Free credits no deposit

The free credits are to be considered as a collective terms for all free bonuses you can get your hands on. Since credits are its own unit it could refer to what ever bonus, both free spins or the free money or the free chips. We are not listing specific bonuses as free credits of this reason so have a look at our other categories.

Free slots no deposit

To play slots for free with no deposit is always fun. Sometimes you win a nice amount of money and can practise your wagering skills. Se our guide on how to wager a casino bonus for more information if you are new to this phenomena. We are listing our free slots in the category no deposit slots.

Dunder casino – 20 extra spins + £600

Terms & conditions apply
dunder is one of the new really successful operators that grown fast globally with its transparent gambling focus. The straight forward concept is nice and the game selection is huge.
Claim bonus!

Casino.Com – 20 bonus spins + £400

Terms & conditions apply
casino.Com has an epic domain name and is close to an institution in the industry of live casino. They have players from all over the world and hosts countless games and live dealer opportunities.
Claim bonus!

Classic free money bonus

This type of bonus is when a player receives free money to play when they sign up to a casino. You’ve probably seen casinos advertising, “free 5 on sign up.” with a classic bonus, you will have a certain amount of money deposited into your account as soon as you sign up with the casino. As a player, there are no exceptions as to which games you can play using your classic bonus. Be it online roulette or slot machines the player has total freedom to do his bidding with the bonus money.

The classic no deposit bonus may be losing its popularity today, but this doesn’t mean that it has become obsolete. A few casino operators are using this promotion, and we are constantly on the lookout for them.

Free casino cash

As stated above most online casinos in the UK are offering free money in the form of no deposit bonus to help players get a feel for the site. The best thing about such offers is that players can get actual free money as they are allowed to keep the money they win. The free spins with no connected wagering requirements present a great way for players to access free money. However, these sites are rare and players will have to delve deeper into their research to find them and enjoy the free money on offer. Players should check carefully to ensure that the no deposit bonuses have no wagering requirements to enable them to withdraw their winnings through their chosen best paypal casino.

A number of casinos are embarking on a new trend where they have developed their own currency. Players earn this kind of money by being active and playing on the site. There are casinos that give players the chances of fulfilling certain assignments and missions when they want to earn some extra money. The extra money earned can be exchanged for free spins without wagering requirements to access free money.

Step-by-step guide to taking part in free bonus money promotions

  1. Look around bonusland for a promotion that stands out to you.

  2. Click the link to take you to the casino’s website.

  3. Go over the terms and conditions of the promotion before you start the signup process.

  4. Hit “register” or “create account” and fill in your personal details.

  5. If the terms and conditions stated that a bonus code is required or that you need to opt in, pay attention for the opportunity to do it.

  6. When you’ve completed the registration document, verify your email address by following the link in the email the casino should send to you.

  7. Revisit the casino and log in.

  8. Your bonus should be ready and waiting for you to take to an eligible game. Good luck!

Guide to signing up to free bonus money casinos

  1. First choose one of the many great free bonus money casinos listed at bonusland.

  2. Click the “play now” link next to the promotion. This will take you to the operator’s site.

  3. Read the terms and conditions thoroughly. This will prevent surprises or disappointment later.

  4. Click the “register”, “new account”, or similar link at the casino’s homepage.

  5. Fill in the registration document being mindful to opt in or enter a bonus code if needed.

  6. The operator should send you a link to follow to your email address. Doing so will verify that the address belongs to you.

  7. Back at the casino’s homepage, log in with your new account credentials.

  8. Your bonus should already be in your account. Load up an eligible game and start playing!

How to spot the most lucrative free bonus money promotions yourself

  1. Pay attention to how much bonus money is offered. Receiving more is obviously better!

  2. Compare wagering requirements. Bonuses that require less wagering are generally more lucrative.

  3. Look at which games contribute 100% towards wagering. Playing games with a large house edge will mean you are more likely to bust out.

  4. Maximum caps on winnings are very important. Bigger caps mean bigger potential wins.

  5. Pay attention to bonus validity. A bonus that’s valid for longer will mean you don’t have to rush wagering by upping your stakes.

Getting the most value from a free bonus money promotion

  1. Never play games that are limited in their contributions towards playthrough requirements. Winning at non-eligible games actually increases the amount you need to bet before you can withdraw!

  2. Choose the highest RTP game possible that contributes 100% towards wagering.

  3. Set the slot you’re using to the maximum win lines and lowest bet per line. This reduces variance meaning you’re less likely to bust out.

  4. Use the slot’s built in autoplay feature. You’ll need to speed up wagering if you’re betting minimum bets each time!

Who does bonusland recommend free bonus money offers to?

  • Players that want to sample unfamiliar casino operators without using their own money.

  • Those not wanting to bet their own money on a new game that they might not enjoy.

  • New gamblers who’d rather get a feel for the games without risking their bankroll.

  • Players who want to take a risk-free but slim chance of winning real cash prizes.

Is there somewhere I can keep up to date with the latest free bonus money offers?

  • Websites like bonusland are ideal for discovering the latest free bonus promotions.

  • Hearing from your friends who’re into igaming too.

  • Random popups online.

  • Checking at the casinos themselves.

Key features of free bonus money promotions:

  • Absolutely free. There is no obligation to deposit.

  • The casino awards players a fixed sum of bonus cash as a gift for signing up.

  • Free bonus money usually has harsh wagering requirements associated with its use.

  • Winnings are usually capped at a very low level.

  • The amount awarded as a free bonus is usually very low.

Why would a casino want to give players free bonus money?

  • Bonus money attracts new players.

  • The casino gains the email address of someone who’s obviously interested in gambling. They can market directly to them.

  • Players that are already familiar with a platform are likely to deposit with the casino in the future.

Why are bonusland’s recommendations trustworthy?

  • They’re made by a professional team with decades of collective experience in the igaming industry.

  • We only add those promotions offered at casinos with the most reputable licensing agreements.

  • We regularly review our listings, removing blacklisted casinos.

I’ve claimed my free bonus money, now which games should I wager it on?

  • Choose games that offer a low house edge.

  • Only choose games that contribute 100% to wagering requirements.

  • Low volatility titles will make for lower variance and a reduced chance of busting out.

  • Avoid progressive jackpots. If the most you can win from a promotion is £10/$10, actually winning the top prize would be pointless.

Why should you love free bonus money promotions?

  • Entirely risk-free. They do not require a deposit so you can’t lose any money!

  • They let you try out casino software without putting your own funds at risk.

  • Newer players can gain experience for free.

  • They offer a chance to win real money. It’s not a big chance but it’s zero risk.

What’s not so great about free bonus money promotions?

  • The amount of bonus money awarded is often very small.

  • The playthrough requirements will likely be stricter than those found on deposit bonuses.

  • Cash outs are usually heavily restricted.

What is free bonus money?

Free bonus money is a form of promotion run by online casinos. Eligible players claiming the bonus will receive a fixed amount of bonus cash without the need for a deposit. Players can only withdraw real cash, not bonus cash. Therefore, the bonus money needs betting a fixed number of times on certain games before it turns into real money.

Where’s the best place to check out the latest free bonus money promotions?

This site you’re on right now features ever-changing listings of free bonus money promotions. Our team tests all our selections before we recommend them. There are other places to look for promotions too. You’ll find them in the promotions section of online casinos, for example.

What appeals to players about free bonus cash at casinos?

Since claiming free bonus cash doesn’t require a deposit, it represents an entirely risk-free shot at a real cash prize. Casinos don’t give out many bonuses where there is zero chance of losing any money. So, you should take advantage!

Free bonus cash also gives new players the opportunity to experience online casinos without spending their own cash and more experienced players use it to check out new operators too.

How do you tell a great free bonus cash promotion from a not so good one?

Look at the wagering requirements and eligible games. The promotion with the lowest number of rollovers required and the highest RTP games contributing 100% to wagering will be more lucrative.

Why do casinos use wagering requirements?

If casinos didn’t attach wagering terms and conditions to their promotions, they’d go out of business very quickly. There would be nothing to stop people just signing up and withdrawing free bonus cash.

Can I claim free bonus cash twice from the same casino?

No. The terms and conditions of the bonus will stipulate that the bonus funds are one per individual/address/IP address. There’s nothing from stopping you from signing up to loads of different casinos offering similar promotions though!

Can I win a progressive jackpot with free bonus cash?

Yes, technically you can drop a massive progressive jackpot using free bonus cash. The problem is that firstly, the wagering requirements on such a win would be astronomical. Secondly, the maximum cap on winnings common on these promotions would mean you wouldn’t be able to withdraw anything close to the full amount. It’s best to avoid progressive jackpot games with such bonuses.

Can anyone use a free bonus cash promotion?

No. Some people will be excluded from promotions. This might be based on their geographical location or the fact that they’re not be a new player or have used the promotion once before.

How much can I win when using free bonus cash?

Different casinos set different maximum cash out limits. These will typically be much smaller than the caps associated with deposit bonuses. Any winnings exceeding the maximum cash out when the player finishes wagering will be forfeited to the casino.

How long do I get to use my bonus funds?

Again, this is up to the casino. All bonuses will have an expiry date. It might be just a few hours from when the player first claimed it or it could be weeks in the future. Any bonus funds will be surrendered to the casino at the expiry date.

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